NorthShore Slavery


John, and Abigail Mason Peele, June 27, 1790.*


John, [Dasccerrotte. int.], and Lydia Gowen, certif. Nov. 27, 1780.*


Catherine, and John Hifle [Hifield. int.], Apr. 21, 1838.*


Cornelius, see Dogan, Cornelius.


James, and Elizabeth Crague, certif. Oct. 2, 1779.*

DAGGET (Daggit, Daggitt)

Rebeckah, and Jonathan Moulton, June 7, 1737.*

DAGGIT (Dagget)

Mary, and John How [jr. int.], of Middleton, May 6, 1736.*

DAGGITT (Dagget)

William, and Mary Nurse, Nov. 29, 1711.*

Susanna, and James Upton, Nov. 2, 1732.*


Timothy H., and Sophia Bryant, June 24, 1827.*

Eliza H., and George P. Tilton of Danvers, int. Apr. 12, 1828.

John H., and Jane Martin [of Sullivan. int.], Dec. --, 1830.*

Mary, and Oliver Morse [of Dracut. int.], May 5, 1834.*

Timothy H., and Sarah Ann Dodge of Boston, int. May 10, 1834.

Timothy H., 3d m., clerk, and Rachel L. [S. int.] Beckford, Aug. 23, 1849. [Oct. 28, 1849. int.]*

DALAN (Daland)

George, and Joan B. Trow of Beverly, int. July 22, 1809.

DALAND (Dalan, Dealand, Deland, DeLand)

Katherine, and Benjamin Cox, July 18, 1734.*

Lydia, and Joseph Jeans, Oct. 9, 1735.*

Katherine, and Robert Neal, Feb. 5, 1738-9.*

Mary, and Francis Cox, Jan. 21, 1741-2.*

Sarah, and Nathaniel Foster, May 6, 1741.*

Samuel, and Hannah Blany, July 2, 1744.*

George, jr., and Abigail Procter [jr. int.], Oct. 5, 1744.*

Benjamin, and Hannah Cook, Sept. 20, 1752.*

Hannah, and Robert Watts, May 22, 1755.*

Hannah, and Thomas Benson, Feb. 4, 1768.

Elizabeth, and Charles Leach, Sept. 12, 1768.

Thorndike, and Elizabeth Osgood, int. Jan. 12, 1774.

Joseph, and Eunice Bacon, Apr. 3, 1779.*

Samuel, and Susannah Symonds, certif. Apr. 24, 1779.*

Hannah, and Benjamin Dunham [Donham, of Martha's Vineyard. int.], July 25, 1779.*

Bethiah, and William Herrick, Jan. 31, 1788.*

Benjamin, jr., of Beverly, and, wid. Sally West, Nov. 16, 1788.*

Polly, and William Archer, Feb. 5, 1789.*

Katherine, and John Millet, May 10, 1789. [certif. CR12]*

Joseph, and Elizabeth Whittick [wid. int.], Apr. 6, 1794.*

John, and Elizabeth Tucker, Dec. 14, 1794.*

Betsy, and George Osborn, jr., Dec. 5, 1796.*

Joseph, jr., and Eleanor Buck, Apr. 16, 1803.*

Robert, and Mary Welcome, Feb. 3, 1805.*

Eunice, and Lewis Fulsom, June 8, 1806.*

John, Capt., and Mary Fowler of Danvers, int. Oct. 3, 1807.

Sally, and Samuel Bathrick, Nov. 1, 1808.*

Tucker, and Eliza [Elizabeth. int.] Whitredge, Mar. 15, 1818.*

Tucker, and Elizabeth H. Silver, May 26, 1823.*

John, 3d, and Sarah G. Lane, int. July 14, 1823.

John, and Louisa Lufkin, int. Mar. 8, 1828. ("Forbid by Mr D. day of its pub. ")

Mary Ann F., and Daniel H. Johnson, Apr. 28, 1828.*

Hannah E., and Sidney Chavers, Aug. 7, 1828.

Mary A.P. [Ann Pickman. int.], and John (John G., by an act of the Legislature), Felt, May 13, 1830.*

Eliza, and Samuel Quarles, Sept. [14. in pencil], 1831.

Henry R. [of Boston. int.], and Sarah A. Silver, Oct. 30, 1832.*

Mary O. [sgood. int.], and John Hodges, Dec. 15, 1833.*

Louisa M. [Deland. PR179], and John F. Andrew, Aug. 24, 1837.*

Hannah D., and William Kelley, Sept. 11, 1838.*

Sarah A., Mrs., and Benjamin Cox, jr., Dec. 30, 1841.*

Elizabeth T., and Henry L. Williams, Oct. 1, 1845. CR12*

DALEY (Dailey, Daily, Dallee, Deiley)

Eliza [Elizabeth. int.], and Samuel Carlin, Oct. 31, 1819.*

Sarah B., and William Mansfield, jr., Sept. 23, 1821.*

Phebe, and Lawrence Berney, Nov. 27, 1834.

John, of Boston, a. 27 y., laborer, s. _____, of Ireland, and Margaret Flynn of Lynn, a. 24 y., Feb. 4, 1845.

Jeremiah, and Catherine Fullam, int. July 13, 1845.

Margaret, and Michael Dowling, both b. Ireland, Aug. 6, 1848.

Ellen, and Robert Gile [Gill. int.], both b Ireland, June 9, 1849.*

John, and Ellen Buckley, both of Danvers, both b. Ireland, Sept. 9, 1849.

Ellen, and Patrick Smith, both b. Ireland, Nov. 29, 1849.*

DALLEE (Daley)

Peter [Rev. of Boston. int.], and Mrs. Martha Epes, Apr. 1, 1714.*

DALTIN (Dalton)

John, and Sarah Hacker, Feb. 24, 1700.

John, and Susannah Anderson, Sept. 13, 1722.

DALTON (Daltin)

Hannah, and John Eadee, at Danvers, Jan. 7, 17777.*

Edward, and Sarah Moses, Nov. 5, 1778. PR401

Edward, and Mary Collins, Sept. 16, 1800.*

Sally, and Benjamin Bulson, certif. Jan. 1, 1803.*

Joseph, and Rebecca Driver, July 7, 1811.*

Eleazer M., and Harriot Boardman, Jan. 4, 1818.*

Edward, and Sarah N. [M. PR148] Colby, June 7, 1832. [1833. PR148]*

Joseph A., and Mary Fairfield, Nov. 29, 1838.*

George W., of Roxbury, and Lucy Frye of Danvers, Nov. 30, 1840.

Eliza Osgood, of Andover, and Edward Brown, int. June 26, 1842.

John C., and Mary E. Gould of Danvers, int. Nov. 5, 1843.

Matilda C., a. 22 y., d. Edward and Mary, and Charles A. Legrand, a. 31 y., mariner, s. Edward and Maria, Nov. 25, 1844.*

John, and Ellen Luffin, int. June 1, 1845.

John C., widr., stable keeper, and Phoebe Ann D. Winn, July 28, 1845.*

Harriet B., and William P. Martin, int. July 12, 1846. [m. Aug. 9. PR400]

Edward H., and Sarah W. Vanderford, int. July 19, 1846.

Sarah, and Fenton Symonds, painter, Aug. 29, 1847.*


Rhoda, and Daniel Hall, jr., Apr. 21, 1831.*

Lucinda C., and Aziel Lowe [Ariel of Danvers. int.], Jan. 9, 1833.*

William U., and Emily D. Spinney of Kittery, ME, int. Apr. 30, 1837.

E.C., and Benjamin Pearson, jr., Dec. 9, 1841.*

DAMERRETT (Demerett)

Thomas, and Mary Brock, at Marblehead, Oct. 22, 1685.


Samuel, and Rebecca Burnham, Oct. 31, 1807.*

Samuel T., of Danvers, a. 21 y., printer, s. Calvin, and Hannah B. Hill, a. 20 y., d. Alexander, July 24, 1844.*


John, and Penelope Blany, int. Sept. 28, 1728.

Elizabeth, and David Young, Dec. 25, 1758.

Joseph, and Elizabeth Wiley, Nov. 6, 1760


Bana, and Mary Myers, int. Aug. 19, 1780.

Lucy, of Watertown, and Samuel Whittemore, int. Oct. 18, 1800.

Samuel, and Mary Durick, Dec. 10, 1809.*

Elisha, and Betsy Butman Hooper, certif. Dec. 12, 1813.*


Deborah, and John Masters, at Marblehead, Oct. 18, 1683.

John, and Jemima Fellows of Ipswich, int. Jan. 1, 1773.

Joseph, and Mary Welcome [Wellman, jr. int.], at Danvers, Jan. 12, 1777.*

Nabby, and Joseph Phippen, certif. Nov. 27, 1803.*

Timothy, of Reading, and Sarah R. Reed, int. May 5, 1826.

