NorthShore Slavery

OAKES (Oake, Oaks)

Samuel, from Cohasset, shipwright, nervous fever, Aug. 16, 1806, a. 17 y. CR4

Thomas, jr., s. Thomas and Mary [dysentery. CR11], Sept. 5, 1808, a. 22 m. GR8

Mary, wid. [Capt. Thomas, d. John Harwood, Esq. NR9], phthisis pulmonalis, Feb. 8, 1825, a. 38 y.

Elizabeth, wid. Thomas, erysipelas, June 7, 1842, a. 77 y.


_____, wid., a. 88 y. Issue of July 16, 1805. NR9

John, s. Samuel and Hannah, Aug. 9, 1810, a. 18 y. 5 m. GR8

Hannah, Mrs. Issue of Mar. 27, 1812. NR9

Isaac, sailmaker and mariner, infirm, May 30, 1816, a. 71 y. CR4

Samuel, hernia, at the workhouse, Dec. 13, 1823, a. 67 y.

OAKS (Oakes)

Ruth J., d. Joshua and Ruth, Feb. 18, 1810, a. 2 m. GR8

Sally P. [ch. Joshua. NR9], Feb. 23, 1810, a. 2 y. GR8

Thomas [Capt. CR11], intemperance, July 10, 1820, a. 38 y.

George, phthisis, Apr. 16, 1828, a. 35 y.

OBEAR (Ober)

Israel, Capt., Aug. 8, 1773, in his 39th y. GR13

Jonathan, lung fever, bur. Jan. 30, 1789, a. 22 y. CR11 [a. 26 y. GR13]

Abigail, wid. Capt. Israel, a. 75 y. Issue of May 31, 1811. NR9

William, mariner, h. Betsey (Maservy), suicide, July 14, 1816, a. 50 y. CR4

Ann, d. Josiah A., mortification, bur. at Danvers, d. Mar. 21, 1822, a. 5 m.

Martha Ann, d. Capt. Josiah A., a. 5 m. Issue of Mar. 26, 1822. NR9

William, consumption, July 9, 1825, a. 52 y.

George [seaman. NR9], schirrus heart, Apr. 28, 1828, a. 45 y. [a. 44 y. NR9]

Elizabeth (Robinson), b. Cape Pursue, N.S., wid. William, age, Aug. 28, 1847, a. 75 y.

OBER (Obear, Obey)

Israel, at sea. Issue of Oct. 15, 1793. NR9

George C., on board the brig Ann, of Newburyport, at sea, a. 21 y. Issue of Oct. 19, 1819. NR9

William, July --, 1820, a. 52 y. GR8

Elizabeth, Mrs., a. 75 y. Issue of Mar. 31, 1835. NR9

Andrew W[illis. NR9], s. Andrew and Sarah, consumption, Oct. 23, 1844, a. 4 1-2 m.

OBEY (Ober)

Susan, Sept. 3, 1829, a. 40 y.

O'BRIAN (O'Brien)

Mehitable, w. Michael, d. Capt. John Harthorne, fever, Nov. 26, 1815, a. 50 y. CR4

Sarah, d. John and Catherine, croup, Nov. 30, 1848, a. 2 y.

Johana, b. Boston, d. Garret and Ann, inflammation of bowels, Sept. 1, 1849, a. 5 m.

Edward P., s. Patrick and Catherine, convulsions, Sept. 13, 1849, a. 1 y.

O'BRYON (O'Brien)

Catherine, b. Ireland, d. James and Mary, scarlet fever, Apr. 6, 1845, a. 8 y.

O'CONNER (Conner, O'Connor)

Ann, d. Jeremiah, from Ireland, and Elizabeth (Longeway), catholics, atrophia infantilis, May 31, 1816, a. 18 d. CR4

Jane [Conner. NR9], of Boston, b. Ireland, w. [wid. NR9] Michael [D. of New York. NR9], age, at Boston, Sept. 19, 1846, a. 75 y.

