NorthShore Slavery


William, h. Mary, Jan. --, 1724-5.



DAKIN (Dacan)

Sophia, w. Timothy, child bed, Apr. 1, 1833, a. 32 y. CR1

Mary, d. Timothy H., Sept. 12, 1835, a. 6 m. NR9

Mary Jane, d. John H., a. 6 y. Issue of July 18, 1837. NR9

Mary J[ane. NR9], d. John H., croup, Oct. 30, 1841, a. 3½ y.

Sarah A., b. Wenham, w. Timothy H., d. Oliver and Sarah Dodge, liver complaint, Aug. 21, 1848, a. 38 y.

DALAND (Deland)

George, truckman, Oct. 30, 1771. NR4

Daniel, s. Samuel, June 6, 1778, a. 20 y. PR256

Eunice, w. Joseph, May 2, 1792, a. 33 y. GR7

Eunice, w. John, May 2, 1792. PR44

Eunice, d. twin, John and Eunice (Bacon), May 7, 1792. PR44

Eunis Neal, d. twin, _____, May 7, 1792. PR54

_____, w. Joseph. Issue of May 8, 1792. NR9

Mary, d. twin, John and Eunice (Bacon), Oct. 8, 1793. PR44

Mary Neal, d. twin, _____, Oct. 8, 1793. PR54

Lydia, Nov. 6, 1798, a. 1 y. 8 d. PR654

Elizabeth, w. Capt. John. Issue of Oct. 4, 1799. NR9 [Oct. 1, a. 26 y. PR654]

Sarah, Mrs., a. 26 y. Issue of Feb. 11, 1803. NR9

Susanna, wid., July 6, 1804, a. 49 y. GR7

Eleanor, w. Joseph, jr., Aug. 27, 1804, a. 30 y. GR7 [a. 27 y. NR9]

Joseph, s. Joseph and Eunice (Bacon), Oct. 2, 1808, in his 29th y. PR44

Benjamin, Dec. 15, 1810, a. 81 y. GR7

Hannah, wid. Benjamin, Sept. 24, 1811, a. 79 y. GR7

Eunis T., d. George and Joan B. (Trow), Sept. 29, 1812, a. 3 m. 10 d. PR54

John [Joseph. NR9] Osgood, s. Thorndike, July 13, 1815. PR55 [a. 13 y. NR9]

_____, ch. stillborn, John, bur. July 6, 1816. PR61

George, s. Joseph and Eunice (Bacon), Aug. 21, 1822. PR44 [a. 36 y. NR9]

Joseph, ischuria, Oct. 30, 1822, a. 70 y.

Joseph, phthisis pulmonalis, July 13, 1825, a. 21 y.

Hannah [d. Joseph. NR9], phthisis pulmonalis, May 12, 1829, a. 47 y.

_____, w. John. Issue of Jan. 3, 1837. NR9

Laura, d. the late Thorndike, lung fever, Apr. 9, 1839, a. 14 y.

Henry R[ust. NR9], consumption, Dec. 30, 1839, a. 37 y.

Emily A., d. Thorndike [Esq. NR9], deceased, dysentery, Dec. 10, 1841, a. 24 y.

John, at the almshouse, a. 82 y. Issue of Sept. 9, 1848. NR9

DALE (Deal)

John, m., mariner [on his passage homeward. NR9], with Capt. Berry, fever, received news, Sept. 26, 1795, a. 32 y. CR4

Holten, stage driver, suicide, Oct. 22, 1818, a. 35 y.

Lucy, bur. Feb. 26, 1820, a. 25 y. NR9

John, dysentery, Apr. 10, 1824, a. 34 y.

Lydia, paralysis, Jan. 25, 1830, a. 39 y.

DALEY (Dayley)

Charles [Dailey. NR9], s. Jeremiah and Catherine [s. Jerimiah and Elizabeth. GR9], croup, May 26, 1848, a. 16 m.

DALLEBER (Dolliver)

Mary, w. Tristram, July 3, 1644. CT.F.


[John. NR9], Capt. [consumption. NR9], bur. Mar. 7, 1808. PR61 [a. 30 y. NR9]


Martha, d. James [from Ireland, watchmaker, and Sara (Vincent), d. Joseph, ropemaker. CR4], lung fever, July 22, 1819, a. 5 y. [a. 1 y. 10 m. GR8]

James [Dairymple, Esq. native of Ireland. NR9], consumption, Mar. 25, 1839, a. 4 y.

_____, inf. ch. Simon, bur. July --, 1839. CR5

Elizabeth V[incent. NR9], d. James, deceased, consumption, Mar. 20, 1843, a. 33 y.

Mary E[llen. NR9], d. James and Mary E., consumption, Dec. 4, 1846, a. 19 m.


Joseph, --- --, 1802. GR8

Samuel M., on board the ship George, from Calcutta, at sea. Issue of Sept. 19, 1817. NR9

Harriet [d. Eleazer M. NR9], angina pectoris, Mar. --, 1820, a. 2 y. [Issue of Mar. 7. NR9]

Rebecca D. [fits. dup.], d. Joseph and Rebecca, Aug. 20, 1820. [Aug. 22, a. 11 w. dup.]

Edward, consumption, Mar. 8, 1823, a. 43 y.

E[leazer. NR9] M., s. Joseph [and Rebecca. GR8], May 3, 1824, a. 6 w.

Charles [C. NR9], consumption, Nov. 14, 1825, a. 15 y.

Mary, bur. Dec. 27, 1831, a. 30 y. NR9

Francis Adrian, s. Thomas D., Aug. 22, 1837, a. 18 m. NR9

Sarah, wid., a. 85 y. Issue of Sept. 29, 1840. NR9

Mary Elizabeth, b. Danvers, w. John C., d. Moses and Rebecca Gould, Nov. 9, 1844, a. 21 y.

Edward, cordwainer, s. Edward and Mary, consumption, Feb. 23, 1845, a. 36 y.

Rebecca [Driver. NR9], w. Joseph, d. Thomas and Rebecca Driver, consumption, Mar. 22, 1848, a. 54 y.


_____, d. John, bronchitis, Mar. 8, 1829, a. 6 m.

DAMPNEY (Dabney)

Benjamin, pneumonia, at the almshouse, Nov. 22, 1824, a. 70 y.

DAN (Dane)

Samuel, s. Joseph, foreigner, pneumonia, Mar. --, 1823, a. 3 m.

DANE (Dan, Dann)

John, mariner, and sail maker, h. _____ (Ring), d. Seth, jeweller, s. Nicholas and Nancy, consumption, Mar. 19, 1819, a. 24 y. CR4

Mary [wid. William. NR9], consumption, July 15, 1829, a. 75 y.

Nathan, Hon., Esq., palsy, at Beverly, Feb. 15, 1835, a. 82 y. CR1


James Albert, s. Joseph, a. 1 y. 11 m. Issue of Mar. 6, 1830. NR9

Joseph A., s. Joseph and Phebe, Mar. 2, 1832, a. 2 y.

Phebe, w. Joseph, Oct. 11, 1835, a. 47 y.

Joseph, apoplexy, Jan. 30, 1840, a. 58 y.

Charles A., s. Samuel G. and Elizabeth A., measles, Sept. 17, 1847, a. 15½ m.

DANIELL (Daniels)

Mary (Prince), w. Steephen, Oct. --, 1679. CTR

Stephen, sr. (h. Susanna), Feb. 14, 1686-7. CTR [a. 54 y. GR1]

DANIELS (Daniel, Daniell)

Sally, w. Benjamin, a. 18 y. Issue of Mar. 20, 1801. NR9

Elizabeth (Grant), w. William, boat builder, from Hingham, at the pest house, asthma, Jan. 2, 1803, a. 42 y. CR4

Mary, wid., at an advanced age. Issue of Apr. 10, 1804. NR9

Stephen [ship carpenter. NR9], bur. Mar. 19, 1805. PR61 [a. 88 y. NR9]

[Sarah. NR9], wid. Stephen, bur. Oct. 12, 1805. PR61 [a. 92 y. NR9]

Lydia, paralysis, June 12, 1825, a. 65 y.