Osgood B., of Somerville, and Margaret P. Staniford, Nov. 25, 1847.*


Polly, and Ebenezar Symonds, May 2, 1784.*

Lucy, of Londonderry, and Daniel Warner, int. Dec. 12, 1807.

Joseph, and Phebe Kimbal, Oct. 16, 1810.*

Lucy, and William Greenleaf, int. May 4, 1817.

Henry K., and Sally Chandler, int. Nov. 8, 1818.

Benjamin, and Elizabeth B. Mussey, Aug. 11, 1825.*

Lewis, and Mary Ober, int. Oct. 5, 1827.

Joseph, and Mrs. Mary Russell, June 12, 1836.*

Joseph A., and Sarah Nichols, July 10, 1838.*

William, of Boston, and Aseneth Troffeter, at Boston, July 14, 1842.*

Aaron F., of Danvers, and Hannah P. Stanley, int. Mar. 5, 1843.

Samuel G., and Elizabeth Abbot, int. Dec. 22, 1844.

George F., clergyman, s. Jos. dec., and Martha J. Gwinn, d. William, Nov. 10, 1847.*

DANIELL (Daniels)

Steephen, and Mary Prince, July 26, 1666. CTR

Steephen, and, wid. Susanna Hide, Dec. 3, 1680. CTR

Lydia, and John Slewman [jr. int.], Nov. 18, 1804.*

Sally, and David Walker, Dec. 8, 1805.*

DANIELS (Daniel, Daniell, Danniels)

John, of Boston, and Elizabeth Ruck, Aug. 5, 1725.

Mary, and Nathaniel Silsbee, [jr., Oct. 24, 1730. int.].*

William, and Mary Oliver of Lynn, int. Sept. 3, 1748.

Sarah, wid., and John Pittman, int. Feb. 12, 1774.

Stephen, and Lydia Palmer, certif. Dec. 12, 1779.*

John, and Elizabeth Cook, certif. Apr. 1, 1780.*

William [jr. int.], and Elizabeth Grant, Nov. 19, 1780.*

Benjamin, and Mary Stevens, July 30, 1781.*

Mary, and Thomas Hunaiford, int. Aug. 20, 1785.

Mary [wid. int.], and Archibald McMillan, certif. July 12, 1795.*

Benjamin, and Ruthy Hancock, int. Dec. 1, 1798.

Betsy, and Joseph Reading, certif. Sept. 19, 1801.*

John, and Betsy Phillips, int. Sept. 17, 1803.

Benjamin, and Abigail Leach, Nov. 20, 1803.*

Jane, and Dixcey Morgan, May 7, 1808.*

John, and Lucy Sparhawk, June 26, 1808. [certif. CR12]*

Betsey, and Jonathan Howard, int. Aug. 19, 1809.

Elizabeth, and William Archer, Oct. 8, 1815.*

Mary, and David Walker, July 25, 1816.*

Martha, and Thorndike Symonds, Dec. 8, 1816.*

Elizabeth, and Samuel Harron, Dec. 4, 1817.*

Robert S., of Danvers, and Lydia Abbot, int. Mar. 1, 1819.

Sarah Abigail, and John Lyons, int. Sept. 15, 1820.

James [of Danvers. int.], and [Mrs. int.] Elizabeth Lefavour, Dec. 10, 1822.*

Stephen, jr., and Abigail Floyd, June 19, 1823.*

Maria, and Charles Griffin, int. Dec. 15, 1826.

Lucy Ann, and Joseph Luscomb, Nov. 3, 1833.*

Mary Ann, and Andrew Elwell of Gloucester, Apr. 15, 1839.*

Zachariah, and Lydia Brown, int. Sept. 1, 1839.

Eliza R. [S. int.], and J. Hardy Millet, May 21, 1840.*

William, and Susan F. Higbee, May 24, 1843.*

Maria A., and Rev. Thomas P. Field, Jan. 11, 1844.

Blake S., and Elizabeth Ashby, int. Jan. 4, 1846.

DANNIELS (Daniels)

John, and Jane Morgan, May 16, 1830.*

DARLAIN (Darling)

Lydia, and James Hays, certif. June 14, 1780.*

DARLAND (Darling)

John [Darling. CTR], and Bethiah Hacker, int. 17: 9br: 1709 [Dec. 21. CTR]

DARLING (Darland, Darlain)

Rebecka, and Timothy Burbanke, July 3, 1695. CTR

Thomas, and Sarah Buxton, Apr. 27, 1704.

Martha, and James Ross, Nov. 13, 1706. CTR

George, and Abigail Reed of Charlestown, at Charlestown, Sept. 15, 1709.*

James [Dorland. int.], and Sarah Procter [wid. int.], Mar. 24, 1711-12.*

James, and Joanna White of Charlestown, at Charlestown, Nov. 17, 1712.*

Kezia, and Francis Procter, int. Dec. 27, 1712.

Abigail, and William Mathews [of Marblehead. int.], Mar. 15, 1715-16.

Sarah, and David Montgomery, Nov. 3, 1715.*

Daniell, and Hannah Roach, Apr. 15, 1717.

Daniell, and Damoras Tozier, Jan. 15, 1721-2.

Daniell, and Christian Cox, Oct. 27, 1721.

Hannah, and Benjamin Swinnerton, Feb. --, 1731-2.*

Daniel, and Mary Williams, int. Apr. 3, 1731.

Daniel, and Jane Armstrong, Jan. 16, 1733-4.*

Christian, and Martin Village, May 5, 1734.*

John, and Abigail French, Sept. 4, 1735.*

Jonathan, and Sarah Wardwell, Mar. 31, 1741.*

Elizabeth, of Marblehead, and David Henderson, Dec. 12, 1743.*

Daniel, and Elizabeth Valpy, May 5, 1751.*

Stephen, and Mary Griffis, June 4, 1751.*

Elizabeth, and Thomas Talbert, Dec. 16, 1770.*

Lydia, and Samuel Cook, 3d, certif. Dec. 27, 1807.*

Christopher, and Sally Lee, Sept. 16, 1810.*


Lydia, and William Brown [a native of Exeter in old England. int.], May 16, 1745.*


Alexander, and Maria Therese Gabriel Dijon, both of Boston, Nov. 16, 1846.


Edwin, and Elizabeth S. Morgan, Sept. 22, 1824.*

Edmund P., and Nancy T. McCann of Wenham. int. Dec. 24, 1848.

DAVICE (Davis)

Enoch, and Betsey Prince of Beverly, int. Sept. 26, 1809.

DAVID (Davitt)

Henry, and Mary D. Pedrick of Marblehead, int. Oct. 13, 1810.

DAVIDSON (Davison)

John, and Mary Munyan, int. Nov. 3, 1781.

Mary, and Charles Bourdon, Mar. 13, 1785.

John, and Peggy Byrne Felt, int. Feb. 21, 1801.

Moses, and Phebe Standley, Mar. 14, 1805.*

John, and Betsey [N. int.] Brown, Dec. 11, 1808.*

Elizabeth, and Jonathan Pitman, int. Sept. 28, 1817. ("forbid by Overseers of the Poor. ")

Betsy, and Jonathan Pitman, May 18, 1819.*

Phebe [wid. int.], and John Mead, Mar. 24, 1822.*

Hannah [Dorrison. int.], and John Lloyd, Dec. 19, 1823.*

John, and Sarah Horton, Dec. 25, 1836.*

Henry, and Ann Gilford, Apr. 20, 1837.*


Humphry [of Boston. int.], and Mrs. Margaret Gedney, Apr. 22, 1714.*

DAVIS (Davice)

Sara, and Abraham Cole, June 11, 1670. CTR

Silvanus, and Mary Harris, both of Beverly, Mar. 11, 1707.

Thomas, of Boston, and Rebecca Maccarty, June 20, 1716.

Rebecca, wid., and Samuell Wooden, int. Oct. 31, 1730.

John, and Rebecka Grinslate, int. Apr. 19, 1731.

Abigail, and Richard Cash, int. May 1, 1731.

Tobias, jr., and Lydia Palmer, Dec. 28, 1732.*

William, and Elizabeth Symonds, Oct. 16, 1735.*

Joseph, and Mary White, both of Marblehead, Aug. 21, 1739.

Bathsheba, and Zachariah Davis of Marblehead, Nov. 30, 1741.

Zachariah, of Marblehead, and Bathsheba Davis, Nov. 30, 1741.

Moses, of Ipswich, and, wid. Mary Coles, int. Mar. 29, 1744.

Thomas, and Abigail Stevens of Beverly, at Beverly, Sept. 27, 1746.*

Elizabeth, wid., and Osmon Trask of Beverly, Jan. 2, 1752.*

Hannah, and William Mugford, Apr. 3, 1755.*

Mary, wid. [formerly of Newfoundland, more lately of Ipswich, now of Salem. int.], and Samuel White of Haverhill, Mar. 8, 1756.*

Mary, and Peter Smithhurst, Dec. 7, 1756.