Aaron, s. Thomas and Mary, heart complaint, Nov. 15, 1846, a. 1 m.

O'CONNOR (O'Conner)

Francis, s. Jeremiah, from Ireland, and Elizabeth (Longeway), catholics, fever, Oct. 23, 1817, a. 4 y. CR4

Mary Ann, b. Maine, d. Thomas and Mary, lung complaint, Nov. 10, 1845, a. 9 m.

Catherine, b. Newburyport, d. Thomas and Elizabeth, Aug. 11, 1847, a. 1 1-2 y.

ODELL (Owdell)

John, bur. Sept. 15, 1755. CR1

_____, wid., bur. July 2, 1757. CR1

Rachel, wid. at the almshouse, aged, Oct. 10, 1790, a. 84 y. CR4

_____, Mrs., a. 99 y. Issue of Oct. 19, 1790. NR9

Samuel, m., consumption, at the pest house on the Neck, Nov. 4, 1790, a. 44 y. CR4

_____, d. Eleanora, atrophy, Sept. 13, 1793, a. 19 m. CR4

Patty, d. Samuel and Lydia (Lois?), fever and throat, Dec. 7, 1795, a. 10 y. CR4

_____, s. Nell, at the work house, canker, Sept. 26, 1797, a. 11 m. CR4

Lois (Larrabee of Lynn), wid. Samuel, consumption, Oct. 20, 1800, a. 55 y. CR4

Daniel, of the schooner Hero, at Laguira. Issue of Nov. 7, 1809. NR9

Sally, d. James and Sally (Very), Dec. 12, 1812.

Elizabeth, d. James [and Sally. dup.], consumption, Feb. 27, 1819, a. 23 y. [Feb. 26. dup.]

Benjamin [s. Capt. James. NR9], at Havana, --- --, 1824, a. 22 y. [Issue of Aug. 13. NR9]

Ruth P., w. Thomas F., consumption, Jan. 19, 1826, a. 27 y.

_____, d. Thomas F. and Ruth P., Jan. 20, 1826, a. 12 h.

David, a. 43 y. Issue of Oct. 25, 1831. NR9

James, Capt. July 6, 1834, a. 72 y. NR9

James, trader, s. James and Sally, fever, Nov. 7, 1845, a. 55 y.

Lois, d. Samuel and Lois, age, Oct. 12, 1846, a. 74 y.

Sarah, b. Gloucester, w. David, d. John and Betsey Pulsifer, consumption, bur. at Gloucester, d. Jan. 14, 1849, a. 22 y.

Ly[dia Abby. NR9], ch. James, scarlet fever, Sept. 27, 1849, a. 6 y.


Elizabeth, w. Elisha, d. Ebenezer and Lydia Peirce, apoplexy, July 9, 1846, a. 70 y.

Elisha, jr., b. Lubec, ME, mariner, s. Samuel and Mehitable, consumption, Nov. 19, 1849, a. 27 1-4 y.

O'DONNEL (O'Donald, O'Donnell)

Cornelius, b. Ireland [brother of Margaret. NR9], h. Mary (Murphey), heart affection, May 30, 1841 [June 30, 1840. dup.], a. 38 y.

O'DONNELL (O'Donnel)

Maryann, d. Daniel, bowel complaint, July 31, 1843, a. 15 m.

O'KEEFE (Kieff)


Mary, d. Andrew, jr. and Mary, grand, d. Benjamin Lynde, jr., July 13, 1754, a. abt. 3 m. PR83

Daniel, s. Hon. Andrew, Esq., on his passage from Boston to London, in the brig Mary, Capt. Barnard. Issue of Mar. 3, 1787. NR8

Rebecca, d. William and Rebecca (Whitford), quinsy, Nov. 23, 1794, a. 2 y. 7 m. CR4

Thomas Fitch, Rev., s. Hon. Andrew Esq., consumption, Jan. 25, 1797, a. 40 y. NR9

Judge, Hon., Dec. --, 1799, a. 58 y. CR1

Andrew, Hon., Esq., a. 68 y. Issue of Dec. 6, 1799. NR9

Mary Foot, d. William, soap boiler, and Rebecca (Whitford), canker, July 24, 1801, a. 3 w. CR4

Andrew, s. Rev. Thomas Fitch, deceased, on his passage from Baltimore to Havanna, a. 18 y. Issue of Aug. 3, 1802.