Stephen, a. 74 y. Issue of Jan. 17, 1832. NR9

Warren, s. John, a. 20 m. Issue of Nov. 13, 1838. NR9

Frank, s. William and Susan, lung fever, Nov. 16, 1848, a. 14 m.

DANN (Dane)

DARBY (Derby)

Roger, Jan. 1, 1768. PR5

_____, ch. Samuel, bur. Dec. 26, 1806. PR61

James, s. Samuel, bur. Apr. 24, 1810. PR61 [a. 17 y. NR9]


Christopher, on board the ship Glide, Capt. Samuel Tucker, July --, 1816. NR9

Eliza, b. Boston, wid. Samuel, d. George and Elizabeth Miles, consumption, bur. at Boston, d. Feb. 5, 1848, a. 50 y.

DAVIDSON (Davison)

Benjamin, at sea, --- --, 1829, a. 22 y.

Hanah, b. Seabrook, NH, w. Ebenezer, d. John and Hanah Davis, consumption, Nov. 6, 1849, a. 60 y.

DAVIS (Davies)

_____, Miss, Jan. 28, 1759. PR22

Lydia, wid. Tobias [wid. John. GR7], bur. Oct. 20, 1801, a. 95 y. NR9

Hannah, d. William and Mary, Oct. 21, 1801, a. 16 m. GR7

Abigail, May 28, 1803, a. 63 y. GR7

_____, ch. William. Issue of June 7, 1811. NR9

Emmeline, d. Gen. _____, deceased, of Gloucester, bur. Feb. 20, 1816, a. 22 y. NR9

Mary, d. William, bur. June 10, 1817, a. 15 y. NR9

John, on board the sch. Union, at sea. Issue of Oct. 24, 1817. NR9

Charles Henry, s. twin, William, consumption, Apr. 14, 1818, a. 1 y.

_____, inf. d. Samuel. Issue of Jan. 12, 1821. NR9

Lydia Ann, d. William, a. 6 y. Issue of Nov. 30, 1821. NR9

Samuel, putrid fever, May 15, 1822, a. 36 y.

Aseneth, d. Ebenezer S., enteritis, Feb. 15, 1824, a. 15 m.

_____, s. Eli, scalded, Jan. 17, 1825, a. 11 m.

Eli S., intemperance, bur. at Charlestown, d. Apr. 2, 1827, a. 36 y.

Sally, d. John, cynanche laryngia, Sept. 15, 1827, a. 2 y.

_____, d. Charles, lung fever, Nov. 30, 1829, a. 2 y.

_____, d. Joseph W., cholera infantum, Sept. 18, 1830, a. 5 w.

William Henry, a. 2 y. Issue of Aug. 31, 1832. NR9

Harriet, d. Samuel, deceased, consumption, June 8, 1833, a. 18 y. NR9

Emily Maria, d. Rodman J., a. 1 y. Issue of Sept. 3, 1833. NR9

Lucy Ann, d. Samuel, deceased, consumption, a. 16 y. Issue of Sept. 16, 1834. NR9

_____, ch. R.J. Issue of May 12, 1835. NR9

Sarah, w. William, formerly from Mt. Desert, a. 59 y. Issue of Feb. 2, 1836. NR9

Lydia Ann, d. Joseph W., July 22, 1837, a. 8 m. NR9

Mary A., bur. Aug. 14, 1838, a. 18 m. NR9

Ann, Aug. 16, 1838, a. 45 y. CR14

Ebenezer, fits, Mar. 8, 1839, a. 56 y.

_____, ch. still born, John, Aug. 23, 1839.

David, consumption, July 8, 1840, a. 57 y.

Hor[atio. NR9] G., s. Hor[atio G. and Lydia. NR9], dropsy, May 28, 1841, a. 1 y.

Mary Ann, d. Tobias, consumption, Jan. 30, 1842, a. 29 y.

Jane, d. Patrick, dropsy in head, Aug. 16, 1842, a. 1 y.

William, soap boiler, bowel complaint, Nov. 23, 1842, a. 68 y.

Mary, wid. William, consumption, Nov. 25, 1842, a. 62 y.

Abigail, d. Nathaniel, hip complaint, July 18, 1844, a. 12½ y.

Margaret, w. John, consumption, Dec. 5, 1844, a. 55 y.

William F[rancis. NR9], s. Rodman and Judith, croup, Dec. 14, 1844, a. 2 y.

Charles C., s. Charles C. and Martha, throat distemper, bur. at Newburyport, d. June 20, 1845, a. 13 m.

_____, ch. John, July 9, 1845, a. abt. 16 m. NR9

William J., s. Joseph W. and Lena, brain fever, Aug. 12, 1845, a. 10½ m.

Lucy Ann, d. John, 3d and Elizabeth, dysentery, Sept. 12, 1845, a. 1 y.

Sarah E[lizabeth. NR9], d. Samuel and Fanny, consumption, Feb. 16, 1846, a. 24 y.

William H[enry. NR9], s. Charles H. and Sarah B., cholera infantum, Aug. 7, 1848, a. 14 m.

Abia, Dec. 16, 1848. PR521

James T[homas. NR9], s. Rodman J. and Judith T., consumption, Apr. 3, 1849, a. 17 m.

Anna M[aria. NR9], b. Wilbraham, w. William H., d. Caleb and Julia M. Fish, lung fever, May 19, 1849, a. 22 y.

DAVISON (Davidson)

_____, d. Susanna, Sept. 12, 1812, a. 14 d. CR4

Mary Anne, d. John, a. 14 m. Issue of Oct. 16, 1838. NR9


Mary, d. John and Bridget, fits, July 9, 1845, a. 16 m.


Mehitable, w. William, Mar. 2, 1798, a. 24 y. NR9

John, of Guernsey Island, h. Sarah (White) Whittemore, at the charity house, aged, Jan. 14, 1816, a. 86 y. CR4

Sarah, wid., a. 85 y. Issue of Apr. 26, 1822. NR9

William, lost overboard from the brig Elizabeth, Capt. Story, on her passage from New York to Charleston. Issue of Nov. 9, 1832. NR9

William, seaman, h. Mehitable (Andrews), consumption, Sept. 17, 1841, a. 71 y.

Elizabeth, wid. William, palsy, Nov. 12, 1843, a. 72 y.


_____, d. John, a. 17 y. Issue of Dec. 15, 1809. NR9

Elisha, bur. June 13, 1810, a. 38 y. NR9

Benjamin B., s. Benjamin and Mary, July 1, 1813. GR8

Ruth, Feb. 7, 1815. CR6

Daniel, lost overboard, from the Glide, Oct. 9, 1818. Issue of Jan. 19, 1819. NR9

Eleanor, old age, at the workhouse, Dec. 10, 1820, a. 83 y.

_____, s. Benjamin, measles, Nov. --, 1821, a. 5 y.

Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Mary, d. Nov. 19, 1821. GR8 [a. 2 y. 9 m. NR9]

Martha [Gage. CR10], d. Benjamin, bronchitis, Nov. 18, 1824, a. 2 y.

Susan [Susanna. CR10], w. James [skipper. NR9], consumption, Apr. 3, 1825, a. 50 y. [a. 51 y. CR10]

Benjamin H., s. John, Oct. 3, 1831, a. 16 m. NR9

Rebecca, d. Benjamin, "late of this town," a. 7 y. Issue of Nov. 5, 1833. NR9

John Henry, s. John, Sept. 21, 1836, a. 17 m. NR9

John, May 18, 1843, a. 38 y. NR9

William, s. John and Sarah, consumption, bur. at Danvers, d. Mar. 30, 1848, a. 45 y.

DEAL (Dale)

Mary, m., d. Benjamin and Sarah Moses, age, Oct. 13, 1849, a. 88 y.

