NorthShore Slavery


CROW, John, s. John and Sarah, May 14, 1834. CR14


_____, Titus, s. Isaac, servant to Mr. Gardner, bp. Oct. 20, 1765. CR1

_____, Venis, servant of William Browne, Feb. 8, 1771. PR111

_____, Admire, s. _____, bp. June 29, 1789, a. 4 y. CR11

_____, Cesar, bp. Dec. 10, 1803, a. 18 y. CR11

_____, Esther, mulatto servant child of David and Sarah Glover, bp. Sept. 14, 1735. CR1

_____, Frances, mulatto girl belonging to Mrs. Delany of St. Kitts, bp. Nov. 18, 1774. CR11

_____, Isaac, s. Rebecca, "a woman of Ebenezer Ward", bp. June 8, 1740. CR1

_____, Jepthah, ch. Rebecca, servant of Ebenezer Ward, bp. July 28, 1754. CR1

_____, Jack, servant of William Lander, bp. Apr. 18, 1773. CR5

_____, Lemmon, ch. woman belonging to Ebenezer Ward, bp. Aug. 16, 1752. CR1

_____, London, servant of William Browne, Jan. 7, 1769. PR111

_____, Marget, d. Mingo and Pegy, "servants, She of Deacn Ward"' bp. Dec. 17, 1769. CR11

_____, Pompey, s. Caesar, servant of Mr. Diman, bp. Oct. 17, 1756. CR1

BABCOCK, Gertrude F., d. James, barber, and Cecelia, July 6, 1844.

BABCOCK, Agnes, d. James, hair dresser, and Cecelia R., Aug. 27, 1846.

BALL, Cesar, s. Flora, at Halifax, May 8, 1784. CR11

BALL, Charles, s. Flora, at Halifax, Mar. 29, 1788. CR11

BALL, Clarissa, d. Flora, at Halifax, Jan. 4, 1791. CR11

BALL, Juba, ch. Flora, at Halifax, Feb. 27, 1786. CR11

BALL, Prince, s. Flora, at Halifax, Apr. 21, 1798. CR11

BARNS, Adam, s. Absalom and Lucy, bp. Aug. 25, 1799. CR11

BARNS, Charles, s. Absalom and Lucy, bp. Aug. 25, 1799. CR11

BLYDEN, Henry, s. Peter and Rose, bp. Mar. 12, 1800. CR11

BLYDEN, Peter, s. Peter and Rose, bp. Mar. 12, 1800. CR11

BLYDEN, Sarah, d. Peter and Rose, bp. Mar. 12, 1800. CR11

BOWMAN, Henry, s. John, bp. Sept. 13, 1796. CR11

BOWMAN, Jenny, d. John, bp. Sept. 13, 1796. CR11

BOWMAN, John, s. _____, bp. Mar. 19, 1792. CR11

BROOKS, George, s. _____, in the poor house, bp. June 10, 1808, a. 5 y. CR11

BROOKS, Mary Ann, d. _____, in the poor house, bp. June 10, 1808, a. 2 y. CR11

BROOKS, John, s. Cesar and Phebe, bp. Aug. 25, 1799. CR11

BROWN, Caroline A., d. James and Fanny (Rose), Aug. 23, 1839.

BROWN, Charles Rose, s. James and Fanny (Rose), Jan. 21, 1837.

BROWN, Frances Ellen, d. James ande Fanny (Rose), July 15, 1835.

BROWN, James, s. James and Fanny (Rose), Jan. 15, 1834.

BUTLER, Lucy Hazzard, d. John, bp. Oct. 10, 1803. CR1

BUTTS, Maria E., d. Alexander S., mariner, Jan. --, 1846.

CHEW, Mary A., d. Henry, laborer, Aug. --, 1847.

COSTER, John, s. wid., a mulatto, bp. June 12, 1791. CR11

COSTER, William, s. wid., a mulatto, bp. June 12, 1791. CR11

COTMAN, Abby A., d. John, laborer, Dec. --, 1845.

CROMWELL, Semia, d. James, bp. Oct. 20, 1799. CR11

DICKERSON, Antony, a mulatto, s. Castor and Fanny, bp. Aug. 23, 1787. CR4

DIER, Eleanor, d. Eleanor, bp. --- --, 1797. CR11

DIER, Eliza, d. Eleanor, bp. --- --, 1797. CR11

DIER, James s. Eleanor, bp. --- --, 1797. CR11

DIER, Oliver s. Eleanor, bp. --- --, 1797. CR11

DIER, Weighty ch. Eleanor, bp. --- --, 1797. CR11

DOWNING, Margaret E.A., d. Charles W., seaman, Mar. 1, 1845.

DUCKINGFIELD, Mary, d. Thomas, mulatto, bp. Dec. 25, 1774. CR11

DUCKINGFIELD, Thomas, s. Thomas, mulatto, bp. Sept. 23, 1778. CR11

ELDRIGE, Dinah, d. Pender, bp. Mar. 7, 1791, a. 5 y. CR11

FOWLER, Edward E., s. William, laborer, Oct. --, 1845.

