NorthShore Slavery


---SON, Mary, and _____ Goodale, Apr. 6, 1694.


AIKINS, Sybil, and John Mitchell, int. Apr. 9, 1837.

ALLEN, George, and Sally White, int. Apr. 7, 1804.

ALLEN, John, and Elizabeth Mussy [Murry. int.], Mar. 31, 1834.*

ALLEY, Eliza, and Richard Phillips, int. June 2, 1844.

ALLISON, Sylvia, and Amos Herron, int. Aug. 25, 1827.

ANDERSON, Thomas, and Nancy Freeman, May 10, 1831.*

ANNIBEL, Nancy, of Lynn, and Jonathan Moore, int. Dec. 19, 1799.

ANTHONY, Mark, and Jenny Cushing, both Africans, int. Dec. 8, 1781.

ARCHER, Titus [servant of Nathaniel Archer. int.], and Phoebe Brown [servant of Mrs. Abigail Brown. int.], Feb. 13, 1760.*

ARMSTEAD, Eliza [Elizabeth. int.] Ann, and John Lewis, Jan. 15, 1830.*

ARNOLD, Dinah, and Ralph, certif. Dec. 17, 1785.*

ARNOLD, Harriet, of Beverly, and Thomas H. More, Mar. 17, 1836.*

AUGUSTUS, Isaac, and Mary Black, May 20, 1805.*

AUGUSTUS, Jeptha, and Lucy Bowden, int. Feb. 26, 1780.

AUGUSTUS, Samson, and Rebecca Brown, Nov. 12, 1809.*

BALL, Priscilla, and Thomas Bonfield, both free, int. Aug. 16, 1783.

BANKS, John, and Jerusha Trask, int. Apr. 3, 1790.

BAPTIS, John, and Sally Johnson, int. Mar. 4, 1815.

BARJONA, Cato [a freeman, formerly servant of Humphrey Deveraux of Marblehead. int.], and Venus [a free Woman. int.], Mar. 17, 1778.*

BARJONA, Jane, and Samuel Miles, both Africans, int. Nov. --, 1782.

BARNES, Abraham [Absalom. int.], and Lucy Smith, Dec. 1, 1791.*

BARNES, Charles, and Priscilla Kemar of Lynn, int. Aug. 18, 1827.

BARNEY, Samuel, and Leah Geer, Dec. --, 1821.*

BARNEY, Samuell, jr., and Laura Newbury [of Amherst. int.] Oct. 7, 1839.*

BARNEY, William, and Mahala Shorter, May 27, 1841.*

BARRETT, Mathew, laborer, and [Mrs. int.] Catherine Tuett, Nov. 13, 1845.*

BARTLET, Katy, and Joseph Pederick, int. Apr. 12, 1806.

BARTLETT, Ann, and Henry Mapes, int. Sept. 22, 1821.

BARTLETT, Catherine, and John Gilbert, May 17, 1829.*

BARTLETT, Rachel [wid. int.], and James Brewer, June 20, 1822.*

BARTLETT, Robert, and Sally Johnson, int. June 12, 1813.

BASSETT, Abra, and Andrew Reed, Nov. 25, 1830.*

BATIS, John, and Phebe Hopton, Jan. 8, 1804.

BATIS, John, and Dina Eldrige, int. Feb. 21, 1819.

BATTES, John, and Mary Middleton, Oct. 3, 1809.*

BATTIS, Daniel, and [Mrs. int.] Lucretia Robertson, Oct. 1, 1819.*

BATTIS, Pheba, wid., and Jacob Brown, Nov. 27, 1823.*

BEEKMAN, Robert, and Sally Rodney, int. Jan. 17, 1819.

BELL, Henry, and Mary Parker, Sept. 27, 1828.*

BEN, Richard, and Margaret Goodhue, int. Dec. 25, 1824.

BENJAMIN, Cato, and Isabel Lawrence, "both free," Apr. 7, 1726.

BENNETT, Jane [Janne. int.], and John Ellis, Nov. 28, 1780.*

BENSON, John R[ose. int.], and Naomi Glass [of Essex. int.], Aug. --, 1831.*

BERRY, Robert, and Diana Eldridge, Dec. 1, 1819.*

BEVERLY, Francis, and Rhoda Devereux [both free. int.], Apr. 8, 1779.*

BITEN, Hannah [mulatto. int.], and Cesar Coba, Apr. 19, 1795.*

BLACK, James, and Flora Browne, int. Nov. 20, 1779.

BLACK, James, and Rhoda Francis [both free. int.], May 26, 1783.*

BLACK, John [Blackbern. int.], jr., and Hannah Dimon, May 28, 1797.*

BLACK, John, and Dinah Gard, July 5, 1807.*

BLACK, Mary, and Isaac Augustus, May 20, 1805.*

BLACK, Mary Ann, and Prince Palmer [Farmer. int.], Apr. 21, 1816.*

BLACK, Nancy, and William Johnson, Jan. 30, 1814.*

BLACK, Rhoda [wid. int.], and William Forbler, Jan. 26, 1800.*

BLACK, Sally, and Cato Prince, May 6, 1805.*

BLACK, William, and Sally Endicott, July 23, 1821.*

BLADEN, William, and Mary Soward, int. Aug. 16, 1805.

BLANCHARD, Ruth, and Lunnen Ruleff, int. June 28, 1834.

BLANCHARD, Sally, and William Colman, int. Apr. 10, 1819.

BLAND, William, and Anna Freeman, Nov. 9, 1793.*

BLISS, Daniel, and Lydia Lewis, Oct. 24, 1819.

BENFIELD, Thomas, and Priscilla Ball, both free, int. Aug. 16, 1783.

BOOKER, Daniel, and Mary Gardner, int. Aug. 30, 1823.

BOSTON, Cato, of Boston, and Sally Mansfeild, both of African descent, int. Aug. 16, 1788. (Forbidden by Sally Mansfeild.)

BOURN, Jack, and Lucy Thomas, int. June 19, 1797.

BOWDEN, Lucy, and Jeptha Augustus, int. Feb. 26, 1780.

BOWEN, Ellen, and Peter A. Robinson, int. Sept. 10, 1843.

BOWMAN, John, and Violet Pike, certif. Oct. 23, 1786.*

BOWMAN, John, and Hannah Wilson [wid. int.], Oct. 20, 1793.*

BOYD, Jane, and Charles Commodore Sims, Aug. 23, 1818.*

BOYER, Henry, and Eliza Murray, int. Feb. 17, 1826.

BRADFORD, John W., and Sally A. James, Mar. 12, 1844.

BRAY, Azilphia, and Jack Seward, July 18, 1804.*

BRAY, Betsy, and Henry Green, Nov. 24, 1812.*

BRAY, Sylva, and William Thomas, int. Apr. 12, 1818.

BREWER, James, and [wid. int.] Rachel Bartlett, June 20, 1822.*

BRIGHT, William, and Voilet Wilson, int. July 23, 1808.

BRISTER, Elizabeth, and John Powel, int. Dec. 8, 1804.

BRITTEL, James, and Nancy Shillaber, Sept. 1, 1801.

BROOKS, Elizabeth, and Richard Dickerson, July 20, 1806.*

BROOKS, John, and Flora Wallingford, Nov. 12, 1820.*

BROOKS, Mary Ann [wid. int.], and Christopher White, Sept. 17, 1823.*

BROOKS, Pheba, and Andrew Williams, Sept. 1, 1831.*

BROOKS, Phebe, and William Symonds, int. Mar. 19, 1791.

BROWN, Cressy, and Joseph Robinson, Oct. 6, 1811.*

BROWN, Flora, and Samson James, Mar. 24, 1789.

BROWN, George, and Catharine Hodges [both free. int.], June 30, 1782.*

BROWN, Jacob, and wid. Pheba Battis, Nov. 27, 1823.*

BROWN, James, and Fanny Rose, at Beverly, Nov. 20, 1831.

BROWN, John, and Mary Nichols, int. Dec. 30, 1815.

BROWN, Katy, and Tom, Aug. 22, 1786.*

BROWN, Rebecca, and Samson Augustus, Nov. 12, 1809.*

BROWN, William, and Lydia Lewis, int. May 16, 1807.

BROWN, William, and Creesey Franswell, int. Nov. 28, 1807.

BROWN, William, and Betsey Nash, June 12, 1808.*

BROWNE, Flora, and James Black, int. Nov. 20, 1779.

BROWNE, Philo, and Phebe Peterson, both Africanus, int. Aug. 9, 1788.

BUMPOO, Pero, and Tamer Fuller, Oct. 29, 1788.

BUN, Jupiter, and Katey Lewis, int. Oct. 16, 1801.

BUNDLEY, Mary Ann, and Charles C[ommodore. int.] Symmes, June 30, 1828.*

BURCH, Eliza, and Jesse Burrill [of Worcester. int.], Aug. 2, 1825.*

BURNHAM, John C., and Maria M. Saunders, July 22, 1824.*

BURNUM, Ann M., and Charles Francis, Sept. 16, 1847.*

BURRILL, Anna, and Peter Foster, Nov. 30, 1794.

BURRILL, Jesse [of Worcester. int.], and Eliza Burch, Aug. 2, 1825.*

BUSH, Benjamin [Burch. int.], and Nelly Jacobs, Sept. 7, 1800.*

BUTLER, Elizabeth, and George W. Henry, int. Mar. 26, 1837.

BUTLER, Thomas, and Rose Lewis, Oct. 29, 1817.*

BUTTS, Sandy A. [Alexander. int.], of Boston, and Ann [Nancy H. int.] H. Tucker, Oct. 1, 1840.*

BUXTON, Rosanna, and William Diggs, Aug. 6, 1787.*

BUXTON, Rose, a free woman, and William Maldra, a free man, int. Dec. 6, 1783. (Published a 2d time, Jan. 8, 1785.)

BUXTON, Violet, and Cato Richardson, certif. Jan. 5, 1782.

Caesar, and Mereah, both servants of Samuel Manning, Oct. 17, 1737.*

CAHALE, Violet, of Manchester, and John Roberson [Robinson. int.], at Manchester, Aug. 9, 1798.*

CAMPBELL, Hannah, and Sidney Cheevers, int. Oct. 2, 1824.

CAMPBELL, Prosper, and Nancy M. Jones, int. Nov. 15, 1823.

