NorthShore Slavery

OAKE (Oakes)

Elizabeth, d. George, Jan. 15, 1674. CR7

George, s. George, "last of" Apr., 1661. CR7

John, s. George, --- --, 1664. CR7

Mary, d. George, Oct. 14, 1667. CR7

Richard, s. George, Dec. --, 1669. CR7

Sarath, d. George, Mar. 14, 1672. CR7

OAKES (Oake, Oaks)

Frances Ann, d. Thomas, bp. June 13, 1822. CR11

Grace (w. Samuel B. Graves), Aug. 23, 1787. PR235

Jemima Caroline, d. Thomas, bp. June 13, 1822. CR11

Sarah Phippen, d. Joshua and Ruth, Feb. 10, 1808. CR4

Thomas, s. Thomas, bp. June 13, 1822. CR11


_____, s. J., bp. Apr. --, 1788. CR12

_____, ch. _____, bp. Sept. 21, 1794. CR12

Betsy, d. _____, bp. Aug. 1, 1790. CR12

Isaac and Rebeckah, bp. May 18, 1746. CR5

John, s. Samuel and Rebecca, bp. May 27, 1739. CR1

John, s. _____, bp. Mar. 7, 1792. CR12

Nancy, d. _____, bp. Apr. 16, 1797. CR12

Rebecca, d. Samuel, bp. Apr. 21, 1745. CR1

Samuel, s. Samuel and Rebecca, bp. July 2, 1738. CR1

Sarah, d. Samuel and Rebecca, bp. July 26, 1741. CR1

OBER (Obear)

_____, s. Andrew and Sarah, July 19, 1845. GR9

Abigail, d. Israel, bp. Aug. 7, 1757. CR11

Israel, s. Israel, bp. June 6, 1756. CR11

James Levette, s. Israel, bp. May 25, 1760. CR11

Johanna, d. Israel, bp. Jan. 27, 1754. CR11

Jonathan, s. Israel, bp. Nov. 14, 1762. CR11

O'BRIAN (O'Brien)

Diana, d. James and Mary, Apr. 1, 1849.

O'BRIEN (O'Brian, O'Brine, O'Bryan)

Catherine, d. William and Judith Deasy, Nov. 17, 1842. CR14

Catherine Jane, d. James and Anne Long, May 23, 1843. CR14

Catherine, d. John and Catherine Smith, July 24, 1845. CR14

Edmand, s. Patrick and Mary, May 22, 1828. CR14

Edward, s. Edward and Lucy Ann Halloran, Aug. 13, 1842. CR14

Edward, s. Patrick and Catherine, bp. Oct. 15, 1848, a. 4 w. CR14

Ellen, d. James and Mary, Feb. 2, 1847. CR14

Ellen, d. Thomas and Catherine, Mar. 19, 1847. CR14

John, s. John and Catherine, Dec. 18, 1843. CR14

John, s. Denis and Catherine Bradly, bp. July 6, 1848, a. 3 m. CR14

John, s. John and Bridget, bp. May 27, 1849, a. 2 w. CR14

Marguerite Ann, d. John and Bridget Gill, bp. Aug. 18, 1844, a. 1 w. CR14

Mary Jane, d. John and Bridget Gill, Apr. 22, 1843. CR14

Mary, d. James and Mary O'Neill, June 19, 1843. CR14

Mary Eliza, d. Michael and Mary Barnacle, Mar. 15, 1845. CR14

O'BRYAN (O'Brien)

James, s. John [and Catherine. CR14], Jan. --, 1848. [Feb. 5. CR14]

Sarah, d. John, laborer, [and Catherine Rafter. CR14], Sept. --, 1845. [7 br. 30. CR14]

O'CONNER (Conner, Conners, Connor, O'Connor)

Honora, d. Thomas and Mary, bp. Oct. 25, 1846, a. 1 w. CR14

John, s. Thomas and Mary, bp. Nov. 27, 1847, a. 2 w. CR14

William, s. Thomas and Mary, bp. July 17, 1849, a. 1 w. CR14

ODEL (Odell)

Lois, d. Samuel and Lois, bp. July 26, 1772. CR5

Thomas, s. Samuel and Lois, bp. June 3, 1770. CR5

ODELL (Odel, Odill, Odle, Owdell)

Benjamin, s. James and Sally, Oct. 12, 1800.

Charles, Oct. 26, 1838. GR9

Elizabeth, d. James and Sally, July 26, 1795.

George H., s. David and Sarah, Oct. 25, 1848 [Oct. 16. PR544]

James, s. James and Mary (Parnell), Aug. 14, 1731.

James, s. James and Mary (Parnell), Apr. 20, 1740.

James, s. James, bp. Mar. 21, 1762. CR1

James, s. James and Sally, Feb. 12, 1790.

Julia Frances, w. Charles, Apr. 3, 1842. GR9

Laura C. (Pope), Oct. 21, 1832. PR544

Sally, d. James and Sally (Very), Oct. 8, 1785.