Tobias, jr., Capt., and Mary Emmerton, June 14, 1761. PR78*

Mary, and Benjamin Peele, Oct. 29, 1761.*

Jane, and George Symmes, May 11, 1762.*

Betsey, and _____, Oct. 7, 1762. PR79

Sarah, and John Gallason, May 24, 1767.

Lydia, and Joseph Peele, Oct. 4, 1768.

Elizabeth, and John Brown [4th. int.], formerly of Wenyaw, SC, Aug. 20, 1770.*

William, and Hannah Campbel, July 19, 1772.*

Elizabeth, and John Jenkins, int. Sept. 23, 1775.

Elizabeth, of Boston, and William Goodhue, jr., int. Mar. 1, 1777.

John, and Joanna Wendall, int. Dec. 16, 1780.

Sarah, and Titus Barnard, int. Jan. 20, 1781.

Hannah, and John Wilson, int. Nov. 16, 1781. (Forbidden by Hannah Davis.)

Hugh, and, wid. Mary McDonald, int. June 28, 1782. [1783. ?]

Hannah wid., and John Durick, certif. Aug. 26, 1786.*

Jane, wid., and John Hathorne, 3d, int. June 20, 1789.

Jane, wid., and John Williams, int. Jan. 22, 1791.

David, and Lydia Parsons, Dec. 31, 1793. [certif. CR12].*

Hannah, and William Lander, Mar. 22, 1795.*

Thomas, Esq., of Boston, and, wid. Betsy Hinkley, Sept. 17, 1797.*

Tobias, and Polly Woodbury, Aug. 25, 1799.*

Polly, and William Davis, Sept. 5, 1799.*

William, and Polly Davis, Sept. 5, 1799.*

Mary, and John Jackson, certif. Oct. 11, 1801.*

Thomas, and Sally Killham, int. June 10, 1804.

Richard, and Nancy Neal, Oct. 8, 1805.*

Jane, and Israel Dow of Newburyport, int. Dec. 7, 1805.

John, and Ann Molloy, Feb. 13, 1808.*

William, and Clarisa Carlton of Mount Vernon, NH, int. Apr. 15, 1808.

George, and Mary N. Brown, Oct. 2, 1808.*

James, and [Mrs. int.] Hannah Holland, Nov. 27, 1808.*

David, and Sally Putnam of Danvers, int. July 1, 1809.

John, and Margaret Tapley, Feb. 19, 1810.

Jane, and John Frinks, Feb. 29, 1812.*

Ebenezer, and Hannah Davis, Oct. 7, 1812.*

Hannah, and Ebenezer Davis, Oct. 7, 1812.*

Eunice, and William Edwards, Apr. 18, 1813.*

Samuel, and Fanny Parsons, May 23, 1813.*

John, of Chester, NY, s. Nathan and Anne, of Dartmouth, both deceased, and Mary Osborn, 2d of Danvers, d. Paul, of Danvers, deceased, and Abigail, 23: 6m: 1814. CR7

Charles, and Esther Quarles, Feb. 4, 1816.*

John H., of Gloucester, and Phebe Felt, Nov. 3, 1816.*

Rosalinda, of Shirley, and Henry Archer, int. July 19, 1818.

Allice H., of Paxton, and Horace Ware, int. Nov. 6, 1819. [m. Dec. 23. PR15]

Joseph W. [arren. int.], and Zeny Reynel, Oct. --, 1822.*

John [of Beverly. int.], and Elizabeth C. Beckford, July 8, 1823.*

William [G. CR1; of Boston. int.], and Jane M.K. Lemon, Aug. 23, 1826. [Aug. 26. CR1]*

John, and Ruth Lambert, int. Dec. 15, 1826.

Acenith, and John Abbot, int. Jan. 19, 1828.

Nathaniel, and Susan Phipps, Nov. 19, 1828.*

Elizabeth, and Edmund Kemp, Mar. 16, 1829.

Richard, and Hannah Eustis, Feb. 14, 1830.*

Rodman J. [of Boston. int.], and Judith Thomas, May 19, 1830.*

Catharine, and Joseph Buxton, jr., June 2, 1830.*

John, and, wid. Nancy Walker, Jan. 3, 1831.*

Sarah, and William T. Demerett, int. May 7, 1831. (May 25, W.T. Demerett drowned.)

Maria H., of Boston, and William Archer, 3d, int. Apr. 7, 1832. (Certificate Apr. 14.)

Enoch P., and Betsy Pesantee [wid. int.], May 4, 1832.*

Nancy, and Daniel B. Lord, Dec. 25, 1832.*

Jane [Mrs. Louis Jane. int.], of Trenton, and Henry Collins, May 12, 1833.*

Joseph M., of Danvers, and Hannah Hunt, int. July 27, 1833.

Mary C., and George H. Stone of Waltham, Oct. 16, 1834.*

Sarah, and Alfred Williams of Saugus, Feb. 5, 1835.*

Horatio G., and Lydia W. Carter, int. Mar. 21, 1835. [M. Apr. 9. PR402]

Edward S[wain. CR11], and Elvira Newhall, [both of Lynn, at Lynn. CR11], Mar. 26, 1835.

Eliza, and John Neal, int. Oct. 10, 1835.

Sylvester P., and Mary Currier, Feb. 26, 1837.*

John, and Elizabeth Tuttle, Jan. 29, 1838.*

William A., and Margaret L. Allen, Jan. 29, 1838.*

John, and Ann _____, July 7, 1838. CR14

John, and Mary Cook, Nov. 20, 1838.*

Thomas, and Priscilla S. Treadwell, Apr. 9, 1839.*

Mary S., and Robert S. Hooper, Jan. 9, 1840.*

Sarah F., and Francis A. Fabens, May 18, 1840.*

Sarah A., and Benjamin W. Tarbox, of Lynn [at Lynn. CR5], Oct. 14, 1841.*

Hannah [B. PR387], and James C. Caulfield, June 12, 1843. [1844. PR387]*

Nancy N. [W. int.; M. PR252] and Daniel M. Harris, Jan. 11, 1844.*

Amos W., seaman, and Mary C. Hill, July 15, 1844.*

Julia Ann, and Jonathan Phippen, Sept. 22, 1844.*

George W.H., and Elizabeth R. Wingate, int. Apr. 6, 1845.

Henry A., of Boston, and Margarette Moore, Aug. 15, 1845.*

Ann H., of Trenton, ME, and John R. Mansfield, cordwainer, Sept. 7, 1845.*

Catherine, and William Connor, int. Dec. 28, 1845.

Peter, and Emily Galloway, int. Mar. 29, 1846. (Withdrawn.)

John H., and Desire C. Dyer, Apr. 22, 1846.*

Charles H., and Sarah B. Wiggin, int. July 19, 1846.

Mary, of Andover, and Samuel Marshall, int. Aug. 9, 1846.

Isaac H., of Saxonville, and Sarah P. Chadbourne, Feb. 28, 1847.*

William B., and Mary S. Punchard, Apr. 15, 1847.*

Huldah H. [of Trenton, ME. int.], b. Trenton, ME, and Nathaniel Pulsifer, widr., painter, June 3, 1847.*

James B., and Nancy P. Woodman of Frankford, ME, int. June 20, 1847.

Warren J. [P. int.], and Annah F. Fairfield, Sept. 12, 1847.*

Jacob J. [P. int.], and Sarah B. Bowditch, Apr. 20, 1848.*

Mary, and Edwin N. Wiggin of Franklin, int. June 3, 1849.

Barnabas, 2d m., of Boston, a. 40 y., merchant, s. John, and Ellen M[aria. int.] Andrews, a. 21 y., d. John H., Oct. 10, 1849.*

Horace W., and Hannah Maria Bruce of Lynn, int. Oct. 14, 1849.

DAVISON (Davidson)

John, and Sarah Overton, Mar. 8, 1719-20.

James [Davidson. int.], and Mary Brown, Nov. 26, 1780.*

Moses, and Martha Ann March of Newburyport; int. Sept. 8, 1832. (Certificate Oct. 7.)

DAVITT (David)

James [of Boston. int.], and Mary O'Donnell, both b. Ireland, Aug. 24, 1848.*

Hannah, and Peter Hennesy, both b. Ireland, Oct. 18, 1849.


William B., of Boston, and Mary L. Hodgdon, Oct. 27, 1829.*

DAY (Daye)

Mary, wid., and Thomas Meade, Jan. 31, 1672. CTR

Samuel, of Gloucester, and Priscilla Bishop, Aug. 19, 1702.

George, and Sarah Bignal, May 20, 1726.

Moses, and Sarah Goodale, Feb. 28, 1756.*

Isaac, of Danvers, and Susannah Clough [jr., d. William. int.], certif. May 21, 1773.*

Daniel, and Mary Southwick of Danvers, int. Aug. 30, 1778. [Feb. 6, 1779. dup.]