DEAN (Deane)

Mary, w. Thomas, May 7, 1701, a. 30 y. GR1

Thomas, Feb. 10, 1705, a. 42 y. GR1

Hannah, w. George, Sept. 7, 1718, a. 24 y. GR1

Martha, w. Thomas, Dec. 24, 1729, a. 30 y. GR1

Edward, s. Philemon, of Ipswich, Sept. 14, 1743, a. 21 y. GR1

_____, w. T., Mar. 18, 1752. PR57

Thomas [Capt. "old," suddenly. PR57], Aug. 24, 1759, a. 61 y. 6 m. GR1

Jonathan, Capt., smallpox, on his passage from Jamaica to Portsmouth. Issue of Oct. 23, 1770. NR4

Joseph, s. Thomas, Sept. 11, 1782. PR33

Sarah, d. Benjamin and Susannah, convulsions, Sept. 1, 1786, a. 13 m. CR4

William C., s. Benjamin and Susannah, fell into a vault, June 20, 1788, a. 13 m. CR4

Benjamin W., s. Thomas and Lydia, fever, Sept. 2, 1788, a. 2 y. CR4

Lydia, d. Thomas and Lydia, atrophia infantilis, July 23, 1790, a. 2 y. CR4

Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Susannah, Aug. 6, 1790, a. 21 y. CR4

William, mate on brig Harriette [Capt. Elkins. NR9], perished of the Texell, Mar. 21, 1791, a. 28 y. CR4

George, m. [s. Capt. Thomas. NR9], at Port au Prince, Hispaniola, fever, Feb. 14, 1792, a. 22 y. CR4

John, s. Benjamin, drowned at sea, Apr. 30, 1792, a. 20 y. CR4

Mary (Cash), w. Capt. Thomas, rheumatism, Feb. 20, 1794, a. 67 y. CR4

_____, w. Samuel. Issue of Jan. 15, 1799. NR9

Sarah (Phippen) [d. Joshua Phippen. NR9], wid. George, mariner, consumption, July 25, 1801, a. 28 y. CR4

Thomas, Capt. [Inspector of the Customs. NR9; merchant. GR1], s. Capt. Thomas, mortification, July 8, 1802, a. 79 y. CR4

Rebecca, w. John, apoplexy, Feb. 9, 1803, a. 53 y. NR9

John, Feb. 24, 1803, a. 66 y. NR9

Sally, d. Jonathan and Desire, 16: 5m: 1808. CR7

_____, ch. Col. George, bur. Aug. 26, 1810. PR61

Lydia (Waters), wid. Capt. Thomas, fever, Jan. 28, 1812, a. 49 y. CR4 [a. 48 y. GR1]

_____, d. Thomas and Sara (Burdett), Feb. 27, 1814, a. 3 d. CR4

Elizabeth, w. Benjamin, consumption, Jan. 13, 1818, a. 71 y.

Susanna, w. Capt. Benjamin, mariner, d. James and Mary (Becket) Collins, d. John, fever, Jan. 13, 1818, a. 71 y. CR4 [a. 70 y. GR1]

Edmund [Needham, s. Jonathan and Desire. CR7], fits, Nov. 9, 1820, a. 24 y. [5: 9 m. CR7]

Lydia, w. William [d. William Rotch, of New Bedford. NR9], Mar. 10, 1822, a. 51 y.

Jonathan, paralysis, at the workhouse, Dec. 5, 1823, a. 54 y.

Francis, s. George, bronchitis, Nov. 30, 1824, a. 1 y.

Benjamin, paralysis, Dec. 8, 1826, a. 80 y.

William C., Capt., of ship Catharine, cholera, suddenly, at Calcutta, May 21, 1831, a. 42 y. NR9

Susannah, d. Benjamin, deceasaed, bur. Feb. 10, 1835, a. 61 y. NR9

Judith, wid. George, Esq., Sept. 3, 1836, a. 50 y. NR9

Betsey, a. 52 y. Issue of Feb. 16, 1838. NR9

James Augustus, s. Jonathan, a. 6 m. Issue of May 4, 1841. NR9

Samuel, of Boston, b. Boston, s. Jarvis, lung fever, bur. at Boston, d. June 27, 1841, a. 2½ y.

Sarah, w. [Capt. CR11], Thomas, d. David and Abigail Burditt, consumption, May 22, 1846, a. 54 y. [1849, a. 53 y. GR8; a. 59 y. NR9]

Abigail M[oseley. NR9], b. Marblehead, d. Myron M. and Harriet C., grandd. J. Moriarty, lung fever, May 12, 1847, a. 8 m.

DEARBORN (Dearborne, Derbon)

Mary, d. John, marasmus, Sept. 26, 1824, a. 16 m.

John, s. John, cholera, Aug. 28, 1830, a. 6 m.

John E[merson. CR11], s. John E. [and L.L. NR9], canker, Aug. 22, 1841, a. 16 d.

Margaret, b. Marblehead, w. John, consumption, June 19, 1845, a. 55 y.

DELAND (Daland)

George, "old," July 10, 1749. PR57

Benjamin, bur. Apr. 16, 1756, a. 72 y. CR1

_____, d. Samuell, bur. Oct. 3, 1756, a. 3 y. CR1

John, s. Samuel, Apr. 15, 1776, a. 20 y. PR256

Hannah, w. Samuel, Sept. 6, 1777, a. 61 y. PR256

Samuel, s. Samuel, Feb. 19, 1782, a. 27 y. PR256

_____, w. Dr., old age, Oct. 2, 1793, a. 77 y. CR1

John, a. 57 y. Issue of Nov. 25, 1800. NR9

_____, w. Thorndike, June --, 1801. CR1

Eunice, w. Thorndike, a. 45 y. Issue of June 26, 1801. NR9

Mary, d. Capt. Thorndike, a. 15 y. Issue of Oct. 23, 1801. NR9

_____, s. Capt. Benjamin, a. 8 y. Issue of Oct. 28, 1806. NR9

Eliza, bur. Oct. 2, 1810, a. 18 y. NR9

Thorndike, s. T., typhus fever, July 21, 1815, a. 13 y. CR1

Elizabeth (Cox), w. Joseph, asthma, Jan. 29, 1816, a. 62 y. CR4

Hannah, wid. John, old age, bur. at Danvers, d. Jan. 9, 1822, a. 77 y.

George, intemperance, Aug. 21, 1822, a. 36 y.

John, jr. [s. Thorndike. NR9], hemorrhage of the lungs, at the almshouse, Feb. 22, 1824, a. 28 y.

La Fayette, s. Benjamin, consumption, Oct. 3, 1824, a. 4 m.

Benjamin, Sept. 22, 1825, a. 54 y.

Horace, s. Thorndike [s. Thomas. CR1], apoplexy, June 7, 1826, a. 7 y.

_____, s. Thorndike, convulsions, Feb. --, 1828, a. 3 m.

Horatio, inf. s. Thorndike. Issue of Feb. 15, 1828. NR9

Mary Ann, w. Benjamin, typhus fever, July 2, 1830, a. 22 y.

Susa, wid. Capt. Benjamin, bur. Jan. 20, 1832, a. 56 y. NR9

Henry, a. 7 y. Issue of Oct. 12, 1832. NR9

Thorndike, brain fever, Oct. 17, 1833, a. 55 y. CR1

Horace Augustus, s. twin, Tucker, Dec. 10, 1836, a. 14 m. NR9

Laura Prince, d. Thorndike, Esq., deceased, Apr. 7, 1839, a. 15 y. NR9

Benjamin, s. Benjamin, deceased, consumption, Jan. 14, 1841, a. 34 y.

Harriet [E. NR9], w. John, consumption, Aug. 13, 1843, a. 23 y.

DELF (Delph)

_____, twin chn., stillborn, Thomas, of New York, Oct. 21, 1839.

DELPH (Delf)

Emmeline Louisa, d. Thomas, of New York. Issue of Oct. 29, 1839. NR9

Thomas Holten, s. Thomas, of New York. Issue of Oct. 29, 1839. NR9

DEMERETT (Demeritt)

William T., drowned, May 25, 1831.

DEMERITT (Demerett)

True, drowned, May 26, 1831.

DEMPHEY (Dempsey)

Mary Ann, d. Thomas and Margaret, cholera morbus, Aug. 9, 1847, a. 2 m.