CAREY, Isaac, and Bethula Lemons, Oct. 12, 1815.*

CAREY, Thulea, and John Dimon, int. Apr. 10, 1819.

CARLEY, Susan, and Andrew M. Riley, Apr. 16, 1835.

CASEY, Thulia, and John Dimon, Mar. 13, 1821.

Cato, and Hannah [both free. CR1], June 20, 1723.

Cesar, belonging to Timothy Orne, and Mereah, belonging to Ebenezer Ward, June 21, 1739.*

CHADWICK, Jane, and James Wilson, Dec. 24, 1829.*

CHADWICK, John P., and Mrs. Amelia F. Willis, Oct. 21, 1832.*

CHAMPLAIN, London, and Rock Scene Gardner, int. May 6, 1797.

CHAMPLAIN, Pende [wid. int.], and Samuel Endicott, July 27, 1800.*

CHAMPLAIN, Prince, of Middleton, and Pender Eldridge, June 22, 1794.*

CHASE, Jacob C., and Mary Ann Hill, int. Sept. 22, 1832. (Certificate Oct. 7.)

CHASE, Meriam [E. int.], and Aaron T. Morris, July 30, 1848.*

CHATMAN, John, and Caroline Johnson, July 24, 1833.*

CHEESMAN, Richard, and Mary Ann Francis, Apr. 2, 1826.*

CHEEVER, Peggy, and Dick Richard Rodney, int. Jan. 11, 1800.

CHEEVER, Phillis [Cleaves. int.], and Samuel Gardner, at Beverly, Dec. 15, 1790.*

CHEEVERS, Sidney, and Hannah Campbell, int. Oct. 2, 1824.

CHERRY, George, and Mary Johnson, Apr. 21, 1822.*

CHEVER, Peggy, and Richard Hollis, Nov. 22, 1801.*

CHEVERS, Sidney, and Hannah C. Daland, int. Dec. 9, 1825.

CHUE, Henry, and Venus Thomas, Jan. 13, 1801.*

CLASH, Anthony, and Patience Thomas, Sept. 18, 1808.*

CLASH, Patience, Mrs., and Robert Morris, Mar. 20, 1814.*

CLASS, Abraham L., and Maria A. Saunders, Aug. 30, 1835.*

CLAY, Harriet, and John Lewis, Oct. 13, 1828.*

CLAY, Harriot, and George Simpson, int. July 14, 1827.

COBA, Cesar, and Hannah Biten [mulatto. int.], Apr. 19, 1795.*

COBIN, John, and Thurla Lemon, int. Apr. 9, 1825.

COLMAN, William, and Sally Blanchard, int. Apr. 10, 1819.

COLSON, Eliza, and Charles Cook of Boston, Aug. 6, 1849.*

CONNER, Edward, and Nancy Diggs, int. Nov. 28, 1801.

COOK, Charles, of Boston, and Eliza Colson, Aug. 6, 1849.*

CORNER, Edward, and Susanna Farmer, Aug. 6, 1800.*

COURTLAND, Lewis, and Lucretia Minger, Oct. 16, 1823. CR1

COX, Daniel, and Pamela Francis, int. Dec. 23, 1815.

CROMWELL, Oliver [of Hutchinson. int.], and Ann Middleton, mulatto, at Danvers, Feb. 12, 1776.*

CROSS, Margaret, and John Gyer, Dec. 19, 1802.

CROSS, Peter, and Violet Ruloff, May 4, 1800.*

CROWELL, James [Cromwell. CR11], and Violet Pickman, July 19, 1795.

CUFFERSON, Charles, and Alice Johnson of Andover, int. Apr. 25, 1807.

CUMMINS, Phillis, and Pomp Procter, Aug. 31, 1796.*

CUSHING, Diana, and Isaac Hower, jr., both Africans, int. Apr. 17, 1779.

CUSHING, Jenny, and Mark Anthony, both Africans, int. Dec. 8, 1781.

CUSHING, Violet, and William Spencer, Sept. 3, 1800.

DAILEY, Robert, and Mrs. Hannah Munroe, int. Sept. 25, 1842.

DALAND, Hannah C. and Sidney Chevers, int. Dec. 9, 1825.

DAVIS, Anna, and Anthony Gillman, certif. Mar. --, 1805.*

DAVIS, Edward, and Violet Mitchel, int. Oct. 26, 1805.

DAVIS, London, and Sylvia Davis, int. July 22, 1820.

DAVIS, Sylvia, and London Davis, int. July 22, 1820.

DAVIS, Sylvia, and Lymist Elliston, Jan. 7, 1822.*

DAWSON, Benjamin, and Anstiss T. Jackson, Mar. 22, 1835.*

DAY, Rebecca, belonging to Mrs. Pickman, and Isaac Peters, belonging to Mrs. Kitchen, May 14, 1726. [Apr. 14. CR1]

DEDLARD, Joseph [Dedland. int.], and Violet Tolbert, Feb. 3, 1811.*

DERBY, Phoebe [servant of Richard Derby. int.], and Mingo Palfray [servant of Warwick Palfray. int.], Aug. 4, 1776.*

DERBY, Sabe, and Rose Lane, Dec. 9, 1799.

DEVEREUX, Rhoda, and Francis Beverly [both free. int.], Apr. 8, 1779.*

DEWING, Mary, wid. and Daniel H. Hamilton, int. Feb. 18, 1832.

DICKASON, Fanny, and Benjamin Rose of Beverly, July 20, 1800.*

DICKENSON, Benjamin, and Nancy Thomas, int. Feb. 22, 1834.

DICKERSON, George, and Harriet Dickerson, Nov. 19, 1839.*

DICKERSON, Harriet, and George Dickerson, Nov. 19, 1839.*

DICKERSON, Lucretia, and Francis Hector, May 11, 1806.

DICKERSON, Richard, and Eunice Times, int. Oct. 5, 1827. (Forbid by H. Chew.)

DICKINSON, Catharine [Dickerson. int.], and Laman Shillaber, Jan. 6, 1808.*

DICKINSON, Robert [Dickerson. int.], and Martha Jones, May 28, 1809.*

DICKINSON, Sibble, and John Lenox of Newton, Oct. 5, 1817.*

DIER, Elizabeth, and Thomas Leffage, Dec. 29, 1800.*

DIGGS, Ann, and John Phelps [Phillips. int.], Oct. 9, 1805.

DIGGS, Nancy, and Edward Conner, int. Nov. 28, 1801.

DIGGS, Rose, and John Newport, int. Sept. 22, 1810.

DIGGS, William, and Rosanna Buxton, Aug. 6, 1787.*

DIGGS, William, and Jane Frances, int. Sept. 1, 1810. (Forbid.)

DIMON, Hannah, and John Black [Blackburn. int.], jr., May 28, 1797.*

DIMON, John and Thulea Carey, int. Apr. 10, 1819.

DIMON, John, and Thulia Casey, Mar. 13, 1821.*

Dinah, servant of John Sanders, and Thomas, servant of Joshua Orne, jr. of Marblehead, int. Jan. 20, 1753.

Dinah, servant of Benjamin Daland, and Peter, servant of Mrs. Mary Toppan, Dec. 31, 1771.*

Dinah [servant of Jonathan Ropes, jr. int.], and Joe [servant of John Sweetser. int.], certif. July 4, 1776.*

DODGE, Lucy, of Hamilton, and Dover Harvey, June 13, 1794.*

DODGE, Violet, and Peter Wainwright, int. May 8, 1793.

DOLIVER, Dinah, and Nero Pain, Dec. 4, 1788.*

DORCEY, Susanna, of Boston, and James Ruleff, Sept. 8, 1840.*

DORRELL, Benjamin, and Hannah Miles, certif. Feb. 21, 1780.*

DOUGLAS, George, and Rebecca Middleton, certif. Apr. 4, 1782.*

Douglass, a free man, and Zilpher, a free woman, int. May 2, 1777.

DREW, Alice Ann, Mrs., and Phillip Barns, Jan. 13, 1833.*

DREW, Elizabeth, and Thomas Drew, Apr. 5, 1832.*

DREW, Martha Ann W., and James P. Lewis [of New London. int.], laborer, Apr. 2, 1846.*

DREW, Thomas, and Elizabeth Drew, Apr. 5, 1832.*

DREW, William, and Alice Williams, Nov. 24, 1825.*

DULIN, Mary, and Pierce Fisher, int. Oct. 22, 1830.

DUNCAN, George, a free man, and Sarah Pemberten, a free woman, int. July 4, 1781.

DUNKIN, Rebecca, wid., and James Green, int. Nov. 15, 1794.

DUNKIN, Elizabeth, and John Nash, Jan. 25, 1804.

DUNKLIN, Dorcas [Dunken. int.], and John Lancaster. Dec. 12, 1799.*

DYER, Ellen U. [W. int.], and John Marshall, Aug. 17, 1835.*

DYER, James, and Nelly Poynton, certif. May 10, 1782.*

DYER, James Poynton, and Margaret Goodhue, int. Oct. 23, 1819. (Oct. 25, forbidden by J.P. Dyer, being without their knowledge.)

DYER, James Poynton, and Margaret Goodhue, int. Oct. 3, 1820.

EASTON, Maria, and John A. Powell, int. Apr. 12, 1840.

EGER, Issabell, belonging to Mr. [Daniel. int.] Epes, and Peter Lawrence, belonging to Mr. [John. int.] Grafton, Dec. 27, 1711.*

ELDRIDGE, Diana, and Robert Berry, Dec. 1, 1819.*

ELDRIDGE, Pender, and Prince Champlain, of Middleton, June 22, 1794.*

ELDRIDGE, Dina, and John Batis, int. Feb. 21, 1819.

Elizabeth, servant of Clifford Crowninshield, and Lewis, servant of Col. [Benjamin. int.] Brown, July 14, 1743.*

Elizabeth, servant of David Gould of Lynn, and Titus, servant of Samuel Barnard, int. July 26, 1755.

ELLIS, Jane, and Dover Harvey, int. July 19, 1788.

ELLIS, Jenny, and Dover Harvey, int. Nov. 13, 1790.