Thomas Fry, s. James and Sally, Oct. 9, 1792.

ODLE (Odell)

_____, ch. William, bp. June 13, 1741. CR1

Samuel, s. William and Margeret, bp. Oct. 12, 1746. CR5

Samuel, s. Samuel and Lydia, bp. Aug. 9, 1801. CR4


Samuel, s. Elisha sr., trader, Nov. --, 1845.

O'DONNEL (O'Donnell)

Ann, d. John and Ellen Murphy, Dec. 15, 1836. CR14

Catharine, d. James and Sarah, Nov. --, 1838. CR14

Cornelious M., s. Cornelious and Mary Murphy, Oct. 2, 1838. CR14

Elizabeth, d. Cornelius and Sarah Murphy, Dec. 14, 1833. CR14

Ellen, d. Cornelious and Mary, Aug. 8, 1835. CR14

James, s. Daniel and Margret, Dec. 27, 1839. CR14

Margaret, d. Daniel and Margaret Clohessy, bp. Newburyport, b. July 5, 1831. CR14

Margaret, d. Cornelius and Sarah Murphy, Oct. 24, 1832. CR14

William, s. Daniel and Margaret Cloghesey, bp. at Newburyport, b. Mar. 28, 1834. CR14

O'DONNELL (O'Donall, O'Donnel)

Ann, d. Daniel, laborer, Feb. --, 1846.

Mary, d. Cornelius and Mary, June 5, 1828. CR14

Mary Anne, d. Daniel and Mary Tuite, Aug. 22, 1842. CR14

Owen, s. Owen and Nancy, Apr. 7, 1849. CR14


John, s. Nathan and Rachel, bp. Nov. 12, 1769. CR5

Nathan, s. Nathan and Rachel, bp. Dec. 24, 1769. CR5

Rachel, d. Nathan and Rachel, bp. Nov. 12, 1769. CR5

O'FLAHARTY (O'Flaherty)

Hugh, s. Patrick [and Catherine. CR14], Dec. --, 1847.

John, s. Hugh, Feb. --, 1848.

John, s. John, Feb. --, 1848.

O'FLAHERTY (Faherty, Flaherty, O'Flaharty)

Thomas, s. Patrick, laborer, b. Ireland, and Catherine, Aug. 19, 1849.


Maria, d. Stephen, b. Ireland, and Jane, Nov. 10, 1849.

O'HARREN (Herron)

Margaret, d. Michael, b. Ireland, and Joana, July 18, 1849.

O'HERRON (Herron)

Joanah, d. David, July --, 1847.

O'KEIF (O'Keefe)

Catherine [Keefe. CR14], d. Patrick, laborer [and Mary. CR14], May --, 1847 [May 14. CR14]

OLDSON (Olston)

Edwin, s. Francis, Mar. --, 1847.

O'LEARY (Leary)

Ann, d. Daniel and Jane Cavanagh, bp. at Newburyport, b. Feb. 15, 1830. CR14

Daniel, s. Michael and Mary, Apr. 28, 1849. CR14

Elizabeth, d. Daniel and Jane Cavanagh, Aug. 2, 1833. CR14

James, s. James and Ellen, at Lynn, Dec. 16, 1836. CR14

Jeremiah Arthur, s. Timothy and Hannah Freeman, bp. Aug. 24, 1845. CR14

John, s. Timothy and Hannah, Nov. 24, 1841. CR14

John Timothy, s. John and Alice, Sept. 9, 1849. CR14

Margaret, d. Dennis and Ann, bp. July 29, 1849. CR14


_____, ch. _____, Nov. 27, 1761. PR79

_____, d. S., Dec. 19, 1781. PR84

_____, s. _____, bp. Sept. 21, 1788. PR84

Andrew, s. Andrew, jr., bp. Nov. 29, 1761. CR1

Andrew, s. Andrew and Mary, Sept. 11, 1763. PR46

Ann or Nancy, Feb. 2, 1781. PR545

Christian, d. Thomas and Bridgett, May 8, 1667. CTR

Daniel, s. Andrew and Mary, Aug. 22, 1765. PR83

Daniel, s. _____, bp. at Marblehead, Sept. 16, 1787. PR84

Edward [s. Hubbard and Rebecca. CR5], Feb. 22, 1777. PR545

Ellen Wendell [Kemble. CR12], d. Henry Kemble and Sally (Cook), Oct. 7, 1842.

Emily Kemble, d. Henry Kemble and Sally (Cook), Mar. 25, 1835.

Fitch Edward, s. Daniel and Mary, bp. Apr. 29, 1820, a. 5 m. CR11

Frederick, s. Frederick, mariner, Mar. --, 1846.

Gamalial Wallis [s. Hubbard and Rebecca. CR5], Feb. 14, 1772. PR545

Henry, Apr. 25, 1793. GR8

Henry Kemble, at North Beverly, Nov. 24, 1800.