DEMPSEY (Demphey)

William, bur. July --, 1843. CR5

John, b. St. John, NB, s. Lawrence and Mary, June 24, 1849, a. 11 m.


John, consumption, May 14, 1839, a. 33 y.


Ann M., Aug. 21, 1831, a. 20 y. NR9

Sarah, d. Charles, bur. Feb. 17, 1835, a. 14 y. NR9


Daniel, s. Timothy, infantile, Mar. 20, 1847, a. 3 d.


Francis B., Capt., a soldier of the Revolution, Sept. 2, 1812, a. 65 y. GR7

William, a. 18 y. Issue of Sept. 2, 1817. NR9

Joseph, on board the ship Augusta, at sea, a. 17 y. Issue of Nov. 6, 1818. NR9

Frances Elizabeth, d. Francis, at Portsmouth, a. 3 w. Issue of Apr. 17, 1832. NR9

Mary Ann K., d. William P., of Ipswich, a. 14 m. Issue of Oct. 16, 1832. NR9

_____, ch. stillborn, John, Aug. 19, 1839.

Mary C[hamberlain. NR9], d. Devereux, consumption, Nov. 17, 1839, a. 14 y.

Francis M., d. Ann, throat distemper, Nov. 25, 1841, a. 13 y.

Mary C[hamberlain. NR9], d. Devereux, jr., consumption, Dec. 9, 1842, a. 5 m.

Lydia Y. (West), w. Devereux, jr., consumption, July 9, 1843, a. 26 y.

Elizabeth, wid. Francis, consumption, May 15, 1844, a. 91 y.

Betsey, wid. William, d. Adam Rowell, consumption, at Danvers, Sept. 11, 1846, a. 72 y.

Grace, Mrs., of Marblehead, Apr. 11, 1848, a. 83 y. NR9

DERBY (Darby)

Lucretia, w. Roger, May 25, 1689. CTR [a. 46 y. GR6]

Charles, s. Roger and Lucretia, at Canada, Oct. 8, 1690. CTR

Roger, Sept. 26, 1698, a. 55 y. GR6

Richard, h. Martha (Hescott), July 25, 1715.

Mary, w. Capt. Richard, Mar. 27, 1770, in her 57th y. NR4

_____, Mrs., sister of Capt. John Gardner, Apr. 29, 1777. PR36

Richard, Hon. Esq., fever, Mar. 20, 1781. CR1 [Dec. 8, a. 45 y. NR7]

Richard, Capt., Dec. 8, 1781. PR84

Richard, Capt. [merchant. NR7], old age, Nov. 9, 1783, a. 72 y. CR1

_____, ch. stillborn, Capt. John, Dec. 8, 1783. CR1

Hannah, w. Capt. John, hectic, May 22, 1786, a. 36 y. CR1

Sarah, wid. Richard, Esq., at Hingham, a. 78 y. Issue of June 22, 1790. NR9

_____, s. Capt. Samuel, Oct. 25, 1791, a. 1 d. CR1

Nathan, at sea, a. 18 y. Issue of June 6, 1797. NR9

E.H., Esq. [Elias Hasket, dysentery. CR1], Sept. 8, 1799 [a. 60 y. NR9]

Elias H., s. E.H., Aug. 13, 1801. PR55

_____, s. Col. _____, a. 2 y. Issue of Sept. 15, 1801. NR9

_____, ch. Elias H., Nov. --, 1801. a. 5 w. CR1

_____, inf. s. Col. _____. Issue of Nov. 17, 1801. NR9

_____, ch. Col., bur. Nov. 17, 1801. PR79

_____, bur. July 13, 1802. PR79

Margrett, w. Samuel, hectic, Aug. --, 1802, a. 34 y. CR1 [Issue of Aug. 13. NR9]

Charles, Capt., at the Sandwich Islands, Sept. 22, 1802, a. 30 y. NR9

Charles, Capt. [s. Richard, Esq. PR34], at sea, Mar. --, 1803. CR1 [Mar. 26. PR34]

Francis, s. John, hydrocephalus, Oct. --, 1806, a. 2 y. CR1 [a. 2 y. 8 m. Issue of Oct. 7, 1806. NR9]

Foster, s. John, hydrocephalus, Feb. 21, 1808. CR1

Nathaniel Foster, s. John, Feb. 21, 1808, a. 5 y. NR9

_____, w. Saib. Issue of June 2, 1809. NR9

Lucy, w. Samuel [G., Esq. NR9], bleeding, May --, 1812, a. 29 y. CR1 [Issue of May 8. NR9]

_____, w. S., May 4, 1812. PR79

Margrett, d. S[amuel G. PR55], hectic, Aug. 12, 1813, a. 17 y. CR1

Eliza, d. Ez. H. [d. E. Hersey. NR9], typhus fever, Oct. 29, 1813, a. 18 y. CR1

Emily Augusta, d. E. Hersey, bur. Oct. 3, 1815, a. 10 w. NR9

_____, ch. Ezekiel H., lung fever, Oct. 13, 1815, a. 10 w. CR1

James, Capt., of the Caravan, at sea. Issue of Mar. 1, 1816. NR9

_____, d. Samuel and Abigail (Buffum), laudanum, July 12, 1817, a. 3 m. CR4

Samuel, s. Samuel, hectic, Feb. --, 1818, a. 24 y. CR1

George [supercargo of the brig Coromandel, Capt. Bray. NR9], s. John and Sarah (Barton), [hectic, at sea. CR1], Aug. 26, 1818 [a. 24 y. CR1]

John, Capt., of the ship Rubicon of Boston, at sea, on the passage from Savannah to Batavia. Issue of Nov. 27, 1818. NR9

Perley, s. John, jr., drowned at sea from brig Hope, --- --, 1822, a. 20 y. [Issue of Jan. 22. NR9]

_____, d. Evander, aphthac infantum, Sept. 10, 1822, a. 3 w.

Edith, wid., of Beverly, a. 82 y. Issue of Oct. 29, 1824. NR9

John, jr., --- --, 1825. tomb. GR8

George, delirium tremens, Nov. 12, 1825, a. 29 y.

Elias H., Gen., of Londonderry, gout in stomach, Sept. 16, 1826, a. 60 y. CR1

Samuel, consumption, Dec. 11, 1826, 62 y. [a. 68 y. NR9]

Samuel, phthisis pulmonalis, Jan. 16, 1828, a. 42 y.

John, 3d, Nov. 22, 1829, a. 41 y.

Joshua B., killed by the natives of the Fiji Islands on a voyage with the ship "Glide," --- --, 1830, a. 16 y. PR656

John H[enry. NR9], s. Charles, quinsy, May 18, 1830, a. 4 y.

Nathaniel F[oster, graduated from Harvard, 1829. NR9], s. John, Esq., phthisis pulmonalis, July 9, 1830, a. 21 y.

Foster, s. John, July 13, 1830. PR24

John, apoplexy, suddenly, Nov. 25, 1831, a. 64 y. CR1

Elizabeth Andrews, d. T. Putnam, Aug. 15, 1832, a. 1 y. 2 m. NR9

John, mechanic, Mar. 31, 1834, a. 64 y. NR9

Emily Maria, d. E. Hersey, Esq., July 13, 1835, a. 18 y.

Rachel R., w. T. Putnam, and d. William Ropes, Esq., Jan. 22, 1838, a. 35 y. NR9

E.H., Mrs., Nov. 14, 1839. PR188

E. Hersey, Esq., s. E. Hersey, Esq., at Boston, Nov. 14, 1839. NR9

Elias H., jr., consumption, at Boston, Nov. 16, 1839, a. 40 y.

Lucy Ann, d. Nicholas [and Mary. NR9], lung fever, Feb. 21, 1840, a. 5 y.

Ellen, d. Nicholas, lung fever, Mar. 3, 1840, a. 2 y.

Elizabeth (Putnam), w. John, tailor, dropsy, Nov. 17, 1842, a. 71 y.

Samuel G., of Weston, merchant, s. Richard, deceased, age, at Weston, Jan. 17, 1843, a. 76 y.

Mary Elizabeth, d. Henry and Mary, heart complaint, May 31, 1845, a. 9½ y.