ELLIS, John, and Jane [Janne. int.] Bennet, Nov. 28, 1780.*

ELLISTON, Lymist, and Sylvia Davis, Jan. 7, 1822.*

EMERSON, Phillis, and Jeremiah Rollins, Oct. 29, 1801.*

ENDICOTT, Sally, and William Black, July 23, 1821.*

ENDICOTT, Samuel, and Pende Champlain [wid. int.], July 27, 1800.*

EVANS, John, and Julia Ann Stone [of Philadelphia. int.], Oct. 24, 1843.*

FARMER, Mary, and Elias Smith, Oct. 17, 1842.*

FARMER, Susanna, and Edward Corner, Aug. 6, 1800.*

FARMER, Sussanna, and Dick Richard Rodney, int. June 1, 1799.

FISHER, Pierce, and Mary Dulin, int. Oct. 22, 1830.

FISHER, Stilla, and London Ruleff, Nov. --, 1825.*

FLETCHER, Hazard, of Beverly, and, wid. Rhoda Laffage, int. July 24, 1824.

FLETCHER, Hazard, and Mrs. Margaret Hollis, June 12, 1835.*

FLETCHER, Hazett, and [Mrs. int.] Rachel Smith, June 8, 1837.*

FLETCHER, Rachel, and Isaac Kelsey, int. Nov. 2, 1845.

FLINT, Violet, and James Stephens, int. Mar. 4, 1809.

FLINT, Violet, and Cesar Wilkins, Mar. 25, 1810.*

FOIBLER, William, and Voylet Trask, int. May 20, 1804.

FOIBLER, William, and Polly Pauls, Dec. 29, 1805.*

FORBLER, William, and Rhoda Black [wid. int.], Jan. 26, 1800.*

FORD, Nace [Mace. int.], and Betsy Green, Jan. 13, 1808.*

Fortune, servant of John Riddan of Marblehead, and Vilet, servant of, wid. Hannah Pierce, int. June 15, 1749.

FOSTER, Flora, and Peter Williams, Nov. 10, 1805.*

FOSTER, Nelly, and James Smith, May 5, 1799.*

FOSTER, Peter, and Anna Burrill, Nov. 30, 1794.

FOSTER, Pomp, and Rosanna Hill of Beverly, int. Sept. 10, 1807.

FOSTER, Titus, and Polly Soward, int. Mar. 27, 1801.

FOSTER, Zachariah, an African, and Voilet, a free woman, int. July 14, 1781.

FOWLER, William, and wid. Hannah Symonds, int. Apr. 2, 1831. (Certificate Apr. 18.).

FOX, George [of Boston. int.], and Priscilla Gardner, Mar. 29, 1798.*

FOX, Priscilla, and William Johnson, Apr. 24, 1806.

FRANCES, Jane, and William Diggs, int. Sept. 1, 1810. (Forbid.)

FRANCIS, Martha Ann, and John Nichols, Jan. 18, 1840.*

FRANCIS, Amelia, and Anthony Willis, Feb. 12, 1824.

FRANCIS, Charles, and Ann M. Burnum, Sept. 16, 1847.*

FRANCIS, Ephraim, and Judith Lemon, int. Aug. 29, 1829.

FRANCIS, Frank, and Rebecca Middleton, int. Oct. 21, 1786.

FRANCIS, Harriot and James Williams, Jan. 12, 1821.

FRANCIS, Jane, and James Williams, int. May 27, 1820.

FRANCIS, John, and Lucretia Francis, Nov. 29, 1801.

FRANCIS, Joseph, and Martha Ann Francis, May 21, 1826.*

FRANCIS, Joseph, and Susan Hollis, July 31, 1834.*

FRANCIS, Lucretia, and John Francis, Nov. 29, 1801.

FRANCIS, Martha, and Antonio George, June 27, 1833.*

FRANCIS, Martha Ann, and Joseph Francis, May 21, 1826.*

FRANCIS, Mary Ann, and Richard Cheesman, Apr. 2, 1826.*

FRANCIS, Nancy, and Henry Mapes, int. Jan. 18, 1834.

FRANCIS, Olive, and Timothy Phillips [of Boston. int.], Oct. 16, 1808.*

FRANCIS, Pamela, and Jery Bell Rose, int. Sept. 4, 1813.

FRANCIS, Pamela, and Daniel Cox, Dec. 23, 1815.

FRANCIS, Pheba [Sheba. dup.], and William Francis [Sancis. int.], July 20, 1828.*

FRANCIS, Pheba, and Abraham Wood, int. Dec. 4, 1830.

FRANCIS, Rhoda, and James Black [both free. int.], May 26, 1783.*

FRANCIS, Rhoda, of Beverly, and Henry Thompson, at Beverly, July 21, 1799.*

FRANCIS, Sally, and John [Isaac. int. and CR1] Duffy, Oct. 25, 1802.*

FRANCIS, Susan [Mrs. int.], and William Semeal, Apr. 2, 1843.*

FRANCIS, William [Sancis. int.], and Pheba [Sheba. dup.] Francis, July 20, 1828.*

FRANSWELL, Cresey, and William Brown, int. Nov. 28, 1801.

FREEMAN, Anna, and William Bland, Nov. 9, 1793.*

FREEMAN, Israel, and Ester Tuster, May 25, 1800.*

FREEMAN, James, and Catherine Manuel, Oct. 23, 1823.*

FREEMAN, Jethro, and Anna Jacobs, int. Oct. 7, 1815.

FREEMAN, John, and Caroline Field, July 16, 1845.*

FREEMAN, Lydia, and Abraham James, Aug. 10, 1817.*

FREEMAN, Nancy, and Joseph Wilson, Nov. 11, 1800.

FREEMAN, Nancy, and Eli Standley, int. Aug. 16, 1828.

FREEMAN, Nancy, and Thomas Anderson, May 10, 1831.*

FREEMAN, Peter, and Venus Gowen, Oct. 24, 1784.*

FREEMAN, Peter, and Dinah Talman, int. Nov. 28, 1801.

FREEMAN, Remember [of Gloucester. int.], and Cato Ranson, Aug. 5, 1810.*

FREEMAN, Richard, and Phillis Whitney, Apr. 10, 1802.

FREEMAN, Robert, a free man, and Kate, a free woman, int. May 16, 1778.

FREEMAN, Sally, and Isaac Hill, int. Oct. 18, 1800. (Forbid.)

FREEMAN, Sally, and John Dupee Maffers, Dec. 15, 1805.*

FREEMAN, Scipo, of Beverly [of Salem. int.], and Venus Freeman, Oct. 2, 1791.*

FREEMAN, Tamer, and Cato Montgumery, Mar. 6, 1811.*

FREEMAN, Venus, and Scipeo Freeman of Beverly [of Salem. int.], Oct. 2, 1791.*

FRENCH, Crecy, and John Long, int. Dec. 23, 1809.

FRYE, John, and Elizabeth Jacobs, Dec. 8, 1822.*

FULLER, Tamer, and Pero Bumpoo, Oct. 29, 1788.

FUNDAY, Rose, and Silas Rowen, int. Aug. 21, 1779.

GARD, Dinah, and John Black, July 5, 1807.*

GARDNER, Cato [servant of John Gardner, jr. int.], and Kate Hodges [servant of Joseph Hodges. int.], Apr. 6, 1775.*

GARDNER, Chloe, a free woman, and Jack Threeard, a free man, int. July 3, 1779.

GARDNER, Mary, and Daniel Booker, int. Aug. 30, 1823.

GARDNER, Priscilla, and George Fox [of Boston. int.], Mar. 29, 1798.*

GARDNER, Robie, and Samuel Tye, Mar. 14, 1813.*

GARDNER, Rock Scene, and London Champlain, int. May 6, 1797.

GARDNER, Samuel, and Phillis Cheever [Cleaves. int.], at Beverly, Dec. 15, 1790.*

GARDNER, Thomas, and Lucina Lovett of Beverly, int. June 9, 1798.

GEER, John, and Phillis Hill of Marblehead, Oct. 29, 1815.*

GEER, Leah, and Samuel Barney, Dec. --, 1821.*

GEERS, Lydia, and Charles Mitchel, int. Nov. 7, 1805.

GEORGE, Antonio, and Martha Francis, June 27, 1833.*

GERRISH, Flora, and George Johnson, int. Sept. 30, 1779.

GERRISH, Mary, and Thomas Jacobs, Oct. 16, 1796.*

GILBERT, John, and Catherine Bartlett, May 17, 1829.*

GILLMAN, Anthony, and Anna Davis, certif. Mar. --, 1805.*

GLASS, Naomi [of Essex. int.], and John R[ose. int.] Benson, Aug. --, 1831.*

GLOVER, Cato, of Marblehead, and Affable Saunders, int. Apr. 13, 1805.

GOODALE, Cato, and Jerusha Trask, int. Jan. 29, 1791.

GOODHUE, Joseph, and Mahala Lemmons of Essex, int. Sept. 15, 1821.

GOODHUE, Margaret, and James Poynton Dyer, int. Oct. 3, 1820.

GOODHUE, Margaret, and Richard Bell, int. Dec. 25, 1824.

GOODHUE, Salome, and James Ruliff, July 8, 1821.*

GOULD, Jenny, and James Wilson, Sept. 12, 1793.*

GOULD, Zilpah, and Douglas Middleton, certif. July 15, 1780.*

GOWEN, Venus, and Peter Freeman, Oct. 24, 1784.*

GOWING, John Peter, and Hepzibah Saunders, int. Nov. 18, 1797.

GRANT, Primus, and Violet King [both free. int.], certif. Aug. 21, 1784.*

GRANT, Primus, and Violet James, Sept. 13, 1795.*

GRANT, Violet, and Thomas Munson, Sept. 14, 1800.

GREEN, Betsy, and John Thomas, int. Dec. 1, 1804.

GREEN, Betsy, and Nace [Mace. int.] Ford, Jan. 13, 1808.*

GREEN, Henry, and Betsy Bray, Nov. 24, 1812.*

GREEN, James, and Nancy Shillaber [both free. int.], Nov. 12, 1783.*

GREEN, James, and wid. Rebecca Dunkin, int. Nov. 15, 1794.

GREEN, James [of Philadelphia. int.], and Abigail F. Thompson, Apr. 20, 1831.*

GREEN, Lucy, and John Williams, May 20, 1810.*

GREEN, Nancy [wid. int.], and Isaac Thomas, July 31, 1823.*

GREEN, Peter, and Anne Jacobs [wid. int.], Nov. 22, 1829.*

GREENE, Perry, and Sally Middleton, June 19, 1808.*

GROUNDS, Titus, and Pindy Indicott, int. Feb. 14, 1807.

