NorthShore Slavery


_____, Tobia, of Malden, and Zeporah, at Malden, Dec. 18, 1729.*

_____, Zeporah, and Tobia, of Malden, at Malden, Dec. 18, 1729.*

_____, Mary, servant to Nathan Breed, and Sharppo, servant to Samuel Carter of Salem, int. Jan. 27, 1739-40.

_____, Sharppo, servant to Samuel Carter of Salem, and Mary, servant to Nathan Breed, int. Jan. 27, 1739-40.

_____, Bristo, "servant to John Burrige," and Mary, "servant to Nathan Breed," int. May 4, 1740.

_____, Mary, "servant to Nathan Breed," and Bristo, "servant to John Burriage," int. May 4, 1740.

_____, Cate, and Jupiter, Aug. 8, 1744.*

_____, Jupiter, and Cate, Aug. 8, 1744.*

_____, Moode, and Seasar, int. Jan. 26, 1745-6.

_____, Seasar, and Moode, int. Jan. 26, 1745-6.

_____, Phylis [Phebe. int.], "servant to John Swain," and Pompy," servant to Daniel Mansfield," at Reading, Dec. 5, 1745.*

_____, Pompy, "servant to Daniell Mansfield," and Phylis [Phebe. int.], "servant to John Swain," at Reading, Dec. 5, 1745.*

_____, Amos, of Woburn, and Pegy, int. Mar. 22, 1746-7.

_____, Pegy, and Amos of Woburn, int. Mar. 22, 1746-7.

GEORGE, Mary [a Stranger Indian or Negrow. int.] and Simond [Simon, belonging to Joshua Chever. int.] Mar. 11, 1750-51. [Mar. 12. CR3]

_____, Simond [Simon, belonging to Joshua Chever. int.], and Mary George [a Stranger Indian or Negrow. int.], Mar. 11, 1750-51. [Mar. 12. CR3]*

_____, Bristo, "Belonging to decon John Burriage," and Floro, "Belonging to Timothy Lindall, Esq., of Salem," int. Oct. 27, 1751.

_____, Floro, "Belonging to Timothy Lindall, Esq. of Salem," and Bristo, "Belonging to decon John Burriage," int. Oct. 27, 1751.

_____, Betty, and Titus, belonging to Capt. Barnes of Salem, Sept. 17, 1755. CR3

_____, Titus, belonging to Capt. Barnes of Salem, and Betty, Sept. 17, 1755. CR3

_____, Jenny, of Malden, and Peter Perkins at Malden, Nov. 19, 1755.

PERKINS, Peter, and Jenny, of Malden, at Malden, Nov. 19, 1755.

_____, Prince, belonging to Zaccheus Collins, and Venus, belonging to Joseph Gould, int. Aug. 28, 1757.

_____, Venus, belonging to Joseph Gould, and Prince, belonging to Zaccheus Collins, int. Aug. 28, 1757.

_____, Jane, "last belonging to Deacon Chever," and Reading, July 7, 1760. CR3*

_____, Priscilla, and Tom, int. July 5, 1761.

_____, Tom, and Priscilla, int. July 5, 1761.

_____, Meriam, belonging to Capt. Dedmon of Salem, and Prince, belonging to Zacheus Collins, int. Aug. 2, 1761.

_____, Prince, belonging to Zaccheus Collins, and Meriam, belonging to Capt. Dedmon of Salem, int. Aug. 2, 1761.

_____, Hannable, "Belonging to Dea. John Lewis," and Phebe, "Belonging to Samll Hawkes," Dec. 3, 1761.*

_____, Phebe, "Belonging to Samll Hawkes," and Hannable, "Belonging to Dea. John Lewis," Dec. 3, 1761.

GIGER, Nicodemus, and Jane Nimery of Sudbury, int. Feb. 26, 1764.

NIMERY, Jane, of Sudbury, and Nicodemus Giger, int. Feb. 26, 1764.

_____, Juniper, and Violet of Malden, at Malden, Dec. 26, 1765.

_____, Violet, of Malden, and Juniper, at Malden, Dec. 26, 1765.

_____, Adam, servant of Samuel Johnson, and Dinah, servant of Ralph Lindsey, Feb. 20, 1766.*

_____, Dinah, servant to Ralph Lindsey, and Adam, servant of Samuel Johnson, Feb. 20, 1766.*

_____, Reading, and Jane, "last belonging to Deacon Cheever," July 7, 1768. CR3*

_____, Dille, belonging to Thomas Eaton of Reading, and Primas, belonging to John Pool, int. Oct. 1, 1769.

_____, Primas, belonging to John Pool, and Dille, belonging to Thomas Eaton of Reading, int. Oct. 1, 1769.

THOMAS, Peter ["a free Negro man, a Stranger, now Resident, as he says, at Col. Jacob Fowls." int.], and Levinea Trevit ["a molato garl Brought up at Joseph Downings," int.], Jan. 17, 1771.*

TREVIT, Levinea ["a molato garl Brought up at Joseph Downings. int.], and Peter Thomas ["a free Negro man, a Stranger, now Resident, as he says, at Col. Jacob Fowls," int.], Jan. 17, 1771.*

_____, Billah [Emerson, belonging to, wid. Emerson of Malden. int.], and Samson [Basset, formerly belonging to John Basset. int.], Aug. 8, 1776.*

_____, Samson [Basset, formerly belonging to John Basset. int.], and Billah [Emerson, belonging to, wid. Emerson, of Malden. int.], Aug. 8, 1776.*

BREED, Sharper, and Phillis Lambert of Reading, at Reading, Nov. 26, 1778.

LAMBERT, Phillis, of Reading, and Sharper Breed, at Reading, Nov. 26, 1778.

MOORE, Jonathan, and Nancy Phillips, Jan. 3, 1800. CR5

PHILLIPS, Nancy, and Jonathan Moore, Jan. 3, 1800. CR5

BASSET, John, resident of Lynn, and Mrs. Lovey Sawyer of Newbury, int. Feb. 16, 1806.

SAWYER, Lovey, Mrs., of Newbury, and John Basset, resident of Lynn, int. Feb. 16, 1806.

FREEMAN, Nancy H.B. [Mrs. PR53], and Hannible Lewis, Nov. 15, 1818.

LEWIS, Hannible, and [Mrs. PR53] Nancy H.B. Freeman, Nov. 15, 1818.

GREY, Mary Jane, and Henry Johnson, Apr. 17, 1841.*

JOHNSON, Henry, and Mary Jane Grey, Apr. 17, 1841.*