Benjamin, and Hepsibah Ruck, Sept. 30, 1783.*

Phebe, and Samuel Mackintire, Nov. 9, 1783.*

Jonathan, and Polly Silver, May 9, 1789. [certif. CR12]*

John, and Ruth Whittemore, Dec. 8, 1792. [certif. CR12]*

Elisha, and Rebecca Luscomb, Nov. 11, 1793. [certif. CR12]*

John, and Dorcas Hart, certif. Aug. 31, 1794.*

Henry, and Sarah Pickering, certif. Aug. 15, 1798.*

Betsey, of Ipswich, and William Ball, int. Nov. 15, 1800.

William, and Margaret Collins, Feb. 3, 1805.*

Benjamin, and Polly Barrett of Beverly, int. Dec. 2, 1809.

Susan, and James T. Moore, Apr. 1, 1813.*

Betsy, and John Fisher, int. Feb. 22, 1814. (Banns forbidden by Betsy Days' mother, Mar. 12.)

Abigail, and Ebenezer Nourse of Danvers, int. Jan. 13, 1815.

Jeduthum Upton, and Lydia Luscomb, int. Mar. 1, 1816.

Jane, and John Wurmsley [Wamsley. int.], Sept. 30, 1816.*

Thomas G., and Elizabeth Benyon, Sept. 7, 1817.*

Dorcas, Mrs., and James Foster of Danvers, Jan. 11, 1820.*

Mary, of South Reading, and Josiah Walton, Sept. 12, 1820. PR628

John, and Mary Hitchings, Mar. 28, 1826.*

Elizabeth, and John Nichols [jr. int.], Sept. 20, 1828.*

Margaret, and John Williams, Aug. 10, 1834.*

Joshua, and Nancy Gowen, int. Dec. 20, 1834.

Amos P., and Mary Jane Day of Gloucester, int. Jan. 7, 1838.

Mary Jane, of Gloucester, and Amos P. Day, int. Jan. 7, 1838.

Caroline, and Rev. L. Sewall Coburn of Fayetteville, VT, int. May 30, 1841.

Thomas, and Elizabeth Sias, int. Mar. 6, 1842.

Mary, and Ebenezer Burrill, int. Apr. 7, 1844.

Mary E., and John P. [J. int.] Parsons, Sept. 15, 1846.*

Albert, and Margaret E. Hayman, June 17, 1847.*

Hannah M., and Thomas F. Higbee, s. Lemuel, deceased, Nov. 9, 1847.*

Mary S., and Joseph Moore of Danvers, int. May 13, 1849.

Catherine, and Samuel L. Allen, int. Nov. 4, 1849.

DEAL (Dale)

John, and Abigail Putnam, Jan. 31, 1716-17.

Lydia, and George Cloyce, May 16, 1717.

Ruth, and Robert Gray, jr., Nov. 20, 1733.*

Thomas, and Joanna or Jane Hart, Nov. 22, 1764.

DEALAND (Daland)

Bethiah [Daland. int.], and John Kempton, jr., Nov. 12, 1730.*

Mary, and Oliver Kempton, int. Sept. 2, 1732.

Benjamin, jr., and Elizabeth Felton, Sept. 27, 1744.*

Hannah, of Danvers, and Samuel Reaves, at Danvers, May 31, 1771.*


Joseph, and Elizabeth Flint, Mar. 16, 1697.

Hannah, and John Cook, June 11, 1701.

Thomas, and Elizabeth Beadle, Dec. 9, 1701.

George, and Hanah Ruck, June 11, 1713.*

Mary, and John West, Apr. 28, 1720.

Thomas, and Martha Gillingham, 18: 9br: 1720.

Desire, and Thomas Blany, Dec. 8, 1720.

Mary, and John Ropes, jr., Dec. 13, 1723.

George, and Sarah Archer, Sept. 10, 1725.

Sarah, wid., and David Britton, Feb. 13, 1728-9.*

Elizabeth [jr. int.] and Samuel Field, Feb. 6, 1729-30.*

Thomas, and Mary Ward, int. Oct. 9, 1731.

Joseph, and Elizabeth Bowers of Swansea, at Dighton, Apr. 6, 1732.*

Hannah, and Isaac Chapman, Dec. 6, 1733.*

Philip, and Mary Sinner, both of Marblehead, Jan. 6, 1739-40.

Mary, and Jonathan Ashby, Apr. 19, 1739. [Apr. 29. CR1]*

Thomas, jr., of Exeter, and Elizabeth Woodbridge, int. Feb. 21, 1746-7.

Sarah, and Josiah Hutchinson of Middleton, Dec. 8, 1748.*

Martha, and Joseph Searl, jr., Aug. 10, 1750.*

Thomas, jr., and Mrs. Sarah Phippin, July 31, 1751.*

Mary, and Jonathan Town of Topsfield, Oct. 31, 1751.*

Thomas, Capt., jr., and Mrs. Mary Cash, Apr. 9, 1754.*

Mary [jr. int.], and George Ropes, Nov. 28, 1754.*

Elizabeth, d. Joseph, hatter, and Job Russell of Dartmouth, yeoman, s. John, of Dartmouth, deceased, Dec. 18, 1759. CR7

Jonathan, cooper, s. Joseph, felt maker, and Bathia Southwick, d. Joseph, of Danvers, tanner, June 25, 1760. CR7

Hanna, and Stephen Mascol, Aug. 16, 1764.*

Benjamin, and Susanna Collins, Sept. 28, 1769.

Anstis, and Aaron Blanchard, certif. Sept. 25, 1781.*

Mary, and Joseph Waters, July 2, 1782.*

Mary, and Benjamin Leech, int. Oct. 20, 1782.

Thomas [jr. int.], and Lydia Waters, Jan. 11, 1784.*

Sally, of Brookline, and Thomas Croade Cushing, int. Nov. 6, 1790.

Sarah, and [Capt. int.] John Becket, Jan. 24, 1791.*

George, and Sally Phippen, July 26, 1791.*

Bethiah, d. Jonathan, deceased, and Bethiah, and Joshua Pope, tanner, s. Stephen, yeoman, and Mary, deceased, 18: 8m: 1791. CR7

Sarah, d. Jonathan, deceased, and Bethiah, and Abner Chase, cordwainer, s. Abner, glazier, deceased, and Rebekah, 20: 10m: 1791. CR7

Samuel, and, wid. Polly Peirce, Dec. 24, 1791. [certif. CR12]*

Jonathan, tanner, s. Jonathan, mariner, deceased, and Bethia, and Desire Needham, d. Edmund, trader, and Sarah, 19: 2m: 1795. CR7

Michael, and Betsy Williams, Nov. 12, 1795.*

Christiana [Cresy. int.], and John Ward, Feb. 25, 1796.*

Samuel, and Hannah Packer of Boston, int. Mar. 15, 1800.

Elizabeth, and Benjamin Chandler, certif. Oct. 6, 1802.*

Mary, and William Hunt, Oct. 30, 1803.*

George, and Judith Briggs, Mar. 28, 1807.*

Thomas, and Sarah Burditt, certif. Oct. 22, 1813.*

Lydia, and James Cheever [jr. int.], July 16, 1815.*

William, and Lydia Rowell of Boston, int. Jan. 10, 1824.

Rebecca, and Moses S. Moody of Wilton, int. Oct. 27, 1826.

Rebecca B[owers PR403], and Charles Mansfield, June 25, 1833. [June 28. CR12]*

Jonathan, and Sarah B. Lefavour, Nov. 2, 1835.*

Caroline A., and George P[ickman. PR403] Farrington, Jan. 28, 1836. CR12*

George [jr. PR403], and Catherine Brown, Dec. 28, 1842. [1841. CR12 and PR510; Jan. 28, 1841. PR403; Dec. 28, 1842. PR510]*

Thomas, jr., and Ann E.S. Currier, Mar. 10, 1842.*

William H., and Elizabeth L. Joplin, int. Oct. 13, 1844.

Abigail E., and Sebastian Hinsman, int. Aug. 2, 1845.

DEARBORN (Derborn)

Henry Alexander S., and Hannah S. Lee, int. Apr. 20, 1807.

John, and Elizabeth Green, int. May 26, 1821.

John [of Guilford, NH. int.], and Harriet Frothingham, Sept. 28, 1834.*

John R., and Margaret Voller, Oct. 14, 1838.*

John E., and E.L.L. Dodge, int. Aug. 11, 1839.

James W. [of North Hampton, NH. int.], and Clara H. Estes, Feb. 26, 1842.*

Ursula, and Henry Hill, widr., a. 48 y., cordwainer, Feb. 3, 1845.*

Mary Eliza, and Henry Voller, Sept. 12, 1845.*

DEARE (Deary)

Ann, and Joseph Edwards of Marblehead, int. June 19, 1731.

DEARY (Deare)

Patrick, and Cecilia Gilaway, both b. Ireland, Feb. 14, 1847.

Maria Ann, and William Martin, both of Charlestown, both b. Ireland, June 2, 1848.


George, and Sarah Deblois, at Boston, Dec. 25, 1771.