Henry Kemble, s. Henry Kemble and Sally (Cook), Oct. 26, 1829.

Hubbard [s. Hubbard and Rebecca. CR5], Jan. 14, 1771. PR545

Jacob, s. Jacob and Annis, bp. Apr. 25, 1736. CR1

Jacob, s. Jacob and Abigail, bp. Mar. 4, 1764. CR5

John Wait, s. Hubbard and Rebecca, bp. Dec. 20, 1778. CR5

John Whitford, s. William and Rebecca, bp. July 10, 1801. CR4

Lydia B. Draper, --- --, 1828. GR9

Maria Kemble, d. Henry Kemble and Sally (Cook), Oct. 26, 1831.

Mary, d. Jacob and Abigail, bp. Mar. 4, 1764. CR5

Mary Lynde, d. Fitch, bp. Feb. 25, 1782. CR11

Mary Foot, d. William and Rebecca, bp. July 10, 1801. CR4

Mary Foot, d. William and Rebecca, bp. July 25, 1802. CR4

Mary Evans, d. Henry Kemble and Sally (Cook), Aug. 6, 1838

Matthias Jacobs, s. William and Rebecca, bp. Feb. 24, 1805. CR4

Peter, s. Andrew and Mary, Oct. 11, 1767. PR83

Rebecca [d. Hubbard and Rebecka. CR5], Mar. 27, 1774. PR545

Rebecca, d. William and Rebecca, bp. Sept. 16, 1792. CR4

Rebecca, d. William and Rebecca, bp. Sept. 18, 1796. CR4

Samuel Cook, s. Henry Kemble and Sally (Cook), June 10, 1826.

Sarah, d. Jacob and Annis, bp. Feb. 24, 1733-4. CR1

Sarah Swanton [d. Hubbard and Rebecca. CR5], Jan. 4, 1783. PR545

Sarah Elizabeth, d. Henry Kemble and Sally (Cook), Mar. 25, 1828. [Mar. 23. CR12]

Susannah, d. Jacob and Abigail, bp. Apr. 8, 1764. CR5

Thomas Fitch, s. Thomas Fitch, bp. Sept. 8, 1778. CR11

Thomas Fitch, s. Thomas Fitch, bp. Oct. 3, 1779. CR11

Thomas Fitch, s. Thomas Fitch, bp. Feb. 25, 1782. CR11

Thomas Henry, s. Daniel and Elisabeth, bp. Mar. 26, 1801. CR6

William Wait, Dec. 10, 1778. PR545

William, s. William and Rebecca, bp. Aug. 22, 1790. CR4

William, s. William and Rebeccah, bp. Dec. 14, 1794. CR4

O'NEIL (O'Neal)

Eugene, s. Mathew and Frances Maria, Jan. 26, 1828. CR14

Patrick William, s. Mathew and Francis Maria Berminghim, Oct. 5, 1834. CR14

ORDWAY (Orday)

Aaron Lucius, s. Aaron and Catharine, bp. July 28, 1822. CR6

Benjamin Henry, s. Aaron and Catharine, bp. June 13, 1819. CR6

Caroline Pond, d. Aaron and Catharine, bp. Oct. 1, 1820. CR6

John Pond, s. Aaron and Catharine, bp. Aug. 1, 1824. CR6

Joseph Cutler Pond, s. Aaron, July 22, 1832. CR6

Mary Caroline Pond, d. Aaron, bp. July 18, 1828. CR6

O'REILLY (Riley)

Lucee, d. Edward and Lucee, Aug. 9, 1841. CR14

Mary Ellen, d. Edward and Lucy, May 14, 1838. CR14

ORMES (Orms)

Benjamin, s. twin, John and Mary, July 14, 1665. CTR

Edonie, d. John and Mary, June 1, 1668. CTR

Elizabeth, d. John and Mary, 24: 10m: 1660. CTR

James, s. John and Mary, July 14, 1670. CTR

John, s. John and Mary, 28: 9m: 1658. CTR

John, s. John and Ann, Mar. 15, 1686-7. CTR

Jonathan, s. twin, John and Mary, July 14, 1665. CTR

Joseph, s. John and Mary, Mar. 15, 1663. CTR

Mary, d. John and Mary, 26: 8m: 1656. CTR


_____, d. Capt. Jonathan, bp. Apr. 20, 1759. CR1

_____, ch. _____, Sept. 23, 1772. PR79

_____, ch. _____, May 17, 1778. PR84

_____, ch. F., Sept. 29, 1780. PR79

Alice, d. Capt. Josiah, bp. Apr. 23, 1769. CR1

Alice, d. Josiah, bp. June 11, 1797. CR1

Anna, d. Capt. Josiah, bp. Aug. 6, 1758. CR1

Anna, d. Josiah and Mary, bp. Sept. 7, 1788. CR1

Ann Fiske, d. Richard P. and Ann F., bp. Dec. 12, 1832. CR4

Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Elizabeth, bp. Mar. 13, 1742-3. CR1