Daniel, s. Judge, lost at sea, Mar. --, 1806, a. 21 y. CR1

_____, ch. stillborn, bur. Aug. 31, 1806. PR61

_____, ch. William. Issue of July 28, 1807. NR9

[William Pynchon. CR1; s. Rev. Thomas Fitch. NR9], "young Mr.," bur. Sept. 19, 1807. PR61 [a. 21 y. NR9]

Mary, wid. Judge [wid. Hon. Andrew, Esq., d. Judge _____ Lynde. NR9], old age, Dec. [29. NR9], 1807, a. 75 y. CR1

James, Sept. 10, 1808, a. 24 y. GR7

Andrew, Dec. 26, 1814. PR79

_____, ch. stillborn, Dr. Daniel, Oct. 14, 1818.

Hubbard, broken limbs, Feb. 15, 1819, a. 74 y.

William, seaman, on board the Mary Ann, Mar. 26, 1819, a 24 y. Issue of Apr. 9, 1819. NR9

Isaac, on ship Janus, at sea, --- --, 1823, a. 19 y.

William g. [s. William W. NR9], seaman, on ship George, at sea, [Mar. 21. NR9], 1828, a. 19 y.

William J.E. [John Elliot, s. Thomas Fitch, Esq. NR9], consumption, Mar. 31, 1829, a. 21 y.

Peter, a. 64 y. Issue of Apr. 22, 1831. NR9

William, a Revolutionary soldier and pensioner, Nov. 12, 1831, a. 75 y. NR9

Benjamin Lynde, Dr. angina pectoris, May 16, 1835, a. 75 y. CR1

Rebecca, wid. Hubbard, July 11, 1836, a. 91 y. NR9

Sarah, w. Frederick, July 19, 1837, a. 36 y. GR7

Mary Lander, d. twin, Frederick and Sarah, Oct. 4, 1837, a. 7 w. GR7

Sarah Ann, d. twin, Frederick and Sarah, Oct. 4, 1837, a. 7 w. GR7

Sally, w. William W., Esq., a. 52 y. Issue of Apr. 3, 1838. NR9

Rebecca (Whitford), wid. William, bilious fever, Nov. 19, 1841, a. 76 y.

James of Cambridge, teacher, s. James and Mary, typhus fever, at Cambridge, Jan. 4, 1845. a. 36 y.

Frederick E., of Danvers, s. Frederick and Eliza, at Danvers, Aug. 31, 1849, a. 3½ y.


M.A., tabes, at the almshouse, Jan. --, 1827. a. 6 w.

James, b. Ireland, accidental, at Beverly, Oct. 31, 1849, a. 22 y.


[Caroline Pond NR9], d. Aaron, measles, Oct. 14, 1821, [a. 17 m. NR9]

Aaron, --- --, 1825. tomb. CR7

_____, d. Aaron, canker, Mar. 14, 1825, a. 1 w.

L.G. [Leonard Gale. NR9], s. Aaron, croup, Oct. 7, 1826, a. 7 w.

_____, d. Aaron, atrophy, Jan. 6, 1829, a. 6 m.

M.E.P. [Mary Elizabeth Pond. NR9], d. Aaron, dropsy in ye head, Aug. 9, 1830, a. 8 m.


Sarah (Ruck), wid. Joseph, consumpion, Sept. 21, 1813, a. 79 y.

ORNE (Orn)

Samuel, s. Timothy and Lois (Pickering), Mar. 7, 1710-11.