_____, ch. _____, at the workhouse, Dec. --, 1820.


Lucy F[letcher. NR9], d. John, drowned by falling into tub of water, May 13, 1822, a. 9 m.

DEVERAUX (Devereux)

_____, w. _____, suddenly, bur. Dec. 1, 1789. CR11 [a. 35 y. NR8]

Nicholas, a young man, bur. Jan. 7, 1803. CR11 [a. 23 y. GR8]

_____, ch. John, bur. Sept. 30, 1803. CR11

DEVEREUX (Deveraux, Devereaux)

Sarah, w. Capt. James, bur. Mar. 17, 1815, a. 47 y. CR11

Elsy, d. John, bur. May 9, 1817, a. 18 y. NR9

John, a. 63 y. Issue of May 9, 1817. NR9

Elizabeth [Betsey, d. John, deceased. NR9], consumption, Apr. 24, 1819, a. 25 y.

Mary C., d. Capt. James, consumption, bur. May 28, 1822, a. 21 y. CR11

Eliza, w. Humphrey, consumption, Nov. 20, 1828, a. 42 y. [a. 43 y. CR1]

H., --- --, 1829. tomb. GR7

John J[ames Scobie. CR10], s. Thomas, Nov. 25, 1829, a. 2 y.

Thomas H[enry. CR10], s. Thomas, pneumonia, June 26, 1830, a. 9 m.

James, at sea, Nov. --, 1831. CR11

Thomas, blockmaker, consumption, Mar. 21, 1844, a. 48 y.

James, b. Ireland, merchant, h. Sally (Crowninshield), age, May 29, 1846, a. 80 y.

Ann E., d. Thomas and Ann, consumption, Nov. 13, 1846, a. 22 y.


Catherine, b. Ireland, w. Michael, child birth, in Ireland, Apr. 17, 1847, a. 24 y.


Josiah. Issue of Apr. 21, 1787. NR8

John, a. 49 y. Issue of Sept. 23, 1808. NR9

Margaret, Dec. 12, 1835, a. 44 y. NR9

Dolly Margaret, d. Capt. Joseph, a. 8 y. 9 m. Issue of Sept. 29, 1840. NR9

Dorothy [wid. NR9], b. Roxbury, wid. Joseph, consumption, May 3, 1846, a. 86 y.


Sarah, w. Charles, pneumonia, bur. at Gloucester, d. Sept. 22, 1825, a. 36 y.

H.D. [Henry Dearing. NR9], s. Charles, drowned, bur. at Essex, d. Apr. 6, 1830, a. 6 y.

Charles, Capt., suddenly, Nov. 22, 1837, a. 48 y. NR9

Charles, jr., s. Charles, deceased, chief officer on board ship Asia, of Boston, on her passage from Batavia to Lintin. Issue of Apr. 17, 1838. NR9

DICKENSON (Dickerson)

Ovid [Obed. CR5], July 23, 1846, a. abt. 80 y. NR9 [a. 79 y. CR5]


Elizabeth, hydrocephalus, Nov. --, 1821, a. 3½ y.


Nathaniel, tidewaiter, drowned, June 17, 1773. NR4

_____, w. Nathaniel, drowned, June 17, 1773. NR4


Mary W. [d. John. NR9], consumption, Dec. 3, 1820, a. 15 y.

DIMAN (Dimon)

Isaac, jr., Jan. 18, 1748. PR57

Joseph, bur. Jan. 19, 1759, a. 74 y. CR1

[Mary. CR4], w. Rev. James, angina pectoris [very suddenly. CR4], Dec. 14, 1787, a. 65 y.

James, Rev. [sr. pastor of the East Society. NR8; colleague pastor. CR4], Oct. 8, 1788, a. 81 y.

Sarah, w. Thomas, dropsy, Apr. 14, 1793, a. 67 y. CR4

Jane, wid., a. 53 y. Issue of Dec. 5, 1797. NR9

Benjamin, Capt., at Baltimore. Issue of Jan. 7, 1803. NR9

Samuel, Capt., of the schooner Betsey, at St. Domingo. Issue of Apr. 9, 1811. NR9

Sophronia A., typhus fever, Nov. 12, 1827, a. 24 y.


Catherine, d. Jeremiah and Margaraet, dysentery, Sept. 13, 1848, a. 2 y.


Benjamin, s. Benjamin A. and Sukey, Sept. 22, 1801, a. 16 m. GR7

_____, ch. Benjamin A. Issue of Nov. 4, 1808. NR9

Sukey, w. Benjamin A., Sept. 12, 1811, a. 29 y. GR7

_____, inf. ch. Benjamin and Sukey, Sept. 12, 1811. GR7

William Giles, s. Benjamin A., dropsy, June 22, 1819, a. 3 y.

Thomas, s. Thomas M., June 25, 1834, a. 6 m. NR9

Asa C., s. wid., consumption, July 9, 1839, a. 21 y.

Francis H., a. 21 y. Issue of July 9, 1839. NR9

George F[oster. NR9], s. George A. and Deborah F., croup, Apr. 17, 1845, a. 3 y.

Andrew F[rancis. NR9], s. George A. and Deborah F., croup, May 3, 1845, a. 5 y.

Francis H[ayward. NR9], s. George A. and Deborah F., dysentery, Aug. 2, 1849, a. 1½ y.


Sarah, wid., Sept. 17, 1828, a. 73 y.


Stephen B., carpenter, on board the ship Maine, at Batavia, a. 44 y. Issue of Mar. 15, 1825. NR9

Elizabeth A., scarlet fever, bur. at Danvers, d. Dec. 12, 1841, a. 4 y.


Samuel, m., b. in Marblehead, palsy, Apr. 19, 1795, a. 30 y. CR4

Sara, d. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Smith of Marblehead), laudanum, Apr. 24, 1809, a. 6 m. CR4

_____, w. _____, putrid fever, July 30, 1821, a. 43 y.

Elizabeth, w. Benjamin, [dropsical consumption. CR10], a. 54 y. Issue of July 31, 1821. NR9

Samuel, consumption, at the almshouse, May 16, 1828, a. 23 y. [a. abt. 20 y. CR10]

Benjamin, rope maker, h. Elizabeth (Smith), consumption, Nov. 15, 1842, a. 75 y.

John, s. Thomas and Bridget, croup, Sept. 13, 1844, a. 4 y.

Bridget, b. Ireland, w. Thomas, childbirth, Mar. 15, 1848, a. 28 y.

Mathew, s. Thomas and Bridget, teething, Mar. 26, 1848, a. 2 y.

Catherine, d. Thomas and Bridget, lung fever, Aug. 18, 1848, a. 5 m.


Richard, "old," Dec. 5, 1749. PR57

Benjamin, s. Capt. George, at Cape Nicholas Mole, a. 17 y. Issue of Oct. 29, 1771. NR4

Elisabeth, d. Israel and Lucia (Pickering), Sept. 25, 1783. PR43

Andrew, Capt. s. Capt. George, at St. Sebastian, Spain. Issue of Dec. 7, 1784. NR7

Isreal, s. Isreal, fever, on the coast of Africa, Mar. --, 1786, a. 25 y. CR1

Israel S., s. Joshua and Elizabeth, suddenly, probably fever, Nov. 2, 1790, a. 3 w. CR4

Sally Smith, d. John and Sally, Mar. 19, 1795. PR55

Elizabeth, Nov. 22, 1795, a. 28 y. PR500

H., Mrs., bur. Dec. 22, 1797. PR79

Mehitable, wid., Dec. 24, 1797, a. 51 y. CR1

Caleb, drowned [in a cistern at Beverly. CR1], Jan. 1, 1798, a. 25 y. [a. 24 y. CR1]