GROVES, Cato, and Phillis Stevens, Sept. 17, 1780.*

GROW, Phillis, of Marblehead, and Simon Hill, at Marblehead, Apr. 17, 1796.

GYER, John, and Margaret Cross, Dec. 19, 1802.

Hagar, belonging to Mr. Ruck, and Tom, belonging to Mr. Norman, Jan. 14, 1707.

HALL, Sally, and Reuben Middleton, both Africans, int. Aug. 20, 1785.

HALL, Susan, and John Sanson, jr., int. July 13, 1811.

HALL, Susan, and John Wilson, int. Oct. 24, 1812.

HAMILTON, Daniel, and Jane Joseph, Feb. 4, 1836.*

HAMILTON, Daniel H., and wid. Mary Dewing, int. Feb. 18, 1832.

HARLEY, Joseph, and Jane Hector, both of the African descent, int. Aug. 2, 1788.

HARRIS, James W., of New Bedford, and Abiah Saunders, Dec. 24, 1838.*

HARVEY, Cesar, belonging to Jos. Dowse, and Jane, belonging to wid. Lois Lee, int. Oct. 17, 1778.

HARVEY, Dover, and Jane Ellis, int. July 19, 1788.

HARVEY, Dover, and Jenny Ellis, int. Nov. 13, 1790.

HARVEY, Dover, and Lucy Dodge of Hamilton, June 13, 1794.*

HAWKINS, Caroline, and Moses Townsend, int. May 8, 1836.

HAWKINS, Catherine, and Abraham Johnson, Aug. 31, 1835.

HAWKINS, Charles, and Sarah Thompson, Apr. 4, 1821.*

HAWKINS, Sarah Ann, and Henry Williams [of Boston. int.], Aug. 28, 1835.*

Hazard, and Priscilla, both belonging to Samuel Smith, Feb. 4, 1741-2.*

HAZARD, John, and Hannah Thomas, Oct. 4, 1804.*

HECTOR, Francis, and Violet Smith, Sept. 25, 1796.

HECTOR, Francis, and Lucretia Dickerson, May 11, 1806.

HECTOR, Jane, and Joseph Harley, both of the African descent, int. Aug. 2, 1788.

Henry, servant of Capt. Peter Osgood, and Zilpah, servant of Nathaniell Bartlett of Marblehead, int. Sept. 14, 1728.

HENRY, George W., and Elizabeth Butler, int. Mar. 26, 1837.

HERRON, Amos, and Sylvia Allison, int. Aug. 25, 1827.

HILL, Diana, and William Ranson, July 31, 1814.*

HILL, Isaac, and Sally Freeman, int. Oct. 18, 1800. (Forbid.)

HILL, Isaac, and Rose Wellman of Beverly, int. July 7, 1803.

HILL, Mary Ann, and Jacob C. Chase, int. Sept. 22, 1832. (Certificate Oct. 7.)

HILL, Phillis, of Marblehead, and John Geer, Oct. 29, 1815.*

HILL, Rosanna, of Beverly, and Pomp Foster, int. Sept. 10, 1807.

HILL, Simon, and Phillis Grow of Marblehead, at Marblehead, Apr. 17, 1796.

HILLS, Prince, of Medford, int. Jan. 25, 1777.

HODGES, Catharine, and George Brown [both free. int.], June 30, 1782.*

HODGES, Jack [servant of Joseph Hodges. int.], and Venus White [servant of John White, jr. int.], Oct. 18, 1764.*

HOGAN, John, and Dinah Porter [both free. int.], Jan. 13, 1784.*

HOGAN, John, and Priscilla, Feb. 13, 1785.*

Holland [servant of Capt. Jno. Abbott. int.], and Su[Susanna, servant of Lt. Robert Brisco of Beverly. int.], at Beverly. Feb. 4, 1711-12.*

HOLLIS, Hannah, and James McAndrew, Aug. 28, 1823.*

HOLLIS, Margaret, Mrs., and Hazard Fletcher, June 12, 1835.*

HOLLIS, Richard, and Peggy Chever, Nov. 22, 1801.*

HOLLIS, Susan, and Joseph Francis, July 31, 1834.*

HOLT, Elizabeth J. (white), a. 35 y., d. Jacob and Hannah, and J[ohn. int.] N. Mars [Mors. int.] (colored), widr., of Athol, a. 42 y., preacher, s. Silas and Fanny, Oct. 27, 1846.*

HOOPER, Carlon, and Anna Wilson, int. Nov. 21, 1801.

HOOPER, Carlton, and Elizabeth Wheeler, July 23, 1804.*

HOPTON, Phebe, and John Batis, Jan. 8, 1804.

HOW, Scipio, and Sally Whitridge, int. Dec. 17, 1791.

HOWARD, Creesy, wid., and Michael Medlock, int. June 14, 1806.

HOWARD, Flora [Honer. int.], wid., and Reuben Pernam, Dec. 21, 1788.*

HOWER, Charles, and Flora Janes, int. Mar. 11, 1815.

HOWER, Isaac, jr., and Diana Cushing, both Africans, int. Apr. 17, 1779.

HOWER, Isaac, and Cresy Thomas, Mar. 7, 1799.*

HUBBARD, Joseph, and Violet Trask, int. July 5, 1800.

HULLAND, Lucy, of Brooklyn, and Barnet Spriggs, int. May 31, 1794.

HUNT, Violet, and Thomas King, Sept. 17, 1780.*

INDECOTT, Cesar, and Violet Ivis, int. Feb. 26, 1780.

INDICOTT, Pindy, and Titus Grounds, int. Feb. 14, 1807.

Isaac, servant of Samuel Gardner, and Jane, servant of Capt. Richard Derby, Jan. 23, 1754.*

IIS, Violet, and Cesar Indecott, int. Feb. 26, 1780.

JACKSON, Anstiss T., and Benjamin Dawson, Mar. 22, 1835.*

JACKSON, Lucinda, and Jefferson Smith, int. Apr. 17, 1830. (Certificate May 4.)

JACOBS, Alice, and William Smith, May 20, 1823. CR1*

JACOBS, Ann, and David Levan, Jan. 24, 1822.*

JACOBS, Anna, and Jethro Freeman, int. Oct. 7, 1815.

JACOBS, Anne [wid. int.], and Peter Green, Nov. 22, 1829.*

JACOBS, Elizabeth, and Joseph Francis, int. Nov. 8, 1818.

JACOBS, Elizabeth, and John Frye, Dec. 8, 1822.*

JACOBS, Nelly, and Benjamin Bush [Burch. int.], Sept. 7, 1800.*

JACOBS, Thomas, and Mary Gerrish, Oct. 16, 1796.*

JAMES, Abraham, and Lucine Lovett, int. Sept. 20, 1794.

JAMES, Abraham, and Lydia Freeman, Aug. 10, 1817.*

JAMES, Sally A., and John W. Bradford, Mar. 12, 1844.

JAMES, Samson, and Flora Brown, Mar. 24, 1789.

JAMES, Samuel [Janes. int.], jr., and Susan Johnson [of Lynn. int.], Oct. 16, 1845.*

JAMES, Violet, and Primus Grant, Sept. 13, 1795.*

Jane, servant of Capt. Richard Derby, and Isaac, servant of Samuel Gardner, Jan. 23, 1754.*

Jane [servant of George Small of Danvers. int.], and Primus [servant of Hon. B. Lynde, Esq. int.], at Danvers, Dec. 30, 1757.*

Jane [servant of Daniel Mackey. int.], and Jack [lately Servant of Nathaniel Archer, dec. int.], certif. Feb. 5, 1775.*

Jane, belonging to, wid. Lois Lee, and Cesar Harvey, belonging to Jos. Dowse, int. Oct. 17, 1778.

JANES, Flora, and Charles Hower, int. Mar. 11, 1815.

Jenny, servant of Richard Ward, and Milo, servant of William Pool, of Danvers, deceased, int. Apr. 20, 1776.

JERRET, Ketiah [Kesiah. int.], and Peter J[ames. int.] Williams, July 16, 1826.*

Jethro, servant of William Hunt, and Phebe, servant of Richard Elvins of Dunston, May 18, 1747.*

Joe [servant of John Sweetser. int.], and Dinah [servant of Jonathan Ropes, jr. int.], certif. July 4, 1776.*

JOHNSON, Abraham, and Catherine Hawkins, Aug. 31, 1835.

JOHNSON, Daniel, and Eliza Ringold, int. Oct. 21, 1826.

JOHNSON, George, and Flora Gerrish, int. Sept. 30, 1779.

JOHNSON, Grafton A., and Lucy Renner [Raner. int.], Jan. 18, 1838.*

JOHNSON, John, and Phillis Peirce, May 10, 1800.

JOHNSON, Manuel H., and Anstris T. Symonds, July 18, 1827.*

JOHNSON, Mary, and George Cherry, Apr. 21, 1822.*

JOHNSON, Nathan, and Rhoda Leffage, int. Apr. 12, 1834.

JOHNSON, Peter, and Sally White, Sept. 28, 1804. [ Sept. 23. CR11]*

JOHNSON, Peter, and Hepsibah Blanchard, Apr. 2, 1828.*

JOHNSON, Sally, and Prince Williams, int. Apr. 11, 1812.

JOHNSON, Sally, and Robert Bartlett, int. June 12, 1813.

JOHNSON, Sally, and John Baptis, int. Mar. 4, 1815.

JOHNSON, Susan [of Lynn. int.], and Samuel James [Janes. int.], jr., Oct. 16, 1845.*

JOHNSON, William, and Priscilla Fox, Apr. 24, 1806.

JOHNSON, William, and Nancy Black, Jan. 30, 1814.*

JONES, Martha, and Robert Dickinson [Dickerson. int.], May 28, 1809.*

JONES, Nancy M., and Prosper Campbell, int. Nov. 15, 1823.

JONES, Nancy M., and Axam Randolph, Oct. 2, 1827.*

JONES, Rebecca, and John Paine, int. Sept. 7, 1833.