Eunice, d. Timothy and Lois (Pickering), Feb. 8, 1725.

Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Elizabeth, Sept. 7, 1736, a. 9 m. 8 d. GR1

_____, "grandmother. " May 19, 1742. PR57

_____, wid. Josiah, Aug. 5, 1745. PR57

Hittie, May 25, 1746. PR57

Joseph, "old" Feb. 15, 1748. PR57

Rebecca, d. Timothy, July 17, 1748. PR57

Mary, Sept. 29, 1750. PR57

_____, w. Benjamin, Jan. 29, 1756. PR57

Elizabeth, unm., Mar. 30, 1759. PR22

_____, w. Capt. Jonathan, bur. Apr. 3, 1759. CR1

Josiah, at Guadaloupe, Nov. 18, 1760. PR57

Eunice, d. Timothy, jr. and Rebecca (Taylor), June 13, 1762, a. 2 y. 2 m. 13 d. PR184

Eunice, 2d, d. Timothy, jr. and Rebecca (Taylor), Aug. 31, 1765, a. 1 m. 27 d. PR184

Timothy, merchant, July 14, 1767. NR2

Rebecca, wid. Timothy, May 1, 1771, iin her 44th y. NR4

Jonathan, Capt., merchant, Jan. 1, 1774, a. 51 y. NR4

Samuel, merchant, Sept. 16, 1774. NR4

Alice, w. Capt. Josiah, Mar. 16, 1776, a. 29 y. GR1

Mary, 2. Joseph, Oct. 6, 1778, a. 23 y. GR7

_____, w. Dr., bur. Oct. 8, 1778. PR84

_____, d. Capt. Josiah, June 29, 1782, a. 4 h. CR1

_____, s. Capt. William, dysentery, Sept. 10, 1782, a. 2 w. CR1

_____, d. Capt. Josiah, Sept. 30, 1782, a. 1 m. CR1

Samuel [s. Timothy, merchant. NR7], hectic, Feb. 20, 1785, a. 22 y. CR1

Joseph, Dr., phthisis pulmonalis, Jan. 28, 1786, a. 37 y.

Isaac, s. Josiah, atrophy, Feb. 9, 1786, a. 1 y. 6 m. CR1

Samuel, phthisis pulmonalis, Feb. 20, 1786, a. 24 y.

Deborah, hectic, Apr. 8, 1786, a. 22 y. CR1

Josiah, Capt. [hectic. CR1], June 21, 1789, a. 44 y.

Timothy, hectic, Jan. --, 1790. CR1

Elizabeth, consumption, Nov. 25, 1792, a. 19 y.

_____, wid. [w. Samuel. NR9], natural smallpox, Dec. 8, 1792, a. 27 y.

Samuel, Issue of Dec. 11, 1792. NR9

Benjamin, at the West Indies, fever, received news Jan. 15, 1795, a. 28 y. CR4

[Sarah. CR1], wid. [old age. CR1], Sept. 2, 1799, a. 77 y.

_____, wid. Capt. Josiah, a. 77 y. Issue of Sept. 10, 1799. NR9

_____, wid., Dec. 2, 1799. PR55

Joseph, Capt., murdered in the Red Sea, --- --, 1806. CR1

Mary, wid. [Jonathan. NR9], burnt, Feb. 28, 1813, a. 81 y. CR1

_____, w. William, May 19, 1813, a. 52 y. PR24

Abigail, w. Capt. W[illiam, Esq. NR9], hectic, May [24. NR9], 1813, a. 52 y. CR1

William P[utnam, at Springfield. NR9], s. William, hectic, Aug. [Issue of Aug. 20. NR9], 1813, a. 52 y. CR1

Lucy, w. Charles Henry [hectic. CR1], June 16, 1815, a. 22 y. PR24

William, Capt. [Pres. the Essex Bank. NR9], angina pectoris, Oct. 14, 1815, a. 64 y. CR1

Charles Henry, s. W., hectic, Dec. 25, 1816, a. 28 y. CR1

H., bur. Dec. 27, 1816. PR79

Joseph, s. William, consumption, Sept. 3, 1818, a. 22 y.