Asa, b. Ipswich, s. Asa and Margaret, drowned, Mar. 17, 1798, a. 8 y. CR4

Lydia, w. Capt. George [old age. CR1], July 10, 1798, a. 72 y. GR1

Mehitable, wid., hectic, Dec. --, 1799, a. 51 y. CR1

_____, d. John, Jan. --, 1800, a. 16 m. CR1

Mary Jenks, d. Pickering and Rebecca (Jenks), Sept. 15, 1802. PR41

Mary, wid. James, of Boston, a. 86 y. ISsue of July 1, 1803. NR9

Israel, s. Israel and Lucia (Pickering), Sept. 9, 1803, a. nearly 33 y. PR43

William, s. Josiah and Hannah (Safford), Dec. 20, 1804. PR501

Henry Jenks, d. Pickering and Rebecca (Jenks), Sept. 23, 1807. PR41 [a. 14 m. NR9]

George [Capt. PR79], [merchant. NR9], old age, Jan. 18, 1808, a. 81 y. CR1

_____, ch. wid. _____, a. 6 y. Issue of Aug. 30, 1808. NR9

Daniel, s. John, late of Danvers, suddenly, a. 28 y. Issue of July 7, 1809. NR9

Betsy, d. Joseph [Joshua. PR61], and Elizabeth, Sept. 30, 1809, a. 27 y. GR8

_____, ch. William B. Issue of Mar. 6, 1810. NR9

_____, ch. Pyam. Issue of Aug. 6, 1811. NR9

Larkin, s. George, Aug. 20, 1811, a. 33 y. PR24

Love, w. Piam, Sept. 18, 1811, a. 34 y. GR8

John, Capt., very suddenly, Jan. 13, 1812. PR24

George F[rancis. NR9], s. Luke E. and Elizabeth H., scarlet fever, Oct. 7, 1812, a. 5 7-12 y.

Thomas, s. Josiah and Hannah (Safford), July 3, 1813. PR501

Joshua, bur. Jan. 17, 1814, a. PR61 [a. 62 y. NR9]

Sally, wid. Capt. John, bur. Oct. 11, 1815, a. 47 y. NR9

_____, s. Judah and Eliza (Perveare of Hampton Falls), atrophia infantilis, Oct. 8, 1817, a. 6 d. CR4

Phineas, s. William B., consumption, Oct. 18, 1818, a. 3 m.

Joshua, s. John [and Elizabeth (Wait). CR47], nervous fever, May 24, 1819, a. 6 m.

John, diseased liver, June 9, 1820, a. 36 y.

Lydia Ann [d. John, Esq. NR9], Jan. 10, 1821, a. 8 m.

[Trueman Osborn. NR9], s. William B., peripneumony, Sept. 14, 1821, a. 4 m.

George, dysentery, Sept. 21, 1821, a. 71 y. [a. 73 y. PR24]

Israel, old age, Oct. 3, 1822, a. 83 y.

Lucy [Lucia. CR1], wid. [Israel, sister of Col. Timothy Pickering. NR9], cancer, Nov. 1, 1822, a. 75 y.

Joseph, "resided at Haverhill, was Deacon of the First Parish, Cong. Ch. there, married _____ White, sister of Madam Sprague, wife of Joseph Sprague, Esqr of Salem," old age, Nov. 28, 1822, a. 77 y. [a. 78 y. GR7]

Anna W[iggin. NR9], d. William B. [suddenly. CR10], Jan. 10, 1824, a. 1 y. [Jan. 7, a. 11 m. CR10]

_____, w. Judah, May 1, 1824, a. 50 y.

Asa, Jan. 16, 1825, in his 25th y. GR8

Richard, s. Josiah [and Hannah. GR8], phthisis pulmonalis, June 10, 1825, a. 19 y.

Mark, delirium tremens, June 16, 1827, a. 26 y. [a. 24 y. GR8]

M.A., d. Ebenezer, Feb. --, 1828, a. 2 y.

Mary Ann, d. Capt. Ebenezer, a. 2 y. Issue of Mar. 4, 1828. NR9

Mary [formerly of Amherst, NH. NR9], consumption, Apr. 23, 1828, a. 56 y.

Pyam, jr., typhus fever, Mar. 2, 1829, a. 30 y.

Betsy W., wid. John, s. Joshua, dysentery, June 26, 1829, a. 42 y.

Anna [w. George, Esq. GR8], age, Dec. 22, 1829, a. 78 y.

Pyam, --- --, 1830. tomb. GR7

Lydia, hamatemeris, Jan. 12, 1830, a. 32 y.

Mehitable, carcinoma, Jan. 27, 1830, a. 57 y. [a. 59 y. NR9]

Elizabeth [wid. Joshua, Esq. NR9], peripneumonia notha, May 8, 1830, a. 72 y.

Charlotte, d. Capt. John, deceased, Sept. 25, 1831. NR9

Charles Henry, s. Elisha, July 11, 1832, a. 15 m. NR9

Hannah E., Dec. --, 1832. CR13

Pickering, merchant, h. Rebecca (Jenks) [nervous fever. CR1], Aug. 16, 1833, a. 55 y.

Edward Hale, s. Capt. George, Jan. 2, 1836, a. 4 y. NR9

Albert Warren, s. Capt. George, a. 2 y. 6 m. Issue of Feb. 3, 1837. NR9

Thorndike Lovett, s. Elisha, deceased, a. 1 y. Issue of June 20, 1837. NR9

Dorcas, wid., Aug. 19, 1837, a. 65 y. NR9

Charles E[dward. NR9], s. George, dropsy, Oct. 2, 1839, a. 19 m.

Charlotte C[offin, Mrs. CR5], family of George, jr., canker, Feb. 11, 1840, a. 21 y.

_____, ch. G.A., bur. June --, 1840. CR5

George, s. George, jr., canker, July 5, 1840, a. 1½ y.

Mary E., d. Thomas, lung fever, Jan. 23, 1841, a. 2 y.

George, s. George A., scarlet fever, Mar. 8, 1841, a. 3 y.

Francis Henry, s. George A., a. 16 m. Issue of Mar. 12, 1841. NR9

William Augustus, only ch. George A., bur. Apr. 20, 1841. NR9 [a. 4 y. CR5]

_____, ch. G.A., infantile, Feb. 14, 1842, a. 1 d.

Mary E[lizabeth. NR9], d. Thomas H., quincy, Jan. 2, 1843, a. 2 y.

Joshua, Esq., Jan. 17, 1844, a. 62 y. GR8

Louisa, d. Pyam [at Danvers. NR9], consumption, Feb. 11, 1844, a. 35 y.

Elzaphen, trader, s. Pyam and Lucy, dropsy in head, May 14, 1845, a. 33 y.

Martha, Dec. 12, 1845. CR5

Peggy, b. Hamilton, h. Barnabas, d. Parker and Hannah Dodge, cancer, Dec. 13, 1845, a. 71 y.

Judah, b. Maine, mason, consumption, Aug. 16, 1846, a. 70 y.

Charles H[enry. NR9], s. Pickering and Anna S.C., kidney disease, Dec. 30, 1846, a. 20 y.

Susan E[lizabeth. NR9], d. Luke E. and Elizabeth H., scarlet fever, June 14, 1849, a. 14 y.

Augustus R[obbins. NR9], s. Luke E. and Elizabeth H., scarlet fever, June 30, 1849, a. 1 11-12 y.

Caleb J[ones. NR9], s. Luke E. and Hannah [Elizabeth. NR9] H., scarlet fever, July 25, 1849, a. 8 y.

William B[all. NR9], mason, s. Judah and Mary, slow fever, Sept. 8, 1849, a. 20¾ y.

Hanah, w. Israel, d. Benjamin and Hannah Driver, dysentery, Sept. 12, 1849, a. 63 y.

Anna S.C. [storer, Colman. NR9], b. Hingham, w. Pikering, d. Henry and Mary Colman, Sept. 16, 1849, a. 40 y.

George F., s. Luke E. and E.A., scarlet fever, Oct. 7, 1849, a. 5 y. 7 m. GR9

DOGGET (Doggett)

William, s. William, convulsions, Sept. 8, 1842, a. ½ m.

DOGGETT (Dogget)

_____, ch. Elisha. Issue of Nov. 4, 1806. NR9

Elisha, Apr. 29, 1810, a. 43 y. GR7

Elizabeth, wid., Elisha, at Boston, Jan. 5, 1837, a. 70 y. GR7

Mary, d. William and Catherine, scarlet fever, Aug. 19, 1849, a. 2¾ y.