FRANCIS, Frederick, s. Peter, bp. Nov. 22, 1807, a. 13 y. 3 m. CR11

FRANCIS, Moses F. [T. dup.], s. Ephraim F., laborer, and Judith D., Apr. 25, 1847.

FREEMAN, John, s. John, laborer, Sept. --, 1845.

GOODALE, Cato, s. Cato Foster, bp. Sept. 20, 1798, a. 14 y. CR11

GOODALE, Sally, d. Cato Foster, bp. Sept. 20, 1798, a. 7 y. CR11

HUBBARD, Feranthea Garde, African ch., bp. Dec. 11, 1796. CR11

JAMES, Augustus, s. Abraham, laborer, Feb. --, 1845.

KING, Charles F., s. James, mariner, May --, 1845.

LAWRENCE, Charles, s. Charles, laborer, Apr. --, 1845.

MARTIN, Isaac, s. Thomas and Phillis, bp. Sept. 13, 1789. CR11

ORNE, Adam More, s. Salem, bp. Nov. 11, 1804, a. 6 y. CR1

ORNE, Eunice, d. Salem, bp. Nov. 11, 1804, a. 10 y. CR1

ORNE, Francis, s. Salem, bp. Nov. 11, 1804, a. 8 y. CR1

PAYNE, Lucy D., d. Samuel, laborer, Dec. --, 1845.

PHILLIPS, Eliza, d. Timothy and Olive, bp. Nov. 15, 1820. CR11

READ, Joseph, s. Joseph and Abigail (Chiber), May 18, 1679. CTR

REMOND, Susan L., d. John L., barber, Aug. --, 1846.

RULAFF, David Heber, s. _____, bp. Sept. 2, 1829, a. 4 y. CR11

RULLOF, David Reddington, s. London, bp. Oct. 12, 1800. CR11

RULLOFF, London, s. London, bp. May 14, 1797, a. 6 y. CR11

RULLOFF, Louis, s. London, bp. May 14, 1797. CR11

RULLOFF, James, s. London, bp. May 14, 1797, a. 3 y. CR11

RULOFF, London, s. Diana, bp. May 27, 1781. CR5

RULOFF, Pink, d. Diana, bp. May 27, 1781. CR5

RULOFF, Violet, d. Diana, bp. May 27, 1781. CR5

SEYMOUR, William R., s. William, mariner, Sept. --, 1845.

SHORTER, Andrew C[ox. CR11], s. Royal M., laborer, and Eliza M., Mar. 6, 1849.

SHORTER, Jessee P., s. Royal M. [and Eliza. CR11], laborer, Feb. 9, 1846.

SHORTER, Olivia, d. Royal M., laborer, and Eliza, Feb. 23, 1847.

SYMONDS, Nancy, d. Andrew, bp. Sept. 27, 1807. CR11

SMITH, Joseph H., s. Isaac, mariner, Dec. --, 1845.

SPRIG, John, s. Barnett, bp. Sept. 4, 1790. CR11

THOMPSON, Anderson, s. _____, bp. Sept. 2, 1810. CR11

THOMPSON, Clark, s. _____, bp. Sept. 2, 1810. CR11

THOMPSON, Joseph, s. _____, bp. Sept. 2, 1810. CR11

WHEATLAND, Henry Green, s. John, bp. Aug. 20, 1825, a. 8 m. CR11

WHEATLAND, Joseph Henry Green, s. John, bp. Apr. 26, 1830. CR1

WHEATLAND, Margaret Ann, d. John, bp. Apr. 26, 1830. CR11

WHEATLAND, Simon James Peters, s. John, bp. Aug. 22, 1826, a. 6 m. CR11

WHITE, Elizabeth, d. Christopher and Hester, bp. Nov. 24, 1788. CR11

WHITE, Sally, d. Christopher and Hester, bp. Nov. 24, 1788. CR11

WINDER, William, s. William, July --, 1846.

WILLIAMS, John H., s. John R., laborer, Mar. --, 1846.

WILLIAMS, Serena C., d. Andrew, barber, and Julia, Oct. 25, 1844.