Sarah, and George Deblois, at Boston, Dec. 25, 1771

William [of Boston. int.], and Sarah Williams, Oct. 8, 1785.*


Lydia, and Samuel Giles, both of Marblehead, Aug. 27, 1762.

DECOST (De Costa)

Anthony, and Lydia Ingalls, June 3, 1833.*

DEDMAN (Deadman)

John, and Dorcas Hodges, Apr. 20, 1714. [Apr. 27. dup.]*

Dorcas [wid. int.], and John Kempton, Sept. 27, 1728.*

William, and Hannah Goodhue, May 27, 1739.*

Elizabeth, and Samuel Farnesworth, Oct. 2, 1808.*

William, and Mary C. Hall, Dec. 8, 1816.*

DEERING (Dering)

John, of Lynn, a. 30 y., currier, s. _____ of Ireland, and Margaret Donahoe, a. 27 y., Apr. 13, 1845.


Daniel, and Mary Carter, May 6, 1838.*


Jacob, and Margaret Reed, Dec. 7, 1836.*


John, and Elisabeth Pickworth, int. Sept. 23, 1780.

DEIGER (Digger)

Elizabeth, and James Wood, May 23, 1784.

DEILEY (Daley)

Peter, and Mary Bouden, both of Marblehead, Aug. 26, 1753.


Nathaniel, and Sarah Lane, Nov. 3, 1799.*


Mary Adaren, and James Pendergast, int. July 25, 1845.


Jane, and James Dergin, July 5, 1823.


Thomas, of New York, and Emeline A. [ugusta. int.] Breed, Nov. 14, 1837.*


Thomas, and Jane Mayberry, June 9, 1768.


James A. [of New York. int.], and Mary Page, Apr. 19, 1827.*

DEMCE (Dempsey)

Christopher, and Elizabeth Burton, Oct. 29, 1724.

DEMERETT (Damerrett)

William T., and Sarah Davis, int. May 7, 1831. (May 25, W.T. Demerett drowned.)


Isaac, and Ruth Whittaker, int. July 12, 1751.

James, and Margaret Collins, int. Jan. 11, 1846.

Thomas, a. 29 y., laborer, s. John and Margaret, and Margaret Connor, a. 24 y., d. James and Mary, Aug. 26, 1846.*

Patrick, and Catherine Mooney, both b. Ireland, July 3, 1849.*


William, and Jane McCambridge [McCambric. int.], May 10, 1837.*


John, and Susanna Knowlton, both of Wenham, Feb. 10, 1706-7.

Elizabeth, and John Mayberry, Jan. 17, 1740-41.

Joseph, and Sarah Gardner, Nov. 23, 1740.*

James, and Mary Facett, both of Marblehead, Apr. 12, 1753.

Mary, and Calley Newhall, int. Jan. 13, 1775.

Frederick, and Mary Freto of Marblehead, int. Dec. 7, 1782.

Mary, of Marblehead, and John Bennett, May 1, 1783.

William, and Betsy Ravel, Sept. 3, 1797.*

Betsy, and James Buffinton, Dec. 10, 1797.*

Solomon, and Sarah Whiting, July 4, 1802.*

Deveraux, and Betsy Eldridge, Jan. 16, 1803.*

Susanna, of Ipswich, and William Low, int. Oct. 19, 1805.

James, and Mary Burroughs, int. Mar. 18, 1808.

Sally, and Louis Loriat, May 31, 1808.*

Hannah, and Benjamin Brown, 3d, June 30, 1810.*

Mary, and Timothy Chamberlain, July 22, 1810.*

Thomas, and Sarah Furguson, June 20, 1813.*

Martha, and James Harris, Jan. 3, 1814. PR250

Elizabeth E., and Daniel Couch, Nov. 13, 1823.*

Jacob, and Ann Russell, June 4, 1826.*

Mary, and John Carey of Danvers, Dec. 21, 1826.*

Oliver, and Elizabeth Hilbert, int. Oct. 20, 1827.

Charlotte G., and Peter G. Folsom of Danvers, Nov. 19, 1827.*

William P., of Ipswich, and Sarah T. Brimmer, Nov. 7, 1830.*

Mary, and Victor Pownat, int. Jan. 5, 1833. ("forbid by the Father, he being a minor. ")

Mary, and Victor Turet, int. June 29, 1833. (Forbidden by the mother of Turet, he being a minor.)

Elizabeth, and William Morrison, Feb. 21, 1837. CR12*

Laura L., and Joseph Kimball, int. Apr. 26, 1840.

Thomas J., and Ellen F. Thomas of Lynn, int. Apr. 26, 1840.

Deveraux, jr., and Lydia Y. West, Apr. 20, 1841.*

Mary, and John Burt, Apr. 23, 1841.*

Elizabeth, and Rufus P. Archer, Sept. 2, 1841.*

Emeline B., and Willard Nutter of Rochester, NH, int. Aug. 25, 1844.

Lydia Ann, and William R. Porter, int. Sept. 8, 1844.

Devereux, and Maria Louisa Berry, Sept. 30, 1846. PR271

Joshua E., and Elizabeth H. Hersey of Sanbornton, NH, int. Oct. 10, 1847.


Anna, of Gloucester, and Elijah Haskell, at Gloucester, Apr. 21, 1794.*

Gordon, E., and Mary A. Gardner, Apr. 18, 1842.*

DENOVAN (Donavan)

Margaret, and James Linskey, int. Nov. 19, 1843.

DEPAH (Dupar)

Abigail, wid., and James Gavett, certif. June 3, 1800.*

DERBE (Derby)

Richard, and Mary Hodges, Feb. 3, 1734-5.*

DERBORN (Dearborn)

Mary, of Greenland, NH, and Edward Verril, int. June 24, 1809.

DERBY (Darby, Derbe)

Roger, and Lucretia _____, at Topsham, Co. of Devon, Eng., "arrived in Boston, July 18, 1671," Aug. 23, 1668. CTR

Margarett, and William Osborne, jr., Feb. 8, 1710-11.*

Anna, and Benjamin Ives, Jan. 2, 1717-18.

Elizabeth, and Thomas Palfrey, Apr. 17, 1718.

Martha, and Joshua Hicks, Oct. 22, 1719.

Roger, and Lydia Buxton, May --, 1726.

Mary, and George Mugford, May 11, 1727.

Hannah, jr., and Benjamin Hathorne, May 25, 1727.*

Hannah, wid., and Daniel Clarke of Topsfield, Jan. 7, 1728-9.*

Martha, and Thomas Elkins, Mar. 30, 1736.*

Anna, and Joshua Goodale, 2d m., Sept. 10, 1749.*

Sarah, of Danvers, and Joseph Aborn, int. July 28, 1753.

Mary, and George Crowninshield, July 18, 1757.

Richard, Capt., [Darby. PR487], and Mrs. Lydia Gardner, Sept. 13, 1759.*

Elias Hasket, and Elizabeth Crowninshield, Apr. 23, 1761.*

Martha, and [Dr. int.] John Prince, Sept. 16, 1762.*

Sara, and John Gardner, Apr. 13, 1769.

Richard, and Sarah Hersey [wid. int.] of Hingham, at Hingham, Oct. 16, 1771.*

Bridget, and William Lang, Nov. 10, 1771.*

Hannah, and Michael Atkinson, at Danvers, Sept. 15, 1773.*

Lydia, and Joshua Cross, int. July 23, 1774.

Richard, jr., and Lucy Smith of Falmouth, Casco Bay, int. Mar. 5, 1778.

Sarah, wid., and Metthew Captel Leach, int. Jan. 27, 1781.

Lydia, and [Capt. int.] John Carnes, Sept. 12, 1782.*

Lucretia, and Joseph Mansfield, May 18, 1783. [Apr. 12. PR518]*

Elizabeth, and [Capt. int.] Nathaniel West, May 23, 1783. [May 25. PR638]*

Samuel, and Bethiah Watts, Nov. 11, 1783.*

Polly, and Ebenezer Preble of Falmouth, June 9, 1785.*

John, Capt., and Elisabeth Pierce [of Boston. int.] at Boston, Oct. 9, 1787.*

Anstis [d. Elias Hasket, Esq. PR648], and Benjamin Pickman, jr., Oct. 20, 1789.*

Samuel, and Peggy Barton, Jan. 26, 1791. CR1

Samuel G. [Capt. int.], and Margaret Barton, third, ch. Samuel and Margaret (Gardner), [Jan. 26, 1791. dup.]*

John [jr. int.], and Sally Barton [d. Samuel and Margaret Gardner. dup.], Nov. 23, 1791.*

John [2d. int.], and Betsy Putnam, Aug. 24, 1794.*

Ezekiel Hersey, and Hannah Brown Fitch, Sept. 19, 1794.*

Elizabeth, and Ebenezer Preble [of Portland. int.], July 2, 1795.*

John, 3d, and Sarah Felton of Wenham, May 26, 1796.*

James, and Patty Parnal [Parnell. int.], June 19, 1798.*

Richard, jr., and Martha Coffin of Portland, int. Sept. 9, 1800.