Catherine Sewell Pynchon [d. wid. Elizabeth. CR11], Sept. --, 1780. GR9

Charles Henry, s. Capt. William and Abigail (Ropes), d. Judge, Apr. 1, 1789. PR483

David, s. John and Naomy, Mar. 13, 1698. CTR

Edward, s. Josiah and Alice, bp. Apr. 24, 1791. CR4

Edward Josiah, s. Richard E. and Ann F., bp. Sept. 5, 1847. CR4

Eliza, d. Capt. William and Abigail (Ropes), d. Judge, May 10, 1784. PR483

Elisabeth, d. Jonathan, bp. Sept. 29, 1754. CR1

Elizabeth [Ropes. CR1], d. Joseph and Sally F. (Ropes), Feb. 27, 1818. PR483 [Feb. 24. PR79]

Elizabeth Putnam, d. Richard P. and Ann F., bp. May 30, 1824. CR4

Esher, d. Timothy and Lois (Pickering), Jan. 18, 1714-15.

Esther, d. Timothy, jr. and Rebecca (Taylor), Apr. 13, 1758. PR184

Eunice, d. Timothy and Lois (Pickering), Jan. 9, 1725.

Eunice, d. Timothy, jr. and Rebecca (Taylor), Mar. 31, 1760. PR184

Eunice, 2d, d. Timothy, jr. and Rebecca (Taylor), July 4, 1765. PR184

Eunice, d. Capt. Jonathan, bp. July 2, 1769. CR1

George, s. _____, bp. May 16, 1762. CR11

George, s. William and Abigail, bp. Sept. 7, 1782. CR1

George, s. Josiah and Alice, bp. Jan. 25, 1801. CR1

Harriet Allen, d. Richard P. and Ann F., bp. June 4, 1837. CR4

Henry Augustus, s. Josiah and Alice, bp. Feb. 5, 1804. CR1

Henry Augustus, s. Edward, bp. Oct. 19, 1823. CR12

Isaac, s. Josiah, bp. May 16, 1784. CR1

John, s. Timothy and Lois (Pickering), June 16, 1731.

John, s. Joseph, bp. Oct. --, 1779. CR1

John, s. John and Sarah, bp. Sept. 2, 1781. CR1

Jonathan, s. John and Naomy, Nov. 22, 1693. CTR

Joseph, s. Dr. Joseph, bp. June 14, 1778. CR1

Joseph, s. Jonathan, June 14, 1794. PR57

Joseph, s. William and Abigail (Ropes), d. Judge, Jan. 31, 1796. PR483

Joshua, s. John and Sarah, bp. June 8, 1783. CR1

Josiah, s. Capt. Josiah, bp. Apr. 3, 1768. CR1

Josiah, s. Josiah and Alice, bp. Aug. 13, 1786. CR4

Lois, d. Timothy and Lois (Pickering), Mar. 16, 1711-12.

Lois, d. Timothy, jr. and Rebecca (Taylor), Feb. 18, 1756. PR184

Mary, d. Timothy and Lois (Pickering), Feb. 28, 1721-2.

Mary, d. Josiah, bp. Feb. 2, 1755. CR1

Mary, d. Josiah, bp. Mar. 25, 1781. CR1

Mary, d. Josiah and Mary, bp. July 17, 1785.

Rebecca, jr., d. Timothy, jr. and Rebecca (Taylor), July 17, 1748. PR184

Rebecca, d. Josiah and Mary, bp. Nov. 12, 1786. CR1

Recompence, s. John and Naomy, Jan. 20, 1696-7. CTR

Richard Elvins, s. Josiah and Alice, bp. Oct. 4, 1795. CR1

Samuel, s. Timothy and Lois (Pickering), Nov. 7, 1710.

Samuel, s. Timothy and Lois (Pickering), Jan. 8, 1719-20.

Samuel, s. Jonathan, bp. Oct. 10, 1756. CR1

Samuell, s. Timothy, jr. and Rebecca (Taylor), Jan. 25, 1762. PR184

Samuel, s. Capt. William and Abigail (Ropes), d. Judge, Aug. 27, 1786. PR483

Sarah, d. Josiah, bp. June 10, 1750. CR1

Sarah, d. Timothy, jr. and Rebecca (Taylor), June 5, 1752. PR184

Sarah, d. John and Sarah, bp. Dec. 17, 1780. CR1

Sally, d. Josiah and Alice, bp. June 15, 1788. CR4

Susan, d. Josiah and Alice, bp. Nov. 5, 1808. CR1

Susanna, d. Capt. Josiah, bp. Nov. 10, 1771. CR1

Teresa, d. Joseph and Teresa, bp. Aug. 18, 1782. CR1

Timothy, s. Timothy and Lois (Pickering), June 27, 1717.