DOLAN (Doland)

John, b. Ireland, s. William and Catherine, accident, Oct. 2, 1844, a. 3½ y.

John, jr., b. Ireland, currier, lung fever, June 23, 1849, a. 30 y.

DOLAND (Dolan)

William J[ohn. CR11], b. Rhode Island, s. John, jr. and Sarah, scarlet fever, Mar. 30, 1847, a. 1½ y.

DOLBY (Dolbey)

Ann E., d. Edward and Mary, typhus fever, Aug. 27, 1847, a. 4 y.


William [Dollison. NR9], intemperance, Oct. 2, 1821, a. 28 y. [a. 30 y. NR9]

DOLLIVER (Dalleber, Dolbear, Doliver)

John T., on the ship Exeter, on his passage from Manilla, May 29, 1806. NR9

William, baker. Issue of Sept. 18, 1807. NR9

Amelia, b. blind at Boston, d. Peter and Harriet, lung fever, bur. at Boston, d. Jan. 18, 1849, a. 63 y.


_____, s. Michael, infantile, June 7, 1840, a. 2 w.

Caroline F., d. Michael and Eliza, dropsy in head, Dec. 30, 1844, a. 15 m.


Martin, of Manchester, b. Ireland, laborer, "killed by caving of earth on railroad in Manchester," Feb. 18, 1846, a. 30 y.


_____, Capt., on board the brig St. John, Capt. Neal, drowned, at Virginia. Issue of Oct. 26, 1784. NR7

Alexander, s. Alexander, from Ireland, blockmaker, and Elizabeth (Peele), vomiting and purging, Sept. 20, 1804, a. 8 m. CR4

Alexander, chronic hepatitis, Mar. 5, 1828, a. 55 y.

Henry, s. Alexander, dropsy, July 9, 1839, a. 8 m.

Elizabeth, d. Alexander [deceased. dup.], consumption, Mar. 20, 1840, a. 32 y. [Mar. 23. dup.]

Henry, s. Alexander, bowel complaint, Aug. 21, 1844, a. 1 m.

DONALSON (Donaldson)


Catherine, d. illegitimate, Catherine Roach, bowel complaint, Sept. 13, 1846, a. 11 m.

DOROTY (Dorrety)


Hanah [Fanny. NR9], d. Arthur and Bridget, scarlet fever, Aug. 6, 1847, a. 9 m.


William, Oct. 3, 1821, a. 30 y. CR10

_____, s. William, deceased, drowned, Oct. 14, 1821, a. 15 y. CR10


_____, d. Ann, "by witchcraft I doubt not," May 29, 1692. CR2

John Henry, s. William, a. 3 y. 4 m. Issue of Dec. 1, 1837. NR9

James E[dwin. NR9], s. William, dropsy, Sept. 9, 1840, a. 8 m.

DOUSLEY (Dowsley)

Ann, of Gloucester, anasarca, Feb. 5, 1822, a. 65 y.


Sara, d. Mathew, 18: 5m: 1660. CTR

_____, wid., old age, bur. Dec. 22, 1789. CR11 [a. 85 y. NR9]

Elizabeth, Mrs. [wid. NR9], Nov. 5, 1813, a. 60 y. GR8

Sarah, wid., jaundice, Dec. 11, 1822, a. 88 y. [a. 38 y. NR9]


_____, Mrs., bur. Feb. 15, 1759, a. 35 y. CR1

George, s. Enoch and Mary, Aug. 22, 1806, a. 17 d. GR8

Meshack W[eare, grand s. Meshack Weare, Esq. of Hampton Falls. GR8], bur. Dec. 3, 1812. PR61 [a. 25 y. GR8]

Enoch, b. Kensington, NH, s. Richard and Mary, of Wakefield, June 12, 1813, a. 32 y. GR8 [a. 38 y. NR9]

Mary, wid. Enoch, May 17, 1815, a. 34 y. GR8

Jonathan, brain fever, Dec. 2, 1832. PR639

Stephen. Issue of Dec. 7, 1832. NR9

Wadleigh, formerly keeper of the Mansion house, July 29, 1845, a. 50 y. NR9


John [a revolutionary pensioner. NR9], old age, Jan. 18, 1822, a. 95 y.


Eunice, a. 14 y. Issue of Apr. 1, 1788. NR8

Abigail, a. 18 y. Issue of Jan. 6, 1789. NR8

Richard, Oct. 12, 1790, a. 32 y. NR9

Abigail, wid. Issue of Dec. 28, 1790. NR9

Richard, at the almshouse, a. 77 y. Issue of Oct. 29, 1793. NR9

Benjamin, at Guadaloupe, a. 28 y. Issue of Mar. 1, 1803. NR9

Catharine, d. Capt. Thomas and Catharine, Mar. 17, 1812, a. 7 y. GR8

_____, s. Capt. [Thomas. NR9], dysentery, Aug. 4, 1821, a. 6 w.

Maryann B[rown. NR9], d. Thomas [jr., dysentery. dup.], Oct. 5, 1827, a. 3 y.

John W., --- --, 1828. tomb. GR8

Caleb, Capt., formerly of Lynn, Aug. 16, 1832, a. 57 y. NR9

Thomas, h. Katy (Williams), consumption, Feb. 7, 1835, a. 62 y.

Henry W., s. Capt. Thomas, deceased, on board the Carthage, July 12, 1837, a. 18 y. NR9

Sarah W., only ch. John W., bur. Apr. 14, 1838, a. 15 m. NR9

Anna W., d. John W. and Sarah P., dysentery, Sept. 15, 1845, a. 9 m.

George William, s. Thomas and Nancy, July 25, 1849, a. 11 y.


Sarah, old age, at the almshouse, Apr. 22, 1822, a. 85 y.

John A., "alias Interstram," Swede [John Allen, a native of Westerwich. NR9], consumption, Feb. 9, 1840, a. 26 y.

John, b. Marblehead, trader, Cholera, Aug. 16, 1844, a. 74 y.

DOWSE (Dowst)

Thomas, bur. Apr. 20, 1775. PR655

Joseph, Esq., Jan. 30, 1785, a. 76 y. NR7

DOWST (Dowse)

Damoras, w. John, Dec. 12, 1796.

William, a. 48 y. Issue of July 14, 1801. NR9

Mary, Mrs. Issue of Dec. 7, 1804. NR9

Nathaniel V., s. Samuel, a. 16 y. Issue of Feb. 22, 1811. NR9

Richard, s. Richard and Mary, Apr. 14, 1814, a. 18 y. GR7

Martha, a. 16 y. Issue of Aug. 11, 1815. NR9

Samuel, a. 50 y. Issue of May 23, 1817. NR9

Elizabeth, wid. William, old age, Mar. 18, 1819, a. 73 y. [a. 87 y. NR9]

_____, s. William, cholera, Sept. 27, 1821, a. 1 y.

Abigail, wid. [Samuel. NR9], paralysis, Aug. 12, 1826, a. 60 y.

Martha [wid. NR9], consumption, July 18, 1830, a. 73 y.

Sarah Wellman, d. Capt. Samuel, a. 16 y. Issue of June 17, 1834. NR9

Eliza Tarr, d. William, Feb. 3, 1835, a. 9 m. NR9

Martha, wid., suddenly, June 14, 1836, a. 77 y. NR9

Elizabeth (Adams), w. David, inflammation of lungs, Dec. 31, 1842, a. 37 y.

John, a. 66 y. Issue of Oct. 10, 1848. NR9


Jane, Mrs., a. 60 y. Issue of Dec. 1, 1795. NR9

Emeline, d. Thomas and Mary (Upton) [pneumonia. dup.], Jan. 2, 1826. [a. 1 y. dup.]

Mary, Mrs., native of Ireland, a. 57 y. Issue of Aug. 25, 1837. NR9

John, native Shalon, Ireland, a. 20 y. Issue of Oct. 26, 1838. NR9


Charlottee T. [w. Paul. GR8], b. Wrentham, d. Timothy and Betsey George, child birth, Aug. 23, 1845, a. 36 y.


