NorthShore Slavery


_____, Marcah, "an indian woman servant," May 7, 1736.


_____, _____, "a black child belonging to Mrs. Payson," Nov. --, 1735.

_____, _____, Mr. Dumer's mulatto girl, Aug. 15, 1736. PR1

_____, _____, "a negro child belonging to Mr. Osborn," Sept. --, 1740.

_____, _____, negro woman belonging to Job Tyler, Dec. 1, 1741, a. abt. 63 y. PR2

_____, _____, ch. Lettice, "a negroe Infant," Feb. --, 1749.

_____, _____, "Thomas Gage's Negroe woman," Mar. 31, 1750.

_____, _____, "Thomas Gage's Negroe child," Apr. 17, 1751.

_____, _____, inf. ch. Lot and Ruth, Aug. 17, 1753.

_____, _____, inf. ch. negro, belonging to Ct. Jedediah Kilbourn, --- --, 1755. PR2

_____, _____, inf. ch. Lettice, May 12, 1759.

_____, _____, "a Negroe Babe of Paul Jewett's," Oct. 29, 1765.

_____, _____, ch, Cesar and Cloe, free negroes, Mar. 4, 1771, a. 4 d. CR2

_____, _____, ch. Dinah, servant maid of Benjamin Adams, Aug. 1, 1774, a. abt. 1 1/2 y. CR2

_____, Bristol, "Paul Jewett's negroeman," Apr. 22, 1768.

_____, Caesar, ch. Lot, Mar. 10, 1755.

_____, Cesar, servant of Mrs. Stephen Mighill, May 1, 1765, in his 22d y. CR2

_____, Sezor, "the wid. Hobson's negro, ", a pauper, Apr. 24, 1777.

_____, Candace, a negro woman, w. Cesar, servant of Lt. Dole, Dec. 16, 1760, a. abt. 20 y. PR2

_____, Cato, "Major Gage's Negroe-man," Mar. 14, 1757.

_____, Dinah, "Mr. Bradstreet's negroe woman's child," Nov. 23, 1748.

_____, Fellis, negro belonging to Stephen Mighill, June 17, 1743, a. 13 m. PR2

_____, Jane, "a negroe-woman," Apr. 25, 1768.

_____, Lettice [quite aged. pauper. CR1], Nov. 27, 1800.

_____, Lot, "a negroe-man servant," June 18, 1757.

_____, Pomp, a negro servant of Jonathan Herriman, Sept. 26, 1756, a. 10 y. PR2

_____, Rose, "Mr. Pickard's negroe girl," Aug. 15, 1753.

_____, Ryal, "Brother Jacob's Servant Boy," May 17, 1736.

_____, Simeon, [a man of colour. CR1], a pauper, Nov. 30, 1821.

_____, Sippo, "Eliphalet Jewett's negro," Oct. 22, 1778.

_____, Will, "My Negro man," Nov. 4, 1748.

FAIRWEATHER, Abraham, strangury, Aug. 5, 1838. CR1

FIELDS, Eliza, at almshouse, Mar. 5, 1824, a. 2 y.

FREEMAN, Ruth [quite aged, pauper. CR1], Nov. 7, 1800.

PAUL, Delia, "a black unmarried woman," July --, 1799. CR2

PLATTS, Scipio, consumption, Dec. 13, 1809, a. 80 y. CR1

WOOD, Frank, "a stranger, a mulatto girl (sic) that had been brought up at ye house of Thomas Wood, deceased, called by serveral other names," Dec. 29, 1767. CR2


_____, w. Capt. Thomas, Mar. 23, 1801, a. 70. CR1

_____, _____ , at Mr. Moody's, drinking cold water, July 11, 1818. PR32

_____, _____, "a hired man of Isaac Pickard's", of extreme heat, July 9, 1834, a. 24 y. TC

_____, _____, "a lady from the East," at Mr. J.F. Jamin's, suddenly, Oct. 16, 1847. CR1

_____, _____, inf. grand ch. Mrs. Cummins, Apr. 14, 1849. CR1

_____, George M., s. Hiram G. and Rhoda, June 15, 1847, a. 3 w. GR1

_____, John, Dec. 23, 1824. CR2

_____, Noyes, unm, Oct. 5, 1835, a. 80 1/2 y. TC