JONES, Thomas, and Martha McAfee [Moffee. int.], Oct. 20, 1805.*

JOSEPH, Jane, and Daniel Hamilton, Feb. 4, 1836.*

JOHNSON, Caroline, and John Chatman, July 24, 1833.*

JOHNSON, William, and Mary Ann R. White, Sept. 17, 1835.*

Kate, a free woman, and Robert Freeman, a free man, int. May 16, 1778.

KEEBBY, Harrison [Newby. int.], and Mary Jane Scott, Apr. 2, 1840.*

KELSEY, Isaac, and Rachel Fletcher, int. Nov. 2, 1845.

KENNAR, Priscilla, of Lynn, and Charles Barnes, int. Aug. 18, 1827.

KENNEDY, William, and Jane Minger, int. Feb. 26, 1820.

KENT, Nancy, and Peter Manuel [of Danvers. int.], May 29, 1781.*

KING, Primus, and Allice Nimro, both Africans, int. Sept. 25, 1784.

KING, Violet, and Primus Grant [both free. int.], certif. Aug. 21, 1784.*

KITCHEN, Cato, and Judeth Wanton [Clark. int.], certif. Apr. 28, 1797.*

KITCHEN, Venus, and Salem Lane [both free. int.], Mar. 28, 1779.*

KNIGHT, Sarah, and John Mitchell [both of Boston. int.], June 15, 1838.*

LAFFAGE, Rhoda, wid., and Hazard Fletcher of Beverly, int. July 24, 1824.

LAKE, John, and Sally Meldridge [Muldridge. CR1], Nov. 14, 1799.*

LAKE, Sally, and Titus Williams, int. Aug. 16, 1805.

LAKE, Sally, and Andrew Thompson, Nov. 29, 1805.*

LANCASTER, John, and Dorcas Dunklin [Dunken. int.], Dec. 12, 1799.*

LANE, John, and Edna L. Read, Nov. 16, 1848.*

LANE, Rose, and Sabe Derby, Dec. 9, 1799.

LANE, Salem, a free man, formerly belonging to Mary Orne, and Rose, a free woman, of Newburyport, int. --- --, 1778. ("Salem Lane was forbid by Mr. E.H. Derby. ")

LANE, Salem, and Venus Kitchen [both free. int.], Mar. 28, 1779.*

LAWRENCE, David S., and Maria Stewart [of Boston. int.], Apr. 18, 1830.*

LAWRENCE, Eliza, and Joseph Silver, Apr. 24, 1831.*

LAWRENCE, Isabel, and Cato Benjamin, "both free," Apr. 7, 1726.

LAWRENCE, Peter, belonging to Mr. [John. int.] Grafton, and Issabell Eger, belonging to Mr. [Daniel int.] Epes, Dec. 27, 1711.*

LEE, Judith W., and Abraham Williams, Mar. 30, 1843.*

LEE, Katherine, and Isaac Thomas, June 17, 1801.

LEFFAGE, Peter, and Rhode Turner, Dec. 23, 1798.*

LEFFAGE, Rhoda, and Nathan Johnson, int. Apr. 12, 1834.

LEFFAGE, Thomas, and Elizabeth Dier, Dec. 29, 1800.*

LEMMONS, Mahala, of Essex, and Joseph Goodhue, int. Sept. 15, 1821.

LEMON, Judith, and Ephraim Francis, int. Aug. 29, 1829.

LEMON, Thurla, and John Cobin, int. Apr. 9, 1825.

LEMON, Thurla, and Israel F. [T. int.] Moore, Apr. 4, 1830.*

LENOX, John, of Newton, and Sibble Dickinson, Oct. 5, 1817.*

LENOX, Nancy, of Boston, and John Remond, int. Oct. 3, 1807.

LEVAN, David, and Ann Jacobs, Jan. 24, 1822.*

Lewis, servant of Col. [Benjamin. int.] Brown, and Elizabeth, servant of Clifford Crowninshield, July 14, 1743.*

LEWIS, James P. [of New London. int.], laborer, and Martha Ann W. Drew, Apr. 2, 1846.*

LEWIS, Katey, and Jupiter Bun, int. Oct. 16, 1801.

LEWIS, John, and Harriet Clay, Oct. 13, 1828.*

LEWIS, John, and Eliza [Elizabeth. int.] Ann Armstead, Jan. 15, 1830.*

LEWIS, Lydia, and William Brown, int. May 16, 1807.

LEWIS, Lydia, and Peter Lue, Oct. 15, 1809.*

LEWIS, Lydia, and Daniel Bliss, Oct. 24, 1819.

LEWIS, Margaret [wid. int.], and John Wheatland, Apr. 22, 1821.*

LEWIS, Olive, and Charles Richardson, June 26, 1817.*

LEWIS, Rose, and Thomas Butler, Oct. 29, 1817.*

LINDSON, Hester, and Christopher White, Jan. 1, 1786.

LONG, John, and Crecy French, int. Dec. 23, 1809.

LOVETT, Lucina, of Beverly, and Thomas Gardner, int. June 9, 1798.

LOVETT, Lucine, and Abraham James, int. Sept. 20, 1794.

LOW, Boston, a free man, and Charity Prince, a free woman, int. Apr. 3, 1779.

LUE, Peter, and Lydia Lewis, Oct. 15, 1809.

McAFEE, Martha [Moffee. int.], and Thomas Jones, Oct. 20, 1805.*

McANDREW, James, and Hannah Hollis, Aug. 28, 1823.*

McCOY, Abraham, and Sarah E. [P. int.] Wiggins. Sept. 1, 1822.*

MacKEY, Nealer [a free woman. int.], and George Nicholls [Nicholson, a free man. int.], June 5, 1785.

MAFFERS, John Dupee, and Sally Freeman, Dec. 15, 1805.*

MAGUS, Betsy, and Isaac Thomas, Oct. 10, 1802.

MALDRA, William, a free man, and Rose Buxton, a free woman, int. Dec. 6, 1783. (Published a 2d time, Jan. 8, 1785.)

MANSFEILD, Sally, and Cato Boston of Boston, both of African descent, int. Aug. 16, 1788. (Forbidden by Sally Mansfeild.)

MANSFEILD, Sally, and Isaac Pierson, int. Sept. 27, 1794.

MANUAL, Happy, and John Storer, int. Dec. 3, 1796.

MANUEL, Catherine, and James Freeman, Oct. 23, 1823.*

MANUEL, Peter [of Danvers. int.], and Nancy Kent, May 29, 1781.*

MAPES, Henry, and Ann Bartlett, int. Sept. 22, 1821.

MAPES, Henry, and Emma Pedrick, int. Sept. 17, 1825. (Forbidden by Mrs. Bartlett.)

MAPES, Henry, and Nancy Francis, int. Jan. 18, 1834.

MAPES, Nancy, and John Nichols, seaman, Nov. 4, 1847.*

Margaret, servant of Dea. Joshua Ward, and Mingo, servant of Warwick Palfrey, May 4, 1769.

MARS, J.N. [John N. Mors. int.], widr., of Athol, a. 42 y., preacher, s. Silas and Fanny, and Elizabeth J. Holt (white), a. 35 y., d. Jacob and Hannah, Oct. 27, 1846.*

MARSHALL, John, and Ellen U. [W. int.] Dyer, Aug. 17, 1835.*

MARTIN, Phyllis, and William Read, Nov. 2, 1808.

MARTIN, Thomas, and Phillis Putnam, Feb. 19, 1796.

Mary, servant of Nathan Breed of Lynn, and Sharper, servant of Samuel Carlton, int. Jan. 18, 1739-40.

MEDLOCK, Michael, and, wid. Creesy Howard, int. June 14, 1806.

MELDRIDGE, Sally [Muldridge. CR1], and John Lake, Nov. 14, 1799.*

Mereah, and Caesar, both servants of Samuel Manning, Oct. 17, 1737.*

Mereah, belonging to Ebenezer Ward, and Cesar, belonging to Timothy Orne, June 21, 1739.*

Merriam, servant to Daniel Southwick, and Minto, servant to Mr. Ives, int. Nov. 13, 1731.

MIDDLETON, Ann, mulatto, and Oliver Cromwell [of Hutchinson. int.], at Danvers, Feb. 12, 1776.*

MIDDLETON, Ann, and Prince Hill of Medford, int. Jan. 25, 1777.

MIDDLETON, Douglas, and Zilpah Gould, certif. July 15, 1780.*

MIDDLETON, Mary, and John Battes, Oct. 3, 1809.*

MIDDLETON, Rebecca, and George Douglas, certif. Apr. 4, 1782.*

MIDDLETON, Rebecca, and Frank Francis, int. Oct. 21, 1786.

MIDDLETON, Reuben, and Sally Hall, both Africans, int. Aug. 20, 1785.

MIDDLETON, Sally, and Perry Greene, June 19, 1808.*

MIDDLETON, William, and Peggy Towzer, Nov. 9, 1788.*

MILES, Hannah, and Benjamin Dorrell, certif. Feb. 21, 1780.*

MILES, Samuel, and Jane Barjona, both Africans, int. Nov. --, 1782.

Milo, servant of William Pool, of Danvers, deceased, and Jenny, servant of Richard Ward, int. Apr. 20, 1776.

MINAH, Joseph B., and Sophia Williams, Nov. 22, 1819.*

MINAH, Sophia, and Samuel Paine, Sept. --, 1835.*

MINGER, Fillis, and John Paine, int. Apr. 12, 1823.

MINGER, Jane, and William Kennedy, int. Feb. 26, 1820.

MINGER, Lucretia, and Lewis Courtland, Oct. 16, 1823. CR1*

Mingo, servant of Warwick Palfrey, and Margaret, servant of Dea. Joshua Ward, May 4, 1769.

Minto, servant to Mr. Ives, and Merriam, servant to Daniel Southwick, int. Nov. 13, 1731.

MITCHEL, Charles, and Lydia Geers, int. Nov. 7, 1805.

MITCHEL, Violet, and Edward Davis, int. Oct. 26, 1805.

MITCHELL, John, and wid. Jane Pontecherry, Oct. 25, 1828.*

MITCHELL, John, and Sybil Aikins, int. Apr. 9, 1837.

MITCHELL, John, and Sarah Knight [both of Boston. int.], June 15, 1838.*

MONTGUMERY, Cato, and Tamer Freeman, Mar. 6, 1811.*

MOOR, Patience, and Robert Freeman, Feb. 3, 1799.*

MOORE, Aleck, and Clarisa Young, int. May 27, 1820.