Timothy, 3d, s. Timothy, jr. and Rebecca (Taylor), Apr. 30, 1750. PR184

William, s. Jonathan, bp. Jan. 26, 1752. CR1

William, Capt., Feb. 4, 1752. PR483

William P., s. Capt. William and Abigail (Ropes), d. Judge, May 10, 1781. PR483

William Henry Prince, s. Richard P. and Ann F., bp. May 31, 1827. CR4

OSBORN (Orsborn, Osborne, Osburn)

_____, d. Benjamin, bp. Apr. 18, 1762. CR1

Abel, s. Joseph and Sarah, bp. Aug. 18, 1745. CR3

Abel, s. Joseph and Sarah, bp. Nov. 9, 1746. CR3

Ann Frances, d. Joseph and Judith, Oct. 26, 1799. GR9

Augustus Kendall, July 7, 1800. GR9

Caroline, d. William and Nancy, bp. July 6, 1817. CR6

Caroline A., d. Sylvester and Nelley, Jan. 21, 1821. GR9

Charles, s. William and Nancy, bp. July 6, 1817. CR6

Charles Howland, Oct. 12, 1839. GR9

E. Tucker, Aug. 28, 1809. GR9

Edward Lang, s. William and Nancy, bp. July 6, 1817. CR6

Edward Hacker, July 16, 1835. GR9

Eleanor, d. Samuel and Patience, 15: 10m: 1742. CR7

Elenor, d. Samuel and Patience, 6: 7m: 1746. CR7

Elizabeth, d. Samuel and Eleanor, 14: 1m: 1699. CR7

Elizabeth, d. Benjamin, bp. Feb. 17, 1760. CR1

Elizabeth, w. Henry M., --- --, 1832. GR9

Ellen M., d. Sylvester and Nelley, Sept. 13, 1826. GR9

Esther, d. John and Mercy (Southwick), Mar. 27, 1705.

Esther Norris, d. William and Nancy, bp. July 6, 1817. CR6

Eunice, d. Joseph and Sarah, bp. Dec. 19, 1736. CR3

George, s. George and Deborah, bp. Apr. 17, 1774. CR5

Ginger, d. Joseph and Sarah, bp. Sept. 29, 1734. CR3

Hannah, d. Samuel and Eleanor, 14: 11m: 1700. CR7

Hannah, d. John and Hannah (Buffam), 2d w., Jan. 18, 1717.

Hannah (2d w. Joseph Barrett), Dec. 29, 1749. PR328

Henery M., --- --, 1829. GR9

Isaac, s. Samuel and Sarah, 2d w., 13: 2m: 1711. CR7

Israel, s. Joseph and Sarah, bp. May 27, 1739. CR3

Jacob, s. John and Hannah (Buffam), 2d w., Sept. 4, 1719.

John, s. John and Mercy (Southwick), July 28, 1707.

John Norris, s. William and Nancy, bp. Nov. 1, 1818. CR6

Jonathan, s. Samuel and Patience, 2: 11m: 1750. CR7

Joseph, s. Samuel and Eleanor, 26: 10m: 1702. CR7

Joseph, s. Joseph and Rachel, bp. Sept. 29, 1734. CR3

Joseph, Jan. 5, 1757. GR9

Joseph B., June 19, 1836. GR10

Judith, w. Joseph, Dec. 17, 1762. GR9

Lydia, d. Samuel and Patience, 4: 5m: 1748. CR7

Martha Lang, d. William and Nancy, bp. July 6, 1817. CR6

Martha (w. Eleazer Pope Barrett), July 9, 1827. PR328

Mary, d. Samuel and Sarah, 2d w., 27: 7m: 1709. CR7

Mary, w. Joseph, June 26, 1762. GR9

Mary, Aug. 14, 1779. GR9

Mary, Apr. 23, 1803. GR9

Mary Cook, d. William and Nancy, bp. July 6, 1817. CR6

Mehitabel, d. Joseph and Sarah, bp. Nov. 15, 1741. CR3

Nelley, w. Sylvester, July 7, 1784. GR9

Patience, d. Benjamin, bp. Jan. 29, 1764. CR1

Paul, --: 7m: 1731. PR20

Rachel, d. Joseph and Rachel, bp. Sept. 29, 1734. CR3

Rachel Low, d. Joseph and Judith, Apr. 11, 1803. GR9

Samuel, s. Samuel and Eleanor, 4: 2m: 1697. CR7

Samuel, s. Samuel, jr., 14: 4m: 1715. CR7

Samuel, s. Samuel and Patience, 15: 10m: 1742. CR7

Sarah, d. Samuel and Sarah, 2d w., 4: 11m: 1707. CR7

Sylvester Kendall, Aug. 28, 1837. GR9

Thomas, s. Samuel and Sarah, 2d w., 1: 4m: 1706. CR7

William Kendall, s. William and Nancy, bp. July 6, 1817. CR6

William E., s. Samuel B. and Ruth B., Jan. 29, 1845.