Josiah, jr., drowned New Orleans, Jan. --, 1820 [Dec. 7, 1819. NR9], a. 33 y. CR1

Hannah, phthisis pulmonalis, May 17, 1821, a. 52 y.

_____, w. William. Issue of May 18, 1821. NR9

Mary, May 20, 1821. CR10

Henry [s. Capt. Josiah. CR1], on ship Ophelia [on her passage from Europe to Boston. NR9], at sea [Mar. 18. CR1], 1823, a. 19 y.

John, mariner [one of the crew of the schooner Barstow, Capt. Kimball. NR9], of Marblehead, small pox, Dec. 23, 1823, a. 19 y.

Sarah, w. William, jr., consumption, bur. at Danvers, d. May 12, 1824, a. 26 y.

Josiah [Capt. CR1], s. Josiah, consumption, Sept. 23, 1825, a. 57 y.

Lucinda, at Springfield, Sept. --, 1828, a. 41 y. CR1

George, s. Josiah, hectic, Feb. 18, 1833, a. 33 y. CR1

Sarah, formerly engaged to Henry Prince, deceased, a. Rev. John Prince, hectic, at Northborough, Feb. 8, 1834, a. 45 y. CR1

William, May 8, 1836, a. 64 y. NR9

Elizabeth R[opes. GR9], d. Joseph, deceased, consumption, Mar. 8, 1842, a. 24 y.

Martha, w. Robert, child birth, bur. at Marblehead, d. Sept. 27, 1843, a. 41 y.


Daniel, bur. Feb. 20, 1807, a. 40 y. NR9

George, intemperance, Feb. 21, 1829, a. 23 y.

ORSBORN (Osborne)

Deborah, wid. Capt. George, Aug. 26, 1810, a. 74 y.

OSBORN (Osborne)

Elloner, w. Samuel., --: 10m: 1702, a. 29 y. CR7

John, "old," abt. 12: 6m: 1744. PR5

Lydia, d. Samuel and Patience, 4: 5m: 1748. CR7

_____, a young woman, bur. May 2, 1765. PR5

Susannah, wid. Elijah. Issue of Feb. 2, 1791. NR9

George, Capt. [jr., s. Capt. George and Deborah (Stone) PR172], washed overboard on his passage from Havanna, Oct. 18, 1800.

Mary, w. Stephen, bur. Feb. 18, 1806, a. 75 y. NR9

George, Capt., June 17, 1808, a. 70 y GR7

Sarah, a. 41 y. Issue of Sept. 5, 1809. NR9

_____, ch. Capt. Henry. Issue of May 29, 1810. NR9

Mary, wid., a. 84 y. Issue of Aug. 28, 1810. NR9

_____, Mrs., bur. Sept. 10, 1813. PR61

Eben, Nov. 1, 1818, a. 39 y. PR654

Abigail [wid. NR9], dysentery, bur. at Danvers, d. Sept. 17, 1819, a. 75 y.

Henry, consumption [intemperance. dup.], at the workhouse, Oct. 25 [26. dup.], 1820, a. 54 y.

David, cancer, bur. at Danvers, d. Aug. 24, 1821, a. 45 y.

Aaron, s. Aaron [and Betsy. GR8], accident, "be the explosiion of fire-works on the Common the evening of 4th of July. " July 5, 1823, a. 11 y.

Henry, in New York, a. 38 y. Issue of Sept. 17, 1824. NR9

Elizabeth, --- --, 1825. CR13

Issac, peripneumonia, at the almshouse, Feb. 17, 1825, a. 91 y.

_____, d. Samuel B., fever, July 24, 1828, a. 9 m.

Margaret, d. Aaron, typhus fever, Jan. 12, 1829, a. 10 y.