Martha, and John Prince, jr., Nov. 1, 1801.*

John, 2d m., and Eleanor Coffin of Portland, Dec. 12, 1801.*

Samuel, and Lucy Osgood, certif. Dec. 11, 1803.*

Samuel [jr. int.], and Abigail Buffum, Nov. 9, 1808.*

John, 4th, and Susanna Atkinson, June 28, 1812.*

John, 4th, and Rebecca Punchard, July 7, 1819.*

Nancy, and Samuel Chamberlain [jr. int.], Mar. 24, 1823.*

T. Putnam, and Rachel Ropes, Sept. 1, 1824.*

Elizabeth, and Ferdinand Andrews, Apr. 7, 1825.*

Sarah Ellen, and John Rogers of Boston, June --, 1827. [June 5. PR79]*

Nicholas L., and Mary E. Smith, int. Nov. 12, 1831.

Mary Jane, and [Rev. int.] Ephraim Peabody [of Cincinnati, OH. int.] Aug. 5, 1833.*

Elisabeth L[aura. CR1], and Arnold F[rancis. CR1] Wells [of Boston. int.], Sept. 10, 1833.*

Henry, and Mary Haraden, Nov. 5, 1833.*

Sarah, Mrs., and William H. Lee, Oct. 5, 1834.*

Sarah A. [R. int.], and Samuel H. [K. int.] Cook of Gloucester, Mar. 14, 1836.*

Ezekiel Hersey, jr., and Elizabeth Derby Pickman, Apr. 11, 1837. PR648

E. Hersey, of Boston, and Elizabeth D. Pickman, d. Hon. B., Apr. 18, 1837. CR12*

Hannah, and Jonathan F. Worcester, int. Oct. 8, 1837.

T. Putnam, and Elizabeth P. Peirce, Aug. 2, 1842.*

Susan, and Seth S. [F. int.] Currier, Nov. 7, 1844.*

Abby, and Albert A. Gould of Danvers, int. Aug. 22, 1847.

Rachel R[opes. PR141], and Edward A. Smith [jr. int.], Jan. 25, 1849. CR12*

DERGIN (Durgin)

James, and Jane Delemater, July 5, 1823.

DERICH (Durick)

John [Deutch. CTR] and Martha Foster, Oct. 25, 1698 [1699. CTR]

DERING (Deering)

John, and Christian Stenson, both of Manchester, both b. Ireland, Oct. 9, 1849.


Edward, and Margaret Coleman, int. Oct. 26, 1845.


John, see Derich, John.


Ann, and Maurice Doolan [Daelan. int.], both b. Ireland, Aug. 10, 1849.*

DEVERAUX (Devereux)

John, and Betsy Swan, Nov. 7, 1790.

James [Capt. CR11], and Sally Crowninshield, Sept. 13, 1792.*

Mercy, and Joseph Webb, Nov. 26, 1795.*

DEVEREAUX (Devereux)

Abigail, and Samuel Sewall of Marblehead, Dec. 8, 1781.*

Anna, and John Wells, Aug. 15, 1784.*


Hanah, and Peter Heney, int. Oct. 21, 1849.


Mitchel, and Sally Munyan, certif. Mar. 8, 1795.*

DEVOREUX (Devereux)

John, and Elizabeth Bacon, Nov. 20, 1718.


Mary, and Aaron Jackson, both of Needham, Mar. 24, 1783.

Betsy, and William Butman, Aug. 14, 1794.*

Mary, of Rutland, VT, and Capt. William Butman, int. Nov. 24, 1798.

Josiah, and Margaret Whitteridge, Oct. 11, 1816.*

Joseph, and Charlotte Bailey, Aug. --, 1830.*


Edward, and Margaret Cook, Dec. 7, 1733.*

Joseph, of Marblehead, and Adah Mansfield, int. Jan. 31, 1745-6.

Margaret, and Thomas Heather, Aug. 25, 1753.

Sarah, and James Smith, int. Nov. 24, 1759.

Mary, jr., and William White, int. Dec. 27, 1760.

Mary, and John English, Dec. 11, 1763.*

Hannah, and Emmons Smith, Feb. 7, 1773.*

Mary [wid. int.], and Jonathan Cook [2d. int.], Mar. 24, 1773.*

DICKASON (Dickinson)

Elizabeth, and Morgan Owen, July --, 1670. CTR

Rhoda, and William Gardner of Beverly, Dec. 4, 1800.*

DICKINSON (Dickason, Dickenson)

George, of Boston, and Jane G. Bickford, July 22, 1832.


John, and Martha Morong, Jan. 9, 1809.*

DICKSON (Dixson)

John, and Sarah Clough, Aug. 31, 1785.

Lucy [of Charlestown. int.], and Young F. Walden, Aug. 15, 1824.*

Augustus, and Eliza B. Field, at Danvers, June 7, 1842.*

Eliza, M., and Andrew Creesy, int. Oct. 1, 1843.

DIER (Dyer)

Sarah, and James Swinnerton, June 9, 1715.*

DIGGER (Deiger)

Elizabeth, wid., and John Keith, int. May 31, 1683.


Richard [Deighton. int.], and Sara Whittemore, Feb. 6, 1777.*


Maria Therese Gabriel, and Alexander Dasquinemarro, both of Boston, Nov. 16, 1846.

DIKE (Dyke)

Mary, and William Masury, June 24, 1742.*

Meriam, and Thomas Luscomb, May 19, 1747.*

Benjamin [jr. int.], of Beverly, and Sarah Moor, at Beverly, July 7, 1747.*

Benjamin, and Sarah Reed, --- --, [bef. 1748.]

Susanna, and Joseph Lefavour, Feb. 15, 1785.*

John, jr. [of Beverly. int.], and Priscilla M. Manning, Sept. 29, 1817.*


John E., of Boston, and Lucy Ann D. Hobart, int. Oct. 23, 1836.

Lucy Ann H., and Alonzo Houghton of Boston, July 18, 1841.*


Elizabeth, and John Rielly, Apr. 15, 1839.*

DIMAN (Dimon)

James, Rev., and Mrs. Mary Orne, Dec. 18, 1743.*

William, and Eunice Tozier, int. Mar. 28, 1755.

Mary [Diamond. int.], and Henry Standley, July 1, 1756. PR78*

Mary, and James Smith, Apr. 3, 1760.

Joseph, and Sarah Oakman, Aug. 31, 1760.*

Benjamin, and Jane Mugford, Dec. 25, 1764.*

Mary [d. Thomas Diamond. int.], and Ebenezer Carrol, Jan. 20, 1765.*

Eunice, and Thomas Mason [jr. int.], Apr. 12, 1774.*

Jane, and Job Trask, Feb. 3, 1788.*

Louis [Lois. CR1], and Bernard Green of Malden, June 7, 1790.*

Betsy, and Thomas Meek, Dec. 11, 1791.*

Benjamin, and Ruth Smith, Dec. 9, 1792.*

William, and Abigail Phillips, Dec. 13, 1801.*

Abigail, and George Wrighter, Oct. 4, 1807.*

Marcy, and Lowell Kenny, Jan. 17, 1814.*

DIMAND (Dimon)

Thomas [Diamond. int.], and Sarah Welsh [Welch. int.], Jan. 28, 1762.*

Rebecca, and Thomas Barton, certif. Aug. 28, 1780.*

DIMON (Diamond, Diman, Dimand, Dimond, Dyman)

Joseph, and Elizabeth Johnson, Nov. 24, 1725.

Mary, and Benjamin Webb, Dec. 8, 1743.*

David S., and Abigail Hinman, Aug. 31, 1823.*

James, of Fairfield, CT, and Amelia Ropes, int. July 23, 1831. (Certificate Aug. 19.)

DIMOND (Dimon)

Margaret, and Samuell Swasey, jr., int. Apr. 12, 1729.

Thomas, and Mary Johnson, June 13, 1742.*

Margaret, wid., and Robert Cook, June 17, 1743.*

Hannah, and Caleb Wallis, jr., Jan. 31, 1753.*

Betsy, and Joseph Matthews, int. July 16, 1796.

Ruth, and William Mugford, Dec. 16, 1804.*


Sarah [Dixon, wid. CR11], and William Luscomb, June 8, 1788.

DINSDALL (Dinsdell)

John, of Boston, and Salah Caiton, 9: 8br: 1719.

DINSDELL (Dinsdall)

John D., and Mary Smith. int. Sept. 11, 1802.


Amos, and Sarah E. Teague, Apr. 22, 1842.*


Martin, and Rachel Munyan, int. Apr. 15, 1779.

DISEMORE (Dismore)

Mary, and William Henfeild, Nov. 11, 1740.*


John, and Mehitable Masury, Oct. 8, 1806.*

John O. [Diteson. int.], and Mary Larabee [Letherby. int.], Nov. 10, 1811.*

DISMORE (Disemore, Dissamore, Dissmore)

Thomas, and Mary Swinerton, Jan. 10, 1717-18.