OSBORNE (Osborn)

_____, d. Samuel, Dec. --, 1847.

Aaron, Jan. 12, 1831. GR9

Anna M., w. George H., Apr. 2, 1832. GR9

Augustus L., Apr. 12, 1844. GR9

Benjamin, s. William, jr. and Margarett (Derby), May 31, 1718.

Benjamin, s. Benjamin, bp. Sept. 3, 1758. CR1

Benjamin B., s. John B., Feb. --, 1845.

Charles Procter, Oct. 13, 1827. PR547

Dennison W., Dec. 12, 1816. GR9

Edwin, Apr. 26, 1830. PR547

Elizabeth, d. William, jr. and Margarett (Derby), Dec. 10, 17--. [bet. 1711 and 1715.]

Elizabeth S., w. William, Sept. 16, 1814. GR9

Elizabeth B., Apr. 27, 1837. GR9

Elvina Smith, w. G.A., --- --, 1814. GR9

Emily G., w. Ezra, jr., Nov. 15, 1815. GR9

Ezra, Aug. 7, 1788. GR9

Ezra, jr., May 8, 1813. GR9

George, Dec. 23, 1798. GR9

George Abbott, --- --, 1808. GR9

George Francis, Aug. 29, 1821. PR547

George Sterne, M.D., Dec. 12, 1838. GR9

George, --- --, 1842. GR9

George F., Aug. 19, 1842. PR548

Hanna, d. William and Hanna (Burten), 2: 10m: 1679. CTR

Hannah Ward, d. Henry and Mary (Ward), Aug. --, 1808. PR546

Hannah Sawyer Moody, w. George A., --- --, 1823. GR9

Hannah Allen, d. William and Abigail, bp. June 1, 1834. CR9

Hannah Frances, June 1, 1848. GR9

Harriet, d. Henry and Mary (Ward), Feb. 2, 1800. PR546

Hazen, only s. Dennison W. and Nancy J., Aug. 19, 1849. GR9

Henry, s. Henry and Mary (Ward), --- --, 1810. PR546

Horace, Sept. 16, 1825. PR547

John, s. William and Hannah (Burten), Aug. 27, 1677. CTR

John W., --- --, 1843. GR10

Jonathan W., Mar. 31, 1804. GR9

Joseph Henry, Oct. 3, 1823. PR547

Louisa, Aug. 21, 1816. PR547

Lydia Ann, Jan. 4, 1819. PR547

Lydia J., --- --, 1833. GR10

Maria, --- --, 1832. GR10

Mary Jane, d. Henry and Mary (Ward), --- --, 1798. PR546

Mary A., Nov. 5, 1807. GR9

Mary E. Brace, w. Stephen, Apr. 27, 1809. GR9

Mary, w. David W., Nov. 12, 1827. GR9

Mary Augusta, Feb. 5, 1831. GR9

Mary Ward, Apr. 5, 1832. GR9

Mary Perkins, Apr. 20, 1835. PR547

Mary A., Jan. 6, 1841. PR548

Nancy Pierce, w. Ezra, Mar. 12, 1798. GR9

Nancy J. Stevens, w. Dennison W., June 24, 1819. GR9

Nathan Ward, Sept. 5, 1834. GR9

Rebecca Proctor, w. George Frances, Dec. 2, 1834. GR9

Samuel, s. William and Hanna (Burten), Apr. 27, 1765. CTR

Sarah A., d. John B., May --, 1847.

Stephen, s. Henry and Mary (Ward), Feb. --, 1805. PR546

Stephen H., Mar. 24, 1828. GR9

Stephen, Mar. 13, 1838. GR9

Warren P., Jan. 13, 1840. GR9

William, s. William and Hanna (Burten), May 3, 1682. CTR

William, s. William, jr. and Margarett (Derby), Sept. 18, 1711.

William, s. William, jr. and Margarett (Derby), Feb. 12, 1715.

William Augustus, Nov. 15, 1814. PR547 [Nov. 19. GR10]

OSBURN (Osborn)

Nathaniel Sibly, s. Alexander and Ruth, bp. Dec. 11, 1698, a. 12 y. CR2

Ruth Sibly, d. Alexander and Ruth, bp. Dec. 11, 1698, a. 10 y. CR2

Samuel, s. Sarah, bp. July 5, 1702. CR1

OSGOOD (Ausgood)

_____, s. Joseph, bp. July --, 1787. CR12

_____, ch. Joseph, bp. July 18, 1790. CR12

_____, d. _____, Apr. 12, 1796. PR79

_____, s. Charles and Susan, Mar. 13, 1839. PR79

_____, d. Charles and Susan, July --, 1840. PR79

_____, s. Charles and Susan, Oct. 18, 1841 PR88

Abigail, d. Samuel and Abigail, bp. Feb. 3, 1722[-3.]. CR1

Abigail P., d. Christopher and Mary, June 11, 1794. PR180

Abigail Shaw, d. William and Elizabeth C. (Felt), Apr. 26, 1818. PR398

Alice Wheeler, w. Joseph Henry, Apr. 14, 1846. GR9

Benjamin, s. Nathaniell and Hannah, bp. Aug. 16, 1719. CR1

Benjamin, s. Benjamin, bp. Aug. 1, 1756. CR1

Benjamin H., June 18, 1819. GR9

Caroline, d. Nathaniel [and Elizabeth (Cowan). PR210], Oct. 3, 1817.

