NorthShore Slavery


_____, Tony, servant to Daniel Noyce of Newbury, and Mary, servant to Rev. [Jedediah. int.] Jewett, Dec. 19, 1740.

_____, Bilhah, and Scipio, both servants to John Orsborn, May 14, 1747.*

_____, Bristoll, a negro servant to Rev. _____ Payson, and Jane, servant to Mrs. Hannah Crumtton of Ipswich, int. Mar. 6, 1730.

_____, Ceser [Seasar. int.], servant to [Rev. int.] _____ Emerson of Topsfield, and Sibbey, servant to Mrs. [Elizabeth. int.] Payson, May 21, 1736.

_____, Cesar, a servant to Edmund Dole, and Tamer, a servant to Henry Abbot of Andover, int. July 9, 1766.

_____, Cato, and Margreet, both servants to Thomas Gage, Jan. 1, 1750.*

_____, Jane, servant to Mrs. Hannah Crumtton of Ipswich, and Bristoll, a negro servant to Rev. _____ Payson, int. Mar. 6, 1730.

_____, Juno, servant to Mrs. Dorithy Dummer, and Will, servant to John Northend, July 8, 1745.

_____, Lettis, servant to George Hibert, and Nero, servant to Rev. _____ Batchilder of Haverhill, Nov. 21, 1745.*

_____, Margreet, and Cato, both servants to Thomas Gage, Jan. 1, 1750.*

_____, Mary, servant to Rev. [Jedediah. int.] Jewett, and Tony, servant to Daniel Noyce of Newbury, Dec. 19, 1740.

_____, Nancy, servant to Mr. Sweasey of Ipswich, and Scipio, servant to Eliphalet Jewett, int. Oct. 7, 1758.

_____, Nero, servant to Rev. _____ Batchilder of Haverhill, and Lettis, servant to George Hibert, Nov. 21, 1745.*

_____, Ruth, negro servant to Moses Bradstreet of Ipswich, and Scipio, negro servant to [Mrs. int.] Mary Platts, Oct. 27, 1768.

_____, Scipio, and Bilhah, both servants to John Orsborn, May 14, 1747.*

_____, Scipio, servant to Eliphalet Jewett, and Nancy, servant to Mr. Sweasey of Ipswich, int. Oct. 7, 1758.

_____, Scipio, negro servant to [Mrs. int.] Mary Platts, and Ruth, negro servant to Moses Bradstreet of Ipswich, Oct. 27, 1768.

_____, Sibbey, servant to Mrs. [Elizabeth. int.] Payson, and Ceser [Seaser. int.], servant to [Rev. int.] _____ Emerson of Topsfield, May 21, 1736.

_____, Tamer, servant to Henry Abbot of Andover, and Cesar, servant to Edmund Dole.

_____, Will, servant to John Northend, and Juno, servant to Mrs. Dorithy Dummer, July 8, 1745.

BRYANT, Thomas, and Betsey Fuller, July 24, 1804.*

CHANDLER, Philis, and Cicero Green of Newburyport, Mar. 11, 1783.

FIELDS, Charles, of Londonderry, NH, and Eliza Freeman, Dec. 20, 1821.

FREEMAN, Eliza, and Charles Fields of Londonderry, NH, Dec. 20, 1821.

FULLER, Betsey, and Thomas Bryant, July 24, 1804.*

GREEN, Cicero, of Newburyport, and Philis Chandler, Mar. 11, 1783.


_____, _____, of Newbury, and Samuel Tennee, int. May 13, 1738.

_____, _____, and Moses Jewett, May 13, 1741. PR27*

_____, _____, and Jonathan Jewett, Oct. 21, 1807. PR27*

_____, Abygall, and Joseph Joanes of Stratham, int. Mar. 4, 172-.

_____, Abigall, and John Noyce of Haverhill, June 11, 1741.*

_____, Alice, and Richard Clarke, --: 6m: 1643.*

_____, Alce, and Richard Holmes, 23: 6m: 1647.*

_____, An, and Robert Haselton, 23: 10m: 1639.*

_____, Ann, and Thomas Palmer, --: 6m: 1643.*

_____, Ann, and John Trumble, --: 6m: 1650.*

_____, Ann, and Thomas Wood, 7: 4m: 1654.*

_____, Ednah, and Ezekiell Northend, 1: 10m: 1648.*

_____, Eliza, and Cutler Weston, Aug. 31, 1824. PR17*

_____, Hannah, and Edward Hassen, --: 1m: 1650.*

_____, Hannah, and Samuell Brockelbanke, 18: 3m: 1652.*

_____, Jullian, and Samuell Stickney, 18: 2m: 1653.*

_____, Margaret, and John Palmar, 14: 5m: 1650.*

_____, Mary, and William Law, 3: 7m: 1645.*

_____, Mary, and Charles Browne, 14: 8m: 1647.*

_____, Mary, and Richard Lighton, Nov. 14, 1650.*

_____, Mary [Probably Mary Sinclair of Exeter, NH], and Jonathan Wheeler, Mar. 15, 1683.*

_____, Mary, of Attleboro, and Samuel Wood, int. Feb. --, 1744.

_____, Mehitabell, and Samuel Weston, Apr. 15, 1787. PR17*

_____, Ruth, and John Palmar, 17: 7m: 1645.*

_____, Sarah, and Andrew [Twiseler. different ink.], 7: 4m: 1654.*