Mary, and Benamin Bartlett, Mar. 15, 1829.*

Mary, Mrs., and Lemuel Phillips, int. Nov. 30, 1833.


Mary, and Joshua Batchelder, at Beverly, Apr. 3, 1740.*

Elizabeth, and Samuel Cheever, Mar. 24, 1750.*


John O., see Diseton, John O.


Frederick, and Sally Perkins, Oct. 11, 1812.*


Mary, and Peter Patterson, May 29, 1805.*


Anthony, and Mary Millet, certif. Apr. --, 1778.*

DIX (Dicks)

Benjamin Alexander, and Sukey Oliver of Stoneham, int. Oct. 26, 1799.

Benjamin A., and Mrs. Mary Oliver, Oct. 26, 1812.*

Susan [Mary. CR10], and Samuel M. Worcester, May 29, 1825.*

Thomas M., and Eliza Ann Williams, Feb. 26, 1833.*

Susan, and Ira Maxfield [of Boston. int.], Feb. 16, 1836.*

David, and Mrs. Abigail Ross [Spence. PR127], int. May 7, 1837. [Aug. PR127]

George A., and Deborah F. Chipman, Sept. 22, 1839.*

John [jr. int.], and Martha R. Elder of Gardiner, ME, Jan. 14, 1840.*

Martha, and Otis Emmerson of Boston, int. May 10, 1840.

Abigail [Mrs. int.], and John F. [H. int.] Allis, July 13, 1842.*

Susan, and Thomas Still, int. Oct. 13, 1844.

Margarett L., and Ezra R. Foursyth, int. Aug. 30, 1846.

Priscilla R., and John Welch, Apr. 20, 1847.*

E[dward. int.] D., and Elenor Sheldon, May 31, 1847.*

Sarah D., of Hubbardston, and George W. Dunbar, int. June 4, 1848.

Asa C., trader, and Sarah E. Wallace, Oct. 1, 1848.*

DIXEY (Dixy)

Martha, and Knot Vickery, Dec. --, 1783. [Jan. 3, 1784. CR4]

Mary, Mrs., and Joseph Peterson of Marblehead, int. Mar. 18, 1838.

Rebecca H., of Marblehead, and Elbridge G. Martin, int. Sept. 9, 1838.

Mary, Mrs., and Joseph Marshall, July 12, 1840.*

Mary E., and Erastus [Erasmus. int.], D.R. Phillips of Lynn, Nov. 29, 1846.*


Sarah, see Dinon, Sarah.

DIXSON (Dickson)

Elenor, and Samuel Galloway, int. Apr. 27, 1817.

DIXY (Dixey)

Mary, and Hugh Woodbery, Dec. --, 1650. CTR

Ann, and Nehemiah Howard, 11: 6m: 1657. CTR

Elizabeth, and Samuell Morgen, 15: 10m: 1658. CTR

Abigaile, and John Smith, malster, 25: 12m: 1669. CTR

John, and Sarah Collens, 9: 10m: 1679. CTR

DOAK (Doke)

William, and Abigail Marchant of Boston, int. Aug. 3, 1771.


Elisha, and Margaret Russell, Dec. 14, 1813.*

Margaret M. [aria. int.], and Daniel Chapman, June 29, 1835.*


Stephen B., see Bucham, Stephen B.

Eliza Ann, and Charles Lawrence, Dec. 7, 1837.*

Henry G., and Irene K. [H. CR5] Rhoades of Danvers [both of Danvers. CR5], Mar. 11, 1841.

William L. [S. int.], and Mary E. Butman, Nov. 29, 1849.*

DOD (Dodd)

Samuel, of Marblehead, and Dorothy Robinson of Middleton, Feb. 20, 1728.

Rachel, of Boston, and John Gray, Oct. 13, 1742.*

Bethiah, and Samuel Archer, Sept. 4, 1761.

Sarah, and John Knap, June 3, 1798.*

DODD (Dod)

Polly, see Todd, Mary.

William, of Marblehead, and Bethiah Peters, at Marblehead, Jan. 1, 1756.*

Benjamin, and Elizabeth Smith, Sept. 25, 1796.*

Elizabeth, and Thomas Clough, Apr. 4, 1821.*

Benjamin, and Elizabeth Teague [wid. int.], Jan. --, 1825. [Jan. 8. int.]*

Mary G., and William Woodman, Dec. 6, 1825.*

Elizabeth, and Peter Laundgran, Sept. 11, 1828.*

Thomas [Todd. int.] and Bridget Noland, July 7, 1839.*

Mary, and Isaac Collier, Sept. 22, 1839.*

Benjamin C., of North Danvers, and Elizabeth T. Goodale, May 3, 1843.*

Thomas, and Mary Buckley, both b. Ireland, July 29, 1849.*

DODG (Dodge)

John, s. William, and Sara Procter, --- 10, 1659. CTR

William, of Beverly, and Mary Porter of Salem Village, at Beverly, Dec. 12, 1689.

Mary, of Beverly, and John Trask, widr., at Beverly, Oct. 30, 1690.

DODGE (Dodg)

Ebenezer, of Beverly, and Ledia Nowell, Jan. 12, 1696. CTR

Ruth, of Beverly, and Richard Ingersoll, Apr. 28, 1698. CTR

Mercy, and John Lakey, July 5, 1712.*

Hannah, and Samuel Woodberry of Beverly, at Beverly, Oct. 29, 1713.*

Elizabeth, of Beverly, and James Hayward, Mar. 14, 1716-17.

Edward, of Beverly, and Abigail Hayward, at Beverly, Mar. 14, 1717.

Sarah, of Beverly, and Joseph Creesy, Feb. 26, 1718-19. [Feb. 28. dup.]

Anna, of Beverly, and Dr. _____ Clemons, at Beverly, Nov. 22, 1722.

Phinehas, of Wenham, and Sarah Whipple, Sept. 21, 1726.

Mary [Sarah. int.] of Beverly, and Samuel Raymond, at Beverly, Jan. 29, 1729-3.*

Caleb, of Beverly, and Hannah Woodberry, at Beverly, July 8, 1736.*

Jerusha, of Beverly, and William Green [ Sept. 25, 1742. int.]*

Amos, of Beverly, and Hannah Green, at Beverly, Sept. 9, 1751.*

Ezekiel, and Anna Manning, Mar. 13, 1760. PR121

Abraham, and Catharine Howard, Sept. 15, 1761.*

Israel, Capt., and Lucy Pickering, June 17, 1766.

Catharine, and John Bishop, Dec. 15, 1766.

Larkin, Capt., and Mehitabel Orne, Jan. 4, 1770.

Lydia, jr., and Andrew Cabot of Beverly, int. Mar. 27, 1773.

George [jr. int.], and Anna Herrick, Mar. 8, 1777.*

Joshua, and Elizabeth Crowninshield, certif. Apr. 5, 1777.*

James, and Mary Mansfield, May 9, 1784.*

Anna, and Capt. Israel Thorndike of Beverly, Oct. 31, 1784.*

Elizabeth, of Ipswich Hamlet, and Abner Goodhue, at Ipswich Hamlet, Oct. 18, 1789. [Oct. 22, 179-. PR500]*

Josiah, and Hannah Safford, int. Nov. 1, 1794.

Lucy, and Jonathan Gardiner, Oct. 27, 1799.*

Eunice, and Jesse Richardson, Jan. 16, 1800.*

Pickering, and Rebecca Jenks, Nov. 5, 1801.*

Ezra, and Lucinda Goldthwait, certif. Dec. 9, 1801. [Dec. 12. PR64]*

Mark, and Sally Skerry, certif. July --, 1802.*

Elizabeth, of Hamilton, and Josiah Patch, int. Jan. 8, 1803.

Phillis [of Wenham. int.], and John Bryant, Dec. 4, 1803.*

Esther, of Wenham, and Thomas Barnes, jr., int. Aug. 4, 1804.

Catharine, and [Capt. int.] John Stone, Nov. 9, 1806.*

William B., and Sarah Dole of Newbury, int. Feb. 20, 1807.

John, jr., and Betsy Waite, Oct. 2, 1808.*

Elizabeth, and Humphrey Devereaux, Mar. 6, 1809.*

Israel, of Wenham, and Hannah Driver, int. Mar. 20, 1809.

Lydia, and John Cabot, jr., certif. Apr. 23, 1809.*

Elizabeth, and Daniel Harris, July 1, 1810. PR252

Benjamin, and Eliza Newhall of Lynn, int. Mar. 24, 1811.

Lucinda, and Stephen Fogg, May 5, 1811.*

Pyam, Capt., and Lucy Langdon, Feb. 20, 1812.*

Mary, and George E. [P. int.] Peirce, Sept. 25, 1812.*

Dorcas, and Andrew Lee, Apr. 28, 1821.*

Anna, and [Dr. int.] Samuel Johnson, June 7, 1821.*

Josiah, jr., and Eunice Woodward [of Middleton. int.; Reading. PR122], May 15, 1823.*

Lydia N., and Ezekiel Wheeler, int. Jan. 31, 1824.