Caroline Elizabeth, d. N[athaniel. dup.] W., bp. Nov. 9, 1828. CR12

Charles, s. Nathaniel [and Elizabeth (Cowan). PR210], Feb. 24, 1809.

Charles C., Apr. 6, 1819. GR9

Charles A., May 28, 1822. GR9

Charles Prince, --- --, 1839. GR9

Charles Stuart, s. Charles and Susan (Ward), Mar. 13, 1839. PR210

Christopher, Oct. 26, 1747. PR180

Christopher, s. Christopher and Mary, Jan. 13, 1780. PR180

Daniel, s. Jonathan and Mary, 1: 4m: 1802. CR7

Ebenezer Beckford, s. Joseph, bp. May 4, 1800. CR12

Edward A[ugustus. CR6], s. Nathaniel [and Elizabeth (Cowan). PR210], May 14, 1825.

Edward Augustus, s. E.B., bp. Nov. 22, 1840. CR5

Elisabeth, d. Ebenezer, bp. May 3, 1752. CR1

Elisabeth, d. Benjamin, bp. Aug. 19, 1753. CR1

Betsey, d. Christopher and Mary, May 20, 1789. PR180

Elizabeth, d. John and Rebecca (Messervey), Dec. 9, 1801. PR478

Elizabeth, d. Nathaniel [and Elizabeth (Cowan). PR210], July 29, 1812.

Elizabeth Burling, w. John Felt, July 28, 1832. GR9

Ellen Punchard, d. William and Elizabeth C. (Felt), Dec. 25, 1827. PR398

J.C., Mar. 21, 1826. GR9

Eunice P., June 22, 1830. GR9

George Prince, s. John W. and Sarah [(Prince). PR550], Mar. 22, 1813.

George, s. E.B., bp. Sept. 10, 1843. CR5

Gayton Pickman, s. Isaac, bp. July 9, 1797. CR12

Hannah M., wid. John B., Apr. 19, 1791. GR9

Hannah Messervy, d. John and Rebecca (Messervey), Apr. 19, 1794. PR478

Henry, s. Christopher and Mary, Jan. 29, 1777. [1787. PR180]

Isaac, s. Isaac, June 9, 1799. CR12

James, s. [Capt. CR1] Peter and Martha (Ayre), Aug. 1, 1705.

Jerimiah, s. Nathaniel and Hannah, bp. Aug. 8, 1725. CR1

Jery, s. Christopher and Mary, June 3, 1791. PR180

John, s. Peter and Martha (Ayre), June 16, 1700.

John, s. Nathaniel, bp. Dec. 16, 1716. CR1

John, [s. John and Susannah. CR5], Sept. 14, 1757. PR478

John B., s. Christopher and Mary, Nov. 7, 1783. PR180

John William, s. John and Rebecca (Messervey), Oct. 9, 1787. PR478

John, s. Jonathan and Mary, 1: 6m: 1804. CR7

John Felt, s. William and Elizabeth C. (Felt), Dec. 18, 1825. PR398

Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Mary, 29: 1m: 1809. CR7

Joseph, s. Steephen and Mary, 1: 4m: 1673. CTR

Joseph, s. Joseph, bp. Jan. 20, 1805. CR12

Joseph Barlow Felt, s. William and Elizabeth C. (Felt), July 1, 1823. PR398

Joseph, [s. Nathaniel W. CR12], July 20, 1825. GR9

Joseph Henry, Sept. 12, 1839. GR9

Louisa Bickford, d. E.B., bp. June 4, 1837. CR5

Lucy, d. Joseph, bp. Oct. --, 1782. CR12

Lucy Ann, d. Nathaniel [and Elizabeth (Cowan). PR210], Dec. 17, 1815.

Lucy Derby, d. Nathaniel W. and Mary B., Apr. 23, 1834. CR12

Peggy, [d. Joseph. CR12], Aug. 3, 1778. PR588

Margarette Elizabeth, Nov. 21, 1824. PR549

Maria, d. Joseph, bp. Aug. --, 1794. CR12

Martha, d. Samuel and Abigail, bp. Mar. 24, 1727-8. CR1

Martha, d. Samuel, bp. June 25, 1738. CR1

Martha Ellen, w. John C., Jan. 16, 1832. GR9

Mary, d. Peter and Martha (Ayre), Apr. 15, 1691.