MOORE, Israel, and Maria Schyler of New Haven, int. Mar. 15, 1828.

MOORE, Israel F. [T. int.], and Thurla Lemon, Apr. 4, 1830.*

MOORE, Jonathan, and Nancy Annibel of Lynn, int. Dec. 19, 1799.

MOORS, Adam, a free man, and Patiance Whipple, a free woman, of Danvers, int. Dec. 6, 1777.

MORE, Thomas H., and Harriet Arnold of Beverly, Mar. 17, 1836.*

MOREE, John, and Mrs. Nancy Thomas, int. Sept. 27, 1828.

MORRIS, Aaron T., and Meriam [E. int.] Chase, July 30, 1848.*

MORRIS, Robert, and Mrs. Patience Clash, Mar. 20, 1814.*

MORRIS, York, and Mercy Thomas, of Marblehead, int. Oct. 2, 1813.

MUMFORD, Eliza, and Benjamin Wilson, May 23, 1823.*

MUNSON, Mary, and Francis Pride [of Duxbury. int.], June 29, 1817.*

MUNSON, Thomas, and Violet Grant, Sept. 14, 1800.

MURRAY, Eliza, and Henry Boyer, int. Feb. 17, 1826.

MUSSY, Elizabeth [Murry. int.], and John Allen, Mar. 31, 1834.*

MUZZEY, Joseph, and Olivia Phillips, int. Nov. 8, 1823.

NAOS, Harry [Henry Nurse. int.], and Nancy S. Paul, Mar. 21, 1833.*

Nancy, of Beverly [servant of Capt. Benjamin Cleeves of Beverly. int.], and Seco [servant of Daniel King. int.], at Beverly, Apr. 23, 1756.*

Nancy, servant of Osmon Trask, of Beverly, and Sirus, servant of Rev. Samuel Fisk, int July 9, 1763.

NASH, Betsey, and William Brown, June 12, 1808.*

NASH, John, and Elizabeth Dunkin, Jan. 25, 1804.

NEEDHAM, John, and [wid. int.] Sally Holman, Mar. 8, 1800.*

NEWBURY, Laura [of Amherst. int.], and Samuel Barney, jr., Oct. 7, 1839.*

NEWBURY, Sylvia [of Amherst. int.], and John Williams, Jan. 26, 1841.*

NEWMAN, John, and Clarissa Young, int. June 28, 1823.

NEWPORT, John, and Rose Diggs, int. Sept. 22, 1810.

NICHOLLS, George [Nicholson, a free man. int.], and Nealer Mackey [a free woman. int.], June 5, 1785.*

NICHOLS, John, and Martha Ann Frances, Jan. 18, 1840.*

NICHOLS, John, seaman, and Nancy Mapes, Nov. 4, 1847.

NICHOLS, Mary, and John Brown, int. Dec. 30, 1815.

NIMRO, Allice, and Primus King, both Africans, int. Sept. 25, 1784.

ORNE, Salem, and Sarah Pemberton [both free. int.], Aug. 14, 1783.*

PAGE, Dilly, and London Roulouf, int. Feb. 5, 1791.

PAGE, Dolly [Dilly. CR11], and Andrew Symonds, Apr. 28, 1805.

PAIN, Nero, and Dinah Doliver, Dec. 4, 1788.*

PAINE, John, and Fillis Minger, int. Apr. 12, 1823.

PAINE, John, and Rebecca Tofield, int. July 18, 1824.

PAINE, John, and Rebecca Jones, int. Sept. 7, 1833.

PAINE, Samuel, and Sophia Minah, Sept. --, 1835.*

PALFREY, Flora, and Cesar Upton, both Africans, int. Jan. 2, 1785.

PALMER, Prince [Farmer. int.], and Mary Ann Black, Apr. 21, 1816.*

PARKER, George, and Sylvia Relfes, Jan. 13, 1806.

PARKER, Mary, and Henry Bell, Sept. 27, 1828.*

PATCH, Jane, of Ipswich, and Cesar Porter, int. Aug. 30, 1778.

PATTERSON, Isaac, and Sally Mansfield, int. Jan. 31, 1801. (Forbidden by the overseers.)

PAUL, Nancy S., and Harry Naos [Henry Nurse. int.], Mar. 21, 1833.*

PAULS, Polly, and William Foible, Dec. 29, 1805.*

PEDERICK, Joseph, and Katy Bartlet, int. Apr. 12, 1806.

PEDRICK, Eliza, and John Reed, int. Sept. 20, 1823. (Forbidden by Catherine Bartlett.)

PEDRICK, Eliza, and John Reed, Mar. 20, 1825.*

PEDRICK, Emma, and Henry Mapes, int. Sept. 17, 1825. (Forbidden by Mrs. BartLett.)

PEIRCE, Phillis, and John Johnson, May 10, 1800.

PEMBERTEN, Sarah, a free woman, and George Duncan, a free man. int. July 4, 1781.

PEMBERTON, Sarah, and Salem Orne [both free. int.], Aug. 14, 1783.*

PERNAM, Reuben, and wid. Flora Howard [Honer. int.], Dec. 21, 1788.*

Peter, servant of Mrs. Mary Toppan, and Dinah, servant of Benjamin Daland, Dec. 31, 1771.*

PETERS, Isaac, belonging to Mrs. Kitchen, and Rebecca Day, belonging to Mrs. Pickman, May 14, 1726. [Apr. 14. CR1]

PETERS, Peter, and Catharine Poor, Oct. 20, 1807.*

PETERSON, Eliza A., and Royal M. Shorter, July 4, 1843.*

PETERSON, John, and Dinah Ropes, both Africans, int. July 8, 1786.

PETERSON, John, and Olive Phillips, Sept. 22, 1825.*

PETERSON, Phebe, and Philo Browne, both Africans, int. Aug. 9, 1788.

Phebe, servant of Richard Elvins of Dunston, and Jethro, servant of William Hunt, May 18, 1747.*

PHELPS, John [Phillips. int.], and Ann Diggs, Oct. 9, 1805.*

PHILLIPS, Olivia, and Joseph Muzzey, int. Nov. 8, 1823.

PHILLIPS, Richard, and Eliza Alley, int. June 2, 1844.

PHILILPS, Timothy [of Boston. int.], and Olive Francis, Oct. 16, 1808.*

Phillis, and Titus, servants to Col. John Turner, int. Oct. 2, 1731.

Phillis, belonging to John Gardner, and Sampson, belonging to Phillip Sanders, Sept. 18, 1739.*

PICKMAN, Alpha, and John Simmonds, int. Feb. 21, 1795.

PICKMAN, Violet, and James Crowell [Cromwell. CR11], July 19, 1795.

PIERSON, Isaac, and Sally Mansfeild, int. Sept. 27, 1794.

PIKE, Violet, and John Bowman, certif. Oct. 23, 1786.*

POLAND, Flora, and John Smith, June 6, 1779.*

POLARD, John, and Catherine Robinson, Sept. 13, 1810.*

POLLARD, Peter, and Sarah Thompson, May 30, 1830.*

PONTECHERRY, Jane, wid., and John Mitchell, Oct. 25, 1828.*

POOLE, Cato [servant of William Poole. int.], and Sara Poynton [servant of Capt. Thomas Poynton. int.], Apr. 24, 1760.*

POOR, Catharine, and Peter Peters, Oct. 20, 1807.*

POOR, John, and Delilah Vincent, Oct. 24, 1786.*

PORTER, Cesar, and Jane Patch of Ipswich, int. Aug. 30, 1778.

PORTER, Dinah, and John Hogan [both free. int.], Jan. 13, 1784.*

POWEL, John, and Elizabeth Brister, int. Dec. 8, 1804.

POWELL, John A., and Maria Easton, int. Apr. 12, 1840.

POYNTON, Nelly, and James Dyer, certif. May 10, 1782.*

POYNTON, Sara [servant of Capt. Thomas Poynton. int.], and Cato Poole [servant of William Poole. int.], Apr. 24, 1760.*

PRIDE, Francis [of Duxbury. int.], and Mary Munson, June 29, 1817.*

Primus [servant of Hon. B. Lynde, Esq. int.], and Jane [servant of George Small of Danvers. int.], at Danvers, Dec. 30, 1757.*

Primus, servant of Hon. B. Lynde, and Venus, servant of Hon. B. Pickman, int. Jan. 22, 1763.

Primus, and Rose, at Danvers, Sept. 14, 1777.

PRINCE, Cato, and Sally Black, May 6, 1805.*

Priscilla, and Hazard, both belonging to Samuel Smith, Feb. 4, 1741-2.*

Priscilla, and John Hogan, Feb. 13, 1785.*

PROCTER, Pomp, and Phillis Cummins, Aug. 31, 1796.*

PROCTOR, Phillis [free woman of Danvers. int.], and London Ruluff [a free man. int.], Jan. 30, 1785.*

PUTNAM, Phillis, and William Middleton, both. Africans, int. Feb. 25, 1786.

PUTNAM, Phillis, and Thomas Martin, Feb. 19, 1796.

Ralph, and Dinah Arnold, certif. Dec. 17, 1785.*

RALPH, Katy, of Danvers, and James Whittington, Sept. 22, 1793.*

RANDOLPH, Axam, and Nancy M. Jones, Oct. 2, 1827.*

RANSON, Cato, and Remember Freeman [of Gloucester. int], Aug. 5, 1810.*

RANSON, William, and Diana Hill, July 31, 1814.*

READ, Edna L., and John Lane, Nov. 16, 1848.*

READ, William, and Phyllis Martin, Nov. 2, 1808.

READING, Hannah, and Harry Wilson, Mar. 16, 1788.*

REED, Andrew, and Abra Bassett, Nov. 25, 1830.*

REED, John, and Eliza Pedrick, int. Sept. 20, 1823. (Forbidden by Catherine Bartlett.)

REED, John, and Eliza Pedrick, Mar. 20, 1825.*

REED, Joseph A., and Martha J. White, Nov. 13, 1845.*

REED, William, and Nancy Thompson of Andover, Mar. 6, 1823.*

RELFES, Sylvia, and George Parker, Jan. 13, 1806.

REMOND, John, and Nancy Lenox of Boston, int. Oct. 3, 1807.