Elizabeth, old age, at the almshouse, Oct. 17, 1830, a. 83 y.

E., d. Ezra, Mar. 20, 1832, a. 9 y. PR24

George F., s. Jonathan and Ruth, drowned in the harbor [off Naugus Head. NR9], Oct. 2, 1837, a. 16 y. GR8

Mary J[ane, d. Capt. Henry, deceased. NR9], consumption, May 7, 1839, a. 38 y.

Nancy, wid. David, of Lynn. fits, Apr. 13, 1840, a. 67 y.

Betsey, w. Aaron, d. Thomas and Margaret Brown, spine compaint, Jan. 14, 1845. a. 58 y.

OSBORNE (Orsborn, Osborn)

William, s. William, jr. and Margarett (Derby), July 6, 1712.

_____, Capt., bur. Aug. --, 1768. PR83

Stephen, --- --, 1802. tomb. GR7

Elizabeth, Mrs., a. 58 y. Issue of Nov. 18, 1803. NR9

Stephen [June 19, 1808. PR654], a. 72 y. NR9

Elizabeth, wid., a. 90 y. Issue of Jan. 17, 1809. NR9

Nancy, d. Samuel B., croup, Jan. --, 1827, a. 2 y. [Issue of Jan. 9. NR9]

Thomas, s. Aaron, on board the bark Prudent, Cap. Ingersoll, Issue of July 20, 1830. NR9

Mary, Mrs., a. 64 y. Issue of June 30, 1835. NR9

Nancy, d. Samuel B., June 26, 1836, a. 15 m. NR9

Esther N., d. William, at Providence, Apr. 29, 1837, a. 28 y. NR9

Elvina, w. George A., of Danvers, d. Caleb Smith, bur. Jan. 18, 1843, a. 29 y. NR9

Rufus A., s. William A. and Elizabeth, heart complaint, bur. at Danvers, d. Sept. 20, 1845, a. 3 d.

John, barber, s. Aaron and Elizabeth, cholera morbus, June 7, 1849, a. 39 y.


Peter, Dea., Sept. 24, 1753, a. 90 y. GR1

_____, Dea., Sept. 24, 1753. PR57

Nathaniell, "old" July 13, 1756. PR57

Ruth, w. William, bur. Feb. 24, 1758. CR1

Martha, wid. Pete, Sept. 10, 1760, a. 91 y. GR1

_____, Mrs., Sept. 13, 1760, a. 42 y. CR1

John, small pox, Jan. 24, 1761. PR57

Hannah ["old madam. " PR655], wid. Nathaniel, Mar. 4, 1774, a. 84 y. GR1

_____, w. Nathaniel, innholder. Issue of Sept. 6, 1774. NR4

Nathaniel, s. Christopher and Mary, Feb. 24, 1776. PR180

_____, ch. _____, --- --, 1778. CR1

Mary, consumption, Mar. 7, 1782, a. 18 y. CR1

[Sally. NR9], w. Isaac [Esq. NR9], phthisis pulmonalis, Aug. 10, 1791. a. 21 y.

Elizabeth, w. Benjamin. jr., a. 32 y. Issue of Aug. 28, 1792. NR9

Nathaniel, s. Dr. Joseph, a. 20 y. Issue of Aug. 12, 1794. NR9

Christopher, jr., s. Christopher and Mary, July 21, 1798. PR180

Nathaniel, H. Hannah (Babbidge), shoemaker, aged, at his, s. Christopher's, June 13, 1799, a. 88 y. CR4

[Rebecca. NR9], w. Isaac, Esq. [d., wid. Sarah Pickman. NR9], Aug. 29, 1801, a. 29 y.