Mary, d. Nathaniel and Hannah, bp. Dec. 9, 1722. CR1

Mary, w. Christopher, Feb. 23, 1750. PR180

Mary, d. Benjamin, bp. Jan. 19, 1752. CR1

Mary, d. Benjamin, bp. Jan. 1, 1764. CR1

Polly, d. Christopher and Mary, Oct. 5, 1775. PR180

Mary, d. Jonathan and Mary, 24: 4m: 1800. CR7

Mary, d. Joseph, bp. Mar. 27, 1803. CR12

Mary Shepard, d. Nathaniel [and Elizabeth (Cowan). PR210], July 2, 1814.

Mary E. Lockwood, w. Charles A., --- --, 1821. GR9

Mary Jane, w. Joseph B.F., Feb. 25, 1827. GR9

Mary Shepard, d. William and Elizabeth C. (Felt), Dec. 9, 1830. PR398

Mary Endicott, d. E.B., bp. Oct. 7, 1838. CR5

Mary E., w. William E., Nov. 14, 1849. GR9

Nancy, d. John and Rebecca (Messervey), Aug. 27, 1799. PR478

Nathanael, s. Benjamin, bp. June 28, 1761. CR1

Nathaniel, s. Christopher and Mary, Oct. 12, 1773. PR180

Nathaniel, s. Christopher and Mary, July 6, 1777. PR180

Nathaniel Ward, s. Joseph, bp. Dec. 10, 1797. CR12

Nathaniel H[opkins. CR6], s. Nathaniel [and Elizabeth (Cowan). PR210], June 10, 1807.

Nathaniel Ward, s. N.W., bp. Oct. 3, 1824. CR12

Peter, s. Peter and Martha (Ayre), Mar. 13, 1692-3.

Peter, s. Peter and Martha (Ayre), June 2, 1697.

Rebecca, d. John and Rebecca (Messervey), May 23, 1784. PR478

Rebecca, d. John and Rebecca (Messervey), Dec. 4, 1785. PR478

Rebeccah Pickman, d. Isaac, bp. Aug. 31, 1801. CR12

Robert Hawkins, s. John and Rebecca (Messervey), June 14, 1790. PR478

Robert C[owan. CR6], s. Nathaniel [and Elizabeth (Cowan). PR210], Nov. 16, 1821.

Robert, s. Charles and Susan (Ward), Oct. 17, 1841. PR210

Ruth, d. William, bp. Apr. 15, 1753. CR1

Samuell, s. Peter and Martha (Ayre), Nov. 6, 1695.

Samuel, s. Samuel and Abigail, bp. Aug. 7, 1726. CR1

Sarah, d. John and Susannah, bp. Mar. 18, 1753. CR5

Sarah Cook, --- --, 1822. GR9

Sukey, d. Christopher and Mary, Sept. 8, 1781. PR180

Susan Williams, d. John and Rebecca (Messervey), June 9, 1796. PR478

Susan Elizabeth, d. William and Elizabeth C. (Felt), June 1, 1832. PR398

Susan Holyoke, d. Charles and Susan (Ward), July 13, 1840. PR210

Susan Ward, d. Charles and Susan (Ward), May 10, 1844. PR210

Thaddeus B., s. Thaddeus B. and Mary S., May 29, 1848.

Thomas, s. Benjamin, bp. Feb. 3, 1771. CR1

Thomas Binney, s. Joseph, bp. Nov. 26, 1780. CR12

William, s. Peter and Martha (Ayre), Dec. 23, 1702.

William, s. Nathaneel and Hannah, bp. Oct. 16, 1726. CR1

William, s. William, bp. Feb. 16, 1755. CR1

William, s. Christopher and Mary, Apr. 7, 1785. PR180 [Apr. 8. PR398]

William O., Apr. 8, 1785. GR9

William, s. John and Rebecca (Messervey), Feb. 20, 1798. PR478

William Henry, s. William and Elizabeth C. (Felt), Nov. 5, 1821. PR398

O'SHEA (Shay, Shea)

Hannah, d. Timothy and Julia, Apr. 6, 1849. CR14

Mary, d. Timothy and Mary, bp. July 4, 1847, a. 2 w. CR14

Patrick, s. James, Mar. 16, 1842. CR14


Lemuel J., s. Lemuel, b. Ireland, and Roxana, Oct. 21, 1849.

OWDELL (Odell)

James, s. Benjamin and Sarah (Cole), July 16, 1704.

Martha, d. Benjamin and Sarah (Cole), July 1, 1710.

Mary, d. Benjamin and Sarah (Cole), May 8, 1712.

Samuell, s. Benjamin and Sarah (Cole), Jan. 5, 1705.

Sarah, d. Benjamin and Sarah (Cole), Oct. 5, 1702.

Sarah, d. Benjamin and Sarah (Cole), June 4, 1708.


_____, d. Joseph and Eliza A., Dec. 16, 1849.

Eliza A. --- --, 1827. GR10

John, s. Morgan and Elizabeth (Dickason), Mar. 10, 1671. CTR

Remember, d. _____, bp. Sept. 2, 1683. CR1

Thomas, s. _____, of Marblehead, bp. Sept. 11, 1681. CR1