RENNER, Lucy [Raner. int.], and Grafton A. Johnson, Jan. 18, 1838.*

REYNOLDS, Mary A[nn. int.] L., and William Thompson, Mar. 14, 1831.*

RICE, Jenny, and Prince Simpson, int. Nov. 18, 1792. (Forbidden by Capt. Sineclair.)

RICHARDS, James, and Sally Rodney, int. Oct. 14, 1820.

RICHARDSON, Cato, and Violet Buxton, certif. Jan. 5, 1782.

RICHARDSON, Charles, and Olive Lewis, June 26, 1817.*

RILEY, Andrew M., and Susan Carley, Apr. 16, 1835.

RINGOLD, Eliza, and Daniel Johnson, int. Oct. 21, 1826.

ROBERSON, John [Robinson. int.], and Violet Cahale of Manchester, at Manchester, Aug. 9, 1798.*

ROBERTSON, Isaac, and Catharine Talbert, Sept. 20, 1807.

ROBERTSON, Lucretia [Mrs. int.], and Daniel Battis, Oct. 1, 1819.*

ROBINSON, Catherine, and John Polard, Sept. 13, 1810.*

ROBINSON, Joseph, and Cressy Brown, Oct. 6, 1811.*

ROBINSON, Peter A., and Ellen Bowen, int. Sept. 10, 1843.

RODNEY, Dick [Richard], and Sussanna Farmer, int. June 1, 1799.

RODNEY, Dick [Richard], and Peggy Cheever, int. Jan. 11, 1800.

RODNEY, Sally, and Robert Beekman, int. Jan. 17, 1819.

RODNEY, Sally, and James Richards, int. Oct. 14, 1820.

RODNEY, William, and Rachel Smith, int. Apr. 29, 1820.

ROLLINS, Jeremiah, and Phillis Emerson, Oct. 29, 1801.*

ROLLINS, William, and Susan White, May 6, 1810.

ROPES, Dinah, and John Peterson, both Africans, int. July 8, 1786.

Rose, and Primus, at Danvers, Sept. 14, 1777.

Rose, a free woman, of Newburyport, and Salem Lane, a free man, formerly belonging to Mary Orne, int. --- --, 1778. ("Salem Lane was forbid by Mr. E.H. Derby. ")

ROSE, Benjamin, of Beverly, and Fanny Dickason, July 20, 1800.*

ROSE, Fanny, and James Brown, at Beverly, Nov. 20, 1831.

ROSE, Jery Bell, and Pamela Francis, int. Sept. 4, 1813.

ROULOFF, Phillis, and Barnet Sprig of Gloucester, int. Aug. 4, 1789.

ROULOUF, London, and Dilly Page, int. Feb. 5, 1791.

ROWEN, Silas, and Rose Funday, int. Aug. 21, 1779.

RULEFF, James, and Susanna Dorcey of Boston, Sept. 8, 1840.*

RULEFF, London, and Stilla Fisher, Nov. --, 1825.*

RULEFF, Lunnen, and Ruth Blanchard, int. June 28, 1834.

RULIFF, James, and Salome Goodhue, July 8, 1821.*

RULLOOF, Dinah, and London Rulloof, June 3, 1779.*

RULLOOF, London, and Dinah Rulloof, June 3, 1779.*

RULOFF, London, a free man, and Ama Willis, a free woman, int. Apr. 26, 1783.

RULOFF, Violet, and Peter Cross, May 4, 1800.*

RULUFF, London [a free man. int.], and Phillis Proctor [free woman of Danvers. int.], Jan. 30, 1785.*

Sampson, belonging to Phillip Sanders, and Phillis, belonging to John Gardner, Sept. 18, 1739.*

SANSON, John, jr., and Susan Hall, int. July 13, 1811.

Sarah, servant of, wid. Kimball of Beverly, and Silas, servant of Jonathan Phelps, int. July 7, 1753.

SAUNDERS, Abiah, and James W. Harris of New Bedford, Dec. 24, 1838.*

SAUNDERS, Affable, and Cato Glover of Marblehead, int. Apr. 13, 1805.

SAUNDERS, Hepzibah, and John Peter Gowing, int. Nov. 18, 1797.

SAUNDERS, Maria A., and Abraham L. Class, Aug. 30, 1835.*

SAUNDERS, Maria M., and John C. Burnham, July 22, 1824.*

SCHYLER, Maria, of New Haven, and Israel Moore, int. Mar. 15, 1828.

Scipio, and Catharine, servants of Joseph Porter, Sept. 7, 1743.*

Scippio, servant to Mitchel Sewall, Esq., and Violet, servant to Capt. Samuel West, int. Jan. 10, 1746-7.

SCOTT, Mary Jane, and Harrison Keebby [Newby. int.], Apr. 2, 1840.*

Seco [servant of Daniel King. int.], and Nancy of Beverly [servant of Capt. Benjamin Cleeves of Beverly. int.], at Beverly, Apr. 23, 1756.*

SEMEAL, William, and [Mrs. int.] Susan Francis, Apr. 2, 1843.*

SERENE, David, and Lucy O. Vose, July 23, 1827.*

SEWARD, Jack, and Azilphia Bray, July 18, 1804.*

Sharper, servant of Samuel Carlton, and Mary, servant of Nathan Breed of Lynn, int. Jan. 18, 1739-40.

SHERMAN, Phillis, and Prince York, both residents of Topsfield, Mar. 12, 1785.

SHILLABER, Laman, and Catharine Dickinson [Dickerson. int.], Jan. 6, 1808.*

SHILLABER, Nancy, and James Green [both free. int.], Nov. 12, 1783.*

SHILLABER, Nancy, and James Brittel, Sept. 1, 1801.

SHORTER, Mahala, and William Barney, May 27, 1841.*

SHORTER, Remember, and William Wilson, Dec. 9, 1827.*

Silas, servant of Jonathan Phelps, and Sarah, servant of, wid. Kimball of Beverly, int. July 7, 1753.

SILVER, Joseph, and Eliza Lawrence, Apr. 24, 1831.*

SIMMON, John, and Cary Wilson, June 11, 1799.

SIMMONDS, John, and Alpha Pickman, int. Feb. 21, 1795.

SIMPSON, George, and Harriot Clay, int. July 14, 1827.

SIMPON, Prince, and Jenny Rice, int. Nov. 18, 1792. (Forbidden by Capt. Sineclair.)

SIMS, Charles Commodore, and Jane Boyd, Aug. 23, 1818.*

SINCLAIR, Rachel, and John Smith, Apr. 13, 1825.*

Sirus, servant of Rev. Samuel Fisk, and Nancy, servant of Osmon Trask of Beverly, int. July 9, 1763.

SKIP, Elizabeth, mulatto servant of Zacheus Norwood of Lynn, and Titus, servant of Samuel Barnard, int. Aug. 23, 1755.

SMITH, Elias, and Mary Farmer, Oct. 17, 1842.

SMITH, James, and Nelly Foster, May 5, 1799.*

SMITH, Jefferson, and Lucinda Jackson, int. Apr. 17, 1830. (Certificate May 4.)

SMITH, John, and Flora Poland, June 6, 1779.*

SMITH, John, and Rachel Sinclair, Apr. 13, 1825.*

SMITH, Lucy, and Abraham [Absalom. int.] Barnes, Dec. 1, 1791.*

SMITH, Rachel, and William Rodney, int. Apr. 29, 1820.

SMITH, Rachel [Mrs. int.], and Hazett Fletcher, June 8, 1837.*

SMITH, Violet, and Francis Hector, Sept. 25, 1796.

SMITH, William, and Alice Jacobs, May 20, 1823. CR1*

SMITH, William, and Sally Williams, Mar. 10, 1824.*

SOWARD, Mary, and William Bladen, int. Aug. 16, 1805.

SOWARD, Polly, and Titus Foster, int. Mar. 27, 1801.

SOWARD, Polly, and Titus Williams, Dec. 2, 1801.*

SPARKS, Maria, and James Williams, int. June 21, 1806.

SPENCER, William, and Violet Cushing, Sept. 3, 1800.

SPRIG, Barnet, of Gloucester, and Phillis Rouloff, int. Aug. 4, 1789.

SPRIGGS, Barnet, and Lucy Hulland of Brooklyn, int. May 31, 1794.

STANDLEY, Eli, and Nancy Freeman, int. Aug. 16, 1828.

STEPHENS, James, and Violet Flint, int. Mar. 4, 1809.

STEVENS, Phillis, and Cato Groves, Sept. 17, 1780.*

STEWART, Maria [of Boston. int.], and David S. Lawrence, Apr. 18, 1830.*

STONE, Julia Ann [of Philadelphia. int.], and John Evans, Oct. 24, 1843.*

STORER, John, and Happy Manual, int. Dec. 3, 1796.

Su, of Beverly [Susanna, servant of Lt. Robert Brisco of Beverly. int.], and Holland [servant of Capt. Jno. Abbott. int.], at Beverly, Feb. 4, 1711-12.*

SWAN, Cloisa, and John Thomas, July 19, 1807.*

SYMMES, Charles C[ommodore. int.], and Mary Ann Bundley, June 30, 1828.*

SYMONDS, Andrew, and Dolly [Dilly. CR11] Page, Apr. 28, 1805.

SYMONDS, Anstris T., and Manuel H. Johnson, July 18, 1827.*

SYMONDS, Hannah, wid., and William Fowler, int. Apr. 2, 1831. (Certificate Apr. 18.)

SYMONDS, William, and Phebe Brooks, int. Mar. 19, 1791.

TALBERT, Catharine, and Isaac Robertson, Sept. 20, 1807.

TALMAN, Dinah, and Peter Freeman, int. Nov. 28, 1801.

Thomas, servant of Joshua Orne, jr. of Marblehead, and Dinah, servant of John Sanders, int. Jan. 20, 1753.

THOMAS, Cresy, and Isaac Hower, Mar. 7, 1799.*

THOMAS, Hannah, and John Hazard, Oct. 4, 1804.*

THOMAS, Isaac, and Katherine Lee, June 17, 1801.

THOMAS, Isaac, and Betsy Magus, Oct. 10, 1802.

THOMAS, Isaac, and [wid. int.] Nancy Green, July 31, 1823.*

THOMAS, John, and Betsy Green, int. Dec. 1, 1804.