William, Apr. 29, 1832, a. 28 y. NR9

Betsy, wid. John, of Milton, Oct. 1, 1849, a. 71 y. NR9


John, s. John, sr., dysentery, May 19, 1843, a. 11 m.

DRIVER (Dryver)

Thomas, a ch., bur. --- --, 1748. CR11

_____, Mrs., suddenly, Jan. 30, 1751. PR83

Michael, Capt., Aug. 25, 1785. NR7

Paul. Issue of Sept. 30, 1788. NR8

Benjamin, bur. Nov. 15, 1811, a. 52 y. NR9

_____, Mrs., cancer. Issue of Nov. 3, 1812. NR9

Thomas, from a wound, on board the English ship Goliath. Issue of Mar. 30, 1813. NR9

Michael, a. 21 y. Issue of Feb. 15, 1814. NR9

_____, ch. _____, run over and instantly killed, a. 7 y. Issue of Apr. 7, 1814. NR9

Sarah, wid., bur. Sept. 26, 1817, a. 88 y. NR9

Mary, d. Stephen, 3d, hemorrhage, Jan. 7, 1822, a. 19 d.

Elizabeth, w. Stephen, old age, Nov. 5, 1823, a. 79 y.

_____, s. Stephen, 3d, icterus infantum, Aug. 22, 1824, a. 1 w.

H.E. [Helena Elizabeth. CR11], d. Stephen, 3d, icterus infantum, Feb. 27, 1826, a. 1 m. [a. 2 m. CR11]

Rebecca, consumption, Nov. 22, 1828, a. 62 y.

Mary, w. George, consumption, May 28, 1830, a. 23 y.

Stephen, old age, Oct. 27, 1830, a. 91 y.

Mary, w. Stephen, jr., a. 36 y. Issue of Dec. 2, 1834. NR9

Ruth, w. Stephen, bur. Aug. 25, 1837, a. 67 y. NR9

Martha S., w. Capt. William, bur. Sept. 7, 1837, a. 35 y. NR9

George H. [Smith. NR9], s. Stephen, jr., throat distemper, Sept. 11, 1839, a. 3 y.

Hannah, m. [wid. Benjamin. NR9], d. Timothy and Mary Wellman, age, July 14, 1847, a. 85 y. [7 m. NR9]

Susan, d. Stephen and Elizabeth, age, Nov. 29, 1849, a. 74 y.


Eliza Ann, d. Peter, throat distemper, July 24, 1843, a. 3 m.


Dorcas E., d. John and Lydia, paralysis, Nov. 25, 1846, a. 2 y.


Thomas [town crier. PR34; old age, Nov. 14. CR11], Oct. 15, 1800.

DUFFEE (McDuffee)


Benjamin, Capt., Jan. 4, 1793, a. 40 y. GR7

Hannah, wid. Capt. Benjamin, Nov. 30, 1795, a. 34 y. NR9

Joseph, of Saco, lately arrived sick with smallpox, from Alexandria, at the hospital. Issue of Oct. 7, 1796. NR9

George, on board the ship Indus, June 2, 1821. Issue of Dec. 25, 1821. NR9

DUNKIN (Duncan)

John [burnt in Mr. Gray's ship. CR11], Feb. 5, 1798, a. 42 y.

Cressessten, wid., Aug. 15, 1822, a. 76 y.

DUNKLEE (Dunckly, Dunkerly)

John, epilepsy, Apr. 29, 1825, a. 55 y.

_____, Mr., May 1, 1825. CR10

John, consumption, July 13, 1840, a. 40 y.

Abigail, wid. John, consumption, June 7, 1842, a. 73 y.


William, from Ireland, with Capt. Berry at Gonaive, Hispaniola, fever, received news, Sept. 26, 1795, a. 20 y. CR4

Andrew, Esq., late U.S. district attorney, July 27, 1835, a. 39 y. NR9

Margaret, b. Ireland, d. Andrew and Margaret, lung fever, bur. at Boston, d. May 12, 1847, a. 73 y.


William, from Ireland, cordwainer, consumption, June 17, 1818, a. 35 y. CR4

Thomas C., native of Ireland, lung fever, Jan. 16, 1840, a. 42 y.

James, b. Ireland, laborer, fever, Apr. 11, 1846, a. 32 y.


Gabrial, palsy, Sept. 5, 1839, a. 60 y.


Charles, at Havanna, a. 19 y. Issue of Aug. 31, 1830. NR9

William, ropemaker, s. Elias M. and Mary, consumption, Mar. 3, 1848, a. 46 y.

Elias M., b. Marblehead, rope maker, dysentery, Oct. 23, 1848, a. 76 y.


_____, ch. _____ [ch. Edward. NR9], dysentery, bur. Sept. 20, 1801, a. 7 y. CR11

Henry, a. 18 y. Issue of Nov. 20, 1810. NR9

Edward, seaman, of the sch'r. Clio, of Boston, Capt. Seward, threw himself overboard, during a supposed fit of insanity, "while lying in the Roads," Dec. 8, 1819. Issue of Mar. 24, 1820. NR9


Sarah, of Boston, b. New Hampshire, d. Daniel and Phoebe Ames, at Boston, typhus fever, Sept. 15, 1846, a. 49 y. 9 m. GR9 (Removed to Mt. Auburn.)

Alva, b. Sanbornton, NH, laborer, consumption, Apr. 12, 1848, a. 50 y. [removed to Mt. Auburn. GR9]


Jonathan, a. 68 y. Issue of Dec. 5, 1845. NR9

Franklin, b. Windham, NH, s. Peter and Abigail, consumption, bur. at Danvers, d. Mar. 14, 1847, a. 24 y.


Barbara, d. Samuel and Susanna, Apr. 10, 1678, a. 8 m. GR1

John, s. John and Frances, Aug. 9, 1770.

Joseph, s. John and Fanny, Sept. 14, 1796, a. 8 y.

_____, ch. John and Fanny, May 4, 1797.

Samuel, a. 32 y. Issue of Oct. 19, 1813. NR9

_____, ch. Mr., bur. July 6, 1814. PR61

Samuel, s. John and Fanny, Oct. --, 1815.

Edward, Capt., late of the brig Henry, at Gibralter. Issue of July 16, 1816. NR9

Fanny, w. John, apoplexy, Aug. 8, 1828, a. 76 y.

Daniel, jr., Sept. 25, 1831, a. 37 y. GR8

John, a. 91 y. Issue of Aug. 30, 1836. NR9

Lucy, b. Ipswich, w. Daniel, d. Nathaniel and Sarah Lord, consumption, bur. at Ipswich, d. June 27, 1847, a. 82 y.


Susan M[unday. NR9], d. Francis and Harriet, dysentery, Sept. 4, 1848, a. 17 m.


Ann, b. England, w. William, July 24, 1849, a. 52 y.

DWIER (Dwyer)

[Hannah. NR8], Mrs., sister to Mrs. Abbot, throat distemper, bur. Nov. 24, 1787. CR11 [a. 35 y. NR8]

_____, s. Patrick, drowned, a. 10 y. Issue of Aug. 19, 1814. NR9

DWINELL (Dwinnell)

John, laborer, affection of heart, Oct. 1, 1840, a. 58 y.

Stephen P., laborer, h. Sarah A. (Bruce), of Salem, NY, s. John and Deborah, consumption, Oct. 21, 1846, a. 33 y.

DWINNEL (Dwinnell)

Sally [w. David. NR9], intemperance, Aug. 6, 1820, a. 28 y.

DWYER (Dwier)

_____, d. Patrick, consumption, Nov. 3, 1821, a. 9 m.

Ellen, Jan. 18, 1830, a. 18 y. NR9

Mary, bur. Nov. 17, 1835, a. 18 y. NR9

Patrick, consumption, Oct. 22, 1836, a. 66 y. NR9

Ellen, b. Ireland, w. William, d. Thomas and Anna Murphy, consumption, Mar. 24, 1849, a. 31 y.

William H[enry. NR9], s. William H. and Susan K., scarlet fever, Apr. 29, 1849, a. 3 y.

DYSTILL (Dyseton)