John, --- --, 1802. Tomb. GR8

_____, wid. John, a. 84 y. Issue of Oct. 29, 1805. NR9

Joseph, jr., supercargo of the ship George Washington, in England, Issue of July 11, 1806. NR9 [a. 34 y. PR82]

Lucretia, w. Dr. Joseph, a. 61 y. Issue of Sept. 12, 1809. NR9

Benjamin, old age, Dec. [Issue of Dec. 22. NR9], 1809, a. 90 y. CR1

_____, d. Capt. John, bur. Dec. 31, 1809. PR61

_____, d. Capt. John, quinsey, a. 10 y. Issue of Jan. 2, 1810. NR9

_____, ch. stillborn, John, bur. Nov. 4, 1810. PR61

Joseph, Dr. [father of Lucy D. CR1], bur. June 28, 1812. PR61 [a. 66 y. CR1]

Margaret H., w. Capt. John B., Oct. 26, 1813, a. 23 y. GR7

Mary, wid. Benjamin [old age, Jan. 22. CR1], 1816, a. 90 y. NR9

_____, wid. Benjamin, old age, Jan. 22, 1816, a. 90 y. CR1

Abigail [Pike. PR180], d. Christopher [and Mary. PR180], Mar. 25, 1816, a. 23 y. GR8

Benjamin B., s. Dr. Joseph, deceased. on board the U.S. ship Washington. Issue of Jan. 13, 1818. NR9

Thomas B., consumption, Mar. 1, 1818, a. 37 y.

Mary Shepard, d. Nathaniel [and Elizabeth. GR7], throat distemper, quincy, Sept. 6, 1818, a. 4 y. [a. 11 y. NR9]

Henry, s. Christopher and Mary, June 24, 1820. PR180

Mary, wid [Joseph, jr., d. Ebenezer Beckford, Esq. NR9], consumption. Mar. 13, 1822, a. 47 y.

Jery, s. Christopher and Mary, Aug. 21, 1825. PR180

John, Esq., hemorrhage, Dec. 1, 1826. a. 69 y.

Christopher, old age, May 4, 1828, a. 80 y.

Macena, May --, 1830. CR13

Sally, a. 78 y. Issue of Dec. 14, 1830. NR9

Nathaniel, --- --, 1832. tomb. GR7

_____, wid. Joseph, Mar. 13, 1832, a. 51 y. PR24

Mary, wid. Christopher, a. 82 y. Issue of May 15, 1832. NR9

William, Capt., shipmaster, merchant, Apr. 2, 1834, a. 49 y. NR9

Elizabeth, d. Nathaniel, June 25, 1837 [a. 26 y. NR9]

Rebecca, wid. John, old age, Oct. 28, 1840, a. 79 y.

Susan H[olyoke. NR9], d. Charles, bilious fever, July 30, 1841, a. 1 y.

Susan, w. Charles, d. Joshua Ward, deceased, inflammation of bowels, May 24, 1844, a. 30 y.

George, s. Ebenezer B. and Eliza, death caused by falling from a window, Aug. 2, 1846, a. 3½ y.

Lucy Ann, d. Nathaniel and Elizabeth, consumption, Mar. 8, 1847, a. 31 y.

Nathaniel, s. Christopher and Mary, Nov. 17, 1849. PR180

Margaret [Mary. GR9] S., w. Thaddeus, d. William and Sarah Nichols, inflammation of bowels, Dec. 15, 1849, a. 30 y.

Jeremiah, Capt., master of the sch'r. Economy, at New York. Issue of Sept. 2, 1875. NR9


_____, ch. _____, bur. Apr. 26, 1817, a. 9 m. CR11

Anna C[ecilia. NR9], b. Boston, d. John S. and Lucy P., cholera infantum, Aug. 11, 1849, a. 2 y. [ Sept. 19. GR9]


Edward, Patagonian, family of Charles Millet, consumption, June 9, 1840, a. 14 y.

OWDELL (Odell)

Sarah, d. Benjamin and Sarah (Cole), Apr. 14, 1704.


Lydia, Mrs., a. 83 y. Issue of June 4, 1833. NR9

Chauncey, a. 42 y. Issue of Nov. 7, 1834. NR9