THOMAS, John, and Cloisa Swan, July 19, 1807.*

THOMAS, Lucy, and Jack Bourn, int. June 19, 1797.

THOMAS, Mercy, of Marblehead, and York Morris, int. Oct. 2, 1813.

THOMAS, Nancy, Mrs., and John Moree, int. Sept. 27, 1828.

THOMAS, Nancy, and John Charles Williams, int. May 18, 1832.

THOMAS, Nancy, and Benjamin Dickenson, int. Feb. 22, 1834.

THOMAS, Patience, and Anthony Clash, Sept. 18, 1808.*

THOMAS, Venus, and Henry Chue, Jan. 13, 1801.*

THOMAS, William, and Sylva Bray, int. Apr. 12, 1818.

THOMPSON, Abigail F., and James Green [of Philadelphia. int.], Apr. 20, 1831.*

THOMPSON, Andrew, and Sally Lake, Nov. 29, 1805.*

THOMPSON, Nancy, of Andover, and William Reed, Mar. 6, 1823.*

THOMPSON, Sarah, and Charles Hawkins, Apr. 4, 1821.*

THOMPSON, Sarah, and Peter Pollard, May 30, 1830.*

THOMPSON, William, and Mary A[nn. int.] L. Reynolds, Mar. 14, 1831.*

THOMSON, John, and Violet Wilkins, Nov. 6, 1817.*

THREEARD, Jack, a free man, and Chloe Gardner, a free woman, int. July 3, 1779.

TIMES, Eunice, and Richard Dickerson, int. Oct. 5, 1827. (Forbid by H. Chew.)

Titus, and Phillis, servants to Col. John Turner, int. Oct. 2, 1731.

Titus, servant of Samuel Barnard, and Elizabeth, servant of David Gould of Lynn, int. July 26, 1755.

Titus, servant of Samuel Barnard, and Elizabeth Skip, mulatto servant of Zacheus Norwood of Lynn, int. Aug. 23, 1755.

TOFIELD, Rebecca, and John Paine, int. July 18, 1824.

TOLBERT, Violet, and Joseph Dedlard [Dedland. int.], Feb. 3, 1811.*

Tom, belonging to Mr. Norman, and Hagar, belonging to Mr. Ruck, Jan. 14, 1707.

Tom, and Katy Brown, Aug. 22, 1786.*

TOMPKINS, Jessee, widr., seaman, and Eliza Ann Washington of Portsmouth, May 2, 1846.

TOWNSEND, Moses, and Caroline HawkinS, int. May 8, 1836.

TOWZER, Peggy, and William Middleton, Nov. 9, 1788.*

TRASK, Jerusha, and John Banks, int. Apr. 3, 1790.

TRASK, Jerusha, and Cato Goodale, int. Jan. 29, 1791.

TRASK, Violet, and Joseph Hubbard, int. July 5, 1800.

TRASK, Voylet, and William Foibler, int. May 20, 1804.

TUCKER, Ann [Nancy int.] H., and Sandy A[lexander. int.], Butts of Boston, Oct. 1, 1840.*

TUETT, Catherine [Mrs. int.], and Mathew Barrett, laborer, Nov. 13, 1845.*

TURNER, Rhode, and Peter Leffage, Dec. 23, 1798.*

TUSTER, Ester, and Israel Freeman, May 25, 1800.*

TYE, Samuel, and Robie Gardner, Mar. 14, 1813.*

UPDIKE, Betsy, and Andrew Williams, Aug. 4, 1799.

Venus servant of Hon. B. Pickman, and Primus, servant of Hon. B. Lynde, int. Jan. 22, 1763.

Venus [a free woman. int.], and Cato Barjona [a free man, formerly servant of Humphrey Deveraux of Marblehead. int.], Mar. 17, 1778.*

Vilet, servant of, wid. Hannah Pierce, and Fortune, servant of John Riddan of Marblehead, int. June 15, 1749.

VINCENT, Delilah, and John Poor, Oct. 24, 1786.*

Violet, servant to Capt. Samuell West, and Scippio, servant to Mitchel Sewall, Esq., int. Jan. 10, 1746-7.

Voilet, a free woman, and Zachariah Foster, an African, int. July 14, 1781.

VOSE, Lucy O., and David Serene, July 23, 1827.*

WAINWRIGHT, Peter, and Violet Dodge, int. May 8, 1793.

WALLINGFORD, Flora, and John Brooks, Nov. 12, 1820.*

WANTON, Judeth [Clark. int.], and Cato Kitchen, certif. Apr. 28, 1797.*

WARD, James P., and Phoebe Williams, int. Sept. 11, 1836.

WASHINGTON, Eliza Ann, of Portsmouth, and Jessee Tompkins, widr., seaman, May 2, 1846.

WELLMAN, Rose, of Beverly, and Isaac Hill, int. July 7, 1803.

WHEATLAND, John, and Margaret Lewis [wid. int.], Apr. 22, 1821.*

WHEELER, Elizabeth, and Carlton Hooper, July 23, 1804.*

WHIPPLE, Patiance, a free woman, of Danvers, and Adam Moors, a free man, int. Dec. 6, 1777.

WHITE, Christopher, and Hester Lindson, Jan. 1, 1786.

WHITE, Christopher, and [wid. int.] Mary Ann Brooks, Sept. 17, 1823.*

WHITE, Elizabeth, and Charles Wilson, Jan. 1, 1804.

WHITE, Martha J., and Joseph A. Reed, Nov. 13, 1845.*

WHITE, Mary Ann R., and William Johnson, Sept. 17, 1835.*

WHITE, Polly, and James Cromel, June 19, 1803.

WHITE, Sally, and George Alen, int. Apr. 7, 1804.

WHITE, Sally, and Peter Johnson, Sept. 28, 1804. [ Sept. 23. CR11]*

WHITE, Susan, and William Rollins, May 6, 1810.

WHITNEY, Phillis, and Richard Freeman, Apr. 10, 1802.

WHITRIDGE, Sally, and Scipio How, int. Dec. 17, 1791.

WHITTINGTON, James, and Katy Ralph of Danvers, Sept. 22, 1793.*

WILLIAMS, James, and Jane Francis, int. May 27, 1820.

WILLIAMS, James, and Harriot Francis, Jan. 12, 1821.

WILLIAMS, James, and [Mrs. int.] Member Wilson, Nov. 3, 1835.*

WILLIAMS, James C. (colored), and Susan Stiles (white), int. Sept. 7, 1845.

WILLIAMS, John, and Lucy Green, May 20, 1810.*

WILLIAMS, John, and Sylvia Newbury [of Amherst. int.], Jan. 26, 1841.*

WIGGINS, Sarah E. [P. int.], and Abraham McCoy, Sept. 1, 1822.*

WILKINS, Cesar, and Violet Flint, Mar. 25, 1810.*

WILKINS, Violet, and John Thomson, Nov. 6, 1817.*

William, servant of Joshua Orne, Esq., of Marblehead, and Anne Sables, mulatto, servant of Mr. [Samuel. int.] Aborn, Dec. 25, 1755.*

WILLIAMS, Abraham, and Jane Wilson, Nov. 26, 1815.*

WILLIAMS, Abraham, and Judith W. Lee, Mar. 30, 1843.*

WILLIAMS, Alice, and William Drew, Nov. 24, 1825.*

WILLIAMS, Andrew, and Betsy Updike, Aug. 4, 1799.

WILLIAMS, Andrew, and Pheba Brooks, Sept. 1, 1831.*

WILLIAMS, George, and Eliza Ringold, int. June 12, 1824.

WILLIAMS, Henry [of Boston. int.], and Sarah Ann Hawkins, Aug. 28, 1835.*

WILLIAMS, James, and Maria Sparks, int. June 21, 1806.

WILLIAMS, John Charles, and Nancy Thomas, int. May 18, 1832.

WILLIAMS, Peter, and Flora Foster, Nov. 10, 1805.*

WILLIAMS, Peter J[ames. int.], and Ketiah [Kesiah. int.] Jerret, July 16, 1826.*

WILLIAMS, Phoebe, and James P. Ward, int. Sept. 11, 1836.

WILLIAMS, Prince, and Sally Johnson, int. Apr. 11, 1812.

WILLIAMS, Sally, and William Smith, Mar. 10, 1824.*

WILLIAMS, Sophia, and Joseph B. Minah, Nov. 22, 1819.*

WILLIAMS, Titus, and Polly Soward, Dec. 2, 1801.*

WILLIAMS, Titus, and Sally Lake, int. Aug. 16, 1805.

WILLIS, Amelia F., Mrs., and John P. Chadwick, Oct. 21, 1832.*

WILLIS, Anthony, and Amelia Francis, Feb. 12, 1824.

WILSON, Anna, and Carlon Hooper, int. Nov. 21, 1801.

WILSON, Benjamin, and Eliza Mumford, May 23, 1823.*

WILSON, Cary, and John Simmon, June 11, 1799.

WILSON, Charles, and Elizabeth White, Jan. 1, 1804.

WILSON, Hannah [wid. int.], and John Bowman, Oct. 20, 1793.*

WILSON, Harry, and Hannah Reading, Mar. 16, 1788.*

WILSON, James, and Jenny Gould, Sept. 12, 1793.*

WILSON, James, and Jane Chadwick, Dec. 24, 1829.*

WILSON, Jane, and Abraham Williams, Nov. 26, 1815.*

WILSON, John, and Susan Hall, int. Oct. 24, 1812.

WILSON, Joseph, and Nancy Freeman, Nov. 11, 1800.

WILSON, Member [Mrs. int.], and James Williams, Nov. 3, 1835.*

WILSON, Voilet, and William Bright, int. July 23, 1808.

WILSON, William, and Remember Shorter, Dec. 9, 1827.*

WOOD, Abraham, and Pheba Francis, int. Dec. 4, 1830.

YOUNG, Clarisa, and Aleck Moore, int. May 27, 1820.

YOUNG, Clarissa, and John Newman, int. June 23, 1823.

YORK, Prince, and Phillis Sherman, both residents of Topsfield, May 12, 1785.

Zilpah, servant of Nathaniell Bartlett of Marblehead, and Henry, servant of Capt. Peter Osgood, int. Sept. 14, 1728.

Zilpher, a free woman, and Douglass, a free man, int. May 2, 1777.