WILSON, Clara, d. James, bp. May 14, 1797. CR11


_____, _____, s. William, Jan. 18, 1695-6. CR2

_____, _____, s. _____, bp. Apr. 21, 1783. CR11

_____, _____, three chn. Mr. Hillier's d. bp. Aug. 14, 1785. CR11

_____, _____ ch. "Collins son-in-law," bp. May 1, 1786, a. 1 y. CR11

_____, _____, grand ch. Clough, bp. Mar. 18, 1787. CR11

_____, _____, ch. Gilson Cloughs, d. bp. Oct. 18, 1789. CR11

_____, _____, grand ch. Honey, bp. May 24, 1801. CR11

_____, _____, inf. ch. blind Cesar, bp. Oct. 20, 1801. CR11

_____, Aaron, s. _____, bp. Oct. 15, 1786, a. 10 y. CR11

_____, Abigail, d. _____, bp. July 21, 1672. CR1

_____, Abigail, d. "Stakhous dauter," bp. Oct. 23, 1681. CR1

_____, Abigail, d. _____, bp. July 6, 1684. CR1

_____, Abigal, d. _____, bp. Jan. 30, 1785. CR11

_____, Benjamin, s. _____, bp. Nov. 18, 1683. CR1

_____, Catharine, d. _____, bp. Sept. --, 1788. CR12

_____, Charles, s. Charles, bp. Dec. 2, 1770. CR1

_____, Charles, s. blind Cesar, bp. Oct. 20, 1801. CR11

_____, Daniel Verey, s. Sarah, bp. Sept. 19, 1785. CR11

_____, Debora, d. "sister Waters daughter", bp. Aug. 12, 1677. CR1

_____, Dorcas, "Bro. Water's daughter," bp. Apr. 2, 1676. CR1

_____, Ebenezer, s. _____, bp. July 21, 1672. CR1

_____, Elizabeth, d. _____, bp. July 10, 1670. CR1

_____, Elizabeth "of Mr. Sharp's daughter of Boston", bp. Mar. 1, 1674. CR1

_____, Elizabeth, d. _____, bp. Apr. 16, 1676. CR1

_____, Elizabeth, "of S. Merits daughters", bp. May 19, 1678. CR1

_____, Elizabeth, d. "of Fosters daughter", bp. June 18, 1682. CR1

_____, Elizabeth, d. _____, bp. Apr. --, 1684. CR1

_____, Betsy, d. _____, bp. June 11, 1797. CR11

_____, Elizabeth, d. _____, bp. Nov. 8, 1825. CR6

_____, Ephraim, s. _____, bp. July 15, 1788. CR11

_____, Ephraim, s. _____, bp. Jan. --, 1790. CR12

_____, Hannah, "of Bro Waters daugher", bp. May 10, 1674. CR1

_____, George, s. _____ (Merit), of Marblehead, bp. Aug. 3, 1679. CR1

_____, Hannah, d. "John Archer's wife," bp. Sept. --, 1682. CR1

_____, Hannah, d. blind Cesar, bp. Oct. 20, 1801. CR11

_____, Henry, Nov. 29, 1738.

_____, James, s. _____, bp. Jan. 30, 1785. CR11

_____, John "of Mr. Mavericks daughter", bp. June 18, 1682. CR1

_____, John, s. _____, bp. Apr. --, 1687. CR1

_____, John, s. _____, bp. Mar. 30, 1783. CR11

_____, John, s. adopted, _____, bp. Jan. 17, 1799. CR12

_____, John Henry, s. _____, bp. May 8, 1825. CR6

_____, John, s. _____, bp. Aug. 26, 1847. CR6

_____, Jonathan, s. _____, bp. June 2, 1674. CR1

_____, Lucretia, d. _____, bp. Feb. 11, 1787. CR11

_____, Mary, d. _____, bp. July 21, 1672. CR1

_____, Mary, "of Bro Waters daughter", bp. May 10, 1674. CR1

_____, Mary, d. _____, bp. Oct. --, 1675. CR1

_____, Mary, "of S. Merits daughters," bp. May 19, 1678. CR1

_____, Polly, d. _____, bp. Sept. 3, 1786. CR11

_____, Mary, grand d. Simon Lamb, bp. Nov. 11, 1798. CR11

_____, Polly, d. _____, bp. June 8, 1800. CR12

_____, Polly, d. _____, bp. Nov. 16, 1801. CR11

_____, Moses, "of Mr. Mavericks daughter", bp. May 6, 1683. CR1

_____, Obedience, d. "Sister Merits daughter", bp. Nov. --, 1678. CR1

_____, Rebecca. d. "Mr. Maverick's D. " bp. June 4, 1682. CR1

_____, Richard, s. "Bro. Water's daughters", bp. Apr. 2, 1676. CR1

_____, Richard, "of S. Stackhouse d. " bp. July --, 1677. CR1

_____, Roger, "of Stackhouse daughter", bp. Aug. 31, 1684. CR1

_____, Samuel, of "Bro Waters daughter", bp. May 10, 1674. CR1

_____, Samuel, s. _____ (Merit), of Marblehead, bp. Aug. 3, 1679. CR1

_____, Samuel Augustus, s. _____, bp. May 8, 1825. CR6

_____, Sarah, d. Mr. Ward's daughter, bp. June 4, 1682. CR1

_____, Sarah, d. Sarah, bp. Sept. 19, 1785. CR11

_____, Sophia Young, d. _____, bp. Aug. 26, 1817. CR11

_____, Stephen, s. _____, bp. Nov. 8, 1825. CR6

_____, Susan Rebecca, d. _____, bp. Aug. 26, 1847. CR6

_____, Thomas, s. "of Stackhouse daughter," bp. Aug. 8, 1672. CR1

_____, Thomas, s. _____, bp. Oct. --, 1689. CR1

_____, Thomas, s. _____, bp. Nov. 21, 1696. CR1

_____, Thomas, s. _____, bp. Oct. --, 1785. CR12

_____, William, s. "of d. bro. Bishop," bp. 7: 6m: 1666. CR1

_____, William, s. "br. Water's daughter," bp. May 27, 1677. CR1