Mary, of Beverly, and Alexander Maddison, int. Mar. 29, 1824.

Judah, and Mary Ball, int. Sept. 25, 1824.

John, of Danvers, and Hannah H. Arrington, int. Nov. 19, 1825.

Elisha L., and Mary A. [nn. int.] Deland, Dec. 14, 1825.*

Pickering, jr., and Anna Storer Colman, Mar. 28, 1826.*

Edward, and Elizabeth Smothers, Oct. 28, 1826.*

Mary, and John Dwyer, Dec. 25, 1826.*

George, and Orra Ann Hale, Jan. 30, 1827.*

Lydia N., and Samuel F. Goldthwait, Apr. 3, 1827.*

Mary S., and Alexander Mattison, int. May 5, 1827.

Love, and Franklin Bachelder of Danvers, Sept. 27, 1827.*

Luke, of Hamilton, and Margaret Poor of Danvers, Oct. 18, 1827.

Mary S., and John Corea, June 8, 1828.*

Harriet D., and Nathaniel Ames, Oct. 23, 1828.*

Hannah, of Hamilton, and Ira H. Patch, int. Oct. 3, 1829. (Certificate Oct. 19.)

Lucinda, and Brackley R. Peabody, June 1, 1830.*

Mary Jenks, and George Washington Jenks, Mar. 24, 1831.*

Hannah B., and James Lund, int. July 28, 1832. (Certificate Aug. 20.)

Thomas E., and Jane H. Upton of Danvers, int. Oct. 19, 1833.

Lucy P. [ickering. int.], and John F. [isk. int.] Allen, Dec. 16, 1833.*

Sarah Ann, of Boston, and Timothy H. Dakin, int. May 10, 1834.

Catherine, and Daniel Richards of Danvers, Dec. 4, 1834.*

John L., and Sarah J. Poor, Dec. 14, 1834.*

Luke E., and Elizabeth Walden, Jan. 25, 1835.*

Sarah, and Thomas Nurse, Feb. 8, 1835.*

Aseneth, and Perley Cleaves, Aug. 4, 1835.*

Harriet S., and George D. Cabot of Boston, at Newton, Dec. 15, 1835. CR12*

Thomas T. [P. int.], and Hannah Brown, June 18, 1836.*

Thomas S., and Elizabeth L. Porter, July 24, 1836.*

Lydia P., and Abial Cudworth [jr. int.] of Chelsea, Aug. 25, 1836.*

Matilda C., and Michael B. Mackay, int. Sept. 4, 1836.

William M., and Margaret Woodward, Dec. 15, 1836.*

George A., and Charlotte H. Coffin, Jan. 26, 1837. [Jan. 25. PR508]*

John W[illiam PR508], of Methuen, and Julia A[nn. PR508] Saltmarsh, int. June 11, 1837. [m. July 20. PR508]

Catherine E., and William A. Lander, Sept. 20, 1837.*

Alzira, of Beverly, and William Lefavour, Jan. 15, 1838.*

James L., of Wenham, and Sally W. Howard, Jan. 16, 1838.*

Rebecca A., and John H. Silsbee, May 15, 1838.*

David, and Angelina S. Tozzer, Nov. 1, 1838.*

Casandana, and Amos S. [L. int.] Vincent, Nov. 17, 1838.*

John C., and Sarah Lang Richardson, June 13, 1839. [June 12. PR88]*

E.L.L., and John E. Dearborn, int. Aug. 11, 1839.

Caroline M., and Otis Gove, both of Lynn, Nov. 25, 1839.

Susan L., and John Appleton of Portland, ME, Nov. 27, 1840.*

Martha S., and Charles B. Elwell, Apr. 6, 1841.*

William, 2d, of Beverly, and Charlotte Burke, Apr. 13, 1841.*

George A., of Danvers, and Sarah H. Wiggin, Sept. 2, 1841. [ Sept. 3. PR508]*

Eliza Ann, and J. Strong Bancroft, Dec. 4, 1841. PR88

Huldah, of Hamilton, and Wood Fornis, int. Mar. 6, 1842.

Peter, and Jane Goodwin of Danvers, Nov. 10, 1842.*

Lucy N., and William A. Gray, Dec. 22, 1842.*

Martha, and Benjamin Goodhue [jr. int.], June 29, 1843.*

Lydia P., and Lewis Lawrence, jr., Sept. 18, 1843.*

George W., and Mary Ann Dodge of Wenham, int. Nov. 5, 1843.

Mary Ann, of Wenham, and George W. Dodge, int. Nov. 5, 1843.

Benjamin, and Lucy A. [M. int.] Pike, May 19, 1844.*

Joseph L. [S. int.], and Louisa C. Holland, July 14, 1845.*

Enos, and Eliza Ann Rowell, Aug. 3, 1845. CR12 [1844. PR568]*

Temple, and Phoebe Ann Wheeler, Aug. 5, 1845.*

Emma Eaton, and John H. Batchelder, Mar. 19, 1846. PR359

William, and Lydia Ann Bassett, int. Aug. 30, 1846.

Ebenezer, jr., and Sarah Abbot Putnam, int. July 4, 1847.

Isaac B., of Danvers, and Mary E. Varney, int. Apr. 8, 1849.

Uziel, of Beverly, and Harriet N. Chelhis, Nov. 8, 1849.*


Ezra W., of Rumney, NH, and Louisa J. Lockwood, Sept. 13, 1835.*

DOGAN (Dugan)

Cornelius [Dagan. int.], laborer, and Catherine Mahoney, both b. Ireland, May 20, 1849.*

DOHERTY (Dougherty)

Catherine, and John Coffay, int. Apr. 16, 1843.

Mary [Donelly. int.], and Charles McDermott, b. Ireland, Oct. 28, 1847.*

DOICK (Doke)

Stephen, and Mary Collins, July 12, 1720.

DOKE (Doak, Doick)

Ruth, and William Barr [2d m., s. James and Mary (Ropes). dup.], Dec. 2, 1788.

Jane, and Samuel Felton, Mar. 13, 1806.*

Hanna, and Thomas Bowling, Mar. 12, 1812.*

DOLAN (Doolan)

John, and Sarah Green, Dec. 1, 1844.*

Rosana, and James Cuffee, int. Sept. 15, 1845.

James, and Mary Leonard, both of Gloucester, both b. Ireland, Feb. 15, 1849.

DOLBA (Dolbear)

John E., and Mary Garerson, int. June 27, 1835.

DOLBEAR (Dolba, Dolbier)

John, and Mary Herbert, Jan. 17, 1714-15.*

John, and Mary Lander, Nov. 29, 1723.

Mary, wid., and Ebenezer Henderson, Dec. 2, 1730.*

Thomas [Delbear. int.], and Hannah Clemonds, certif. Oct. 12, 1779.*


Sarah, of Salisbury, and Philip Gibs, int. Sept. 4, 1779.

Sally, and Elijah C. Webster, at Kensington, Nov. 13, 1803.

Sarah, of Newbury, and William B. Dodge, int. Feb. 20, 1807.

Sarah, wid., and Simon Wardwell [of Andover. int.], Oct. 14, 1819.*

Susan H[eard, of Newbury. int.], and Rev. John P[ayne. int.] Cleveland, at Byfield, Nov. 6, 1827.*

Moses, of Danvers, and Hannah Herrick, int. Mar. 29, 1840.


Margaret, and John McMullen, int. Aug. 15, 1847.


John, and Mrs. Elizabeth Pike, Dec. 1, 1737.*


Elizabeth, see Dolhonez, Elizabeth.


Elizabeth, jr. [Dolhonde. int.], and Samuel Grant, Dec. 28, 1762.*

DOLIVER (Dolliver)

Mary P., and Charles Staniford, Oct. 15, 1822.*


David, and Margarett Wallis, int. Mar. 1, 1711-12.

DOLLIBER (Dolliver)

Judith, and Capt. Hugh McLain, Sept. 2, 1810.*

DOLLIVER (Doliver, Dolliber)

John F. [Talor. int.], and Juda Hawkins, Apr. 29, 1804.*

Sarah, and John Fletcher, Oct. 9, 1808.*

Betsey, wid., and Ebenezer Clark, Aug. 20, 1809.

Sarah, of Marblehead, and Andrew Wiggin, int. Feb. 19, 1820.

Sarah, of Marblehead, and William Gavett, jr., int. Mar. 24, 1821.

Sarah, and Edward Orne, Jan. 31, 1832.*

Charlotte, and Thomas Williams, Apr. 28, 1840.*

John, and Martha Hovy [Hervey. int.], Sept. 25, 1843.*


Michael, and Eliza Clifford, int. Nov. 3, 1839.

DONAHOE (Donohue)

Margaret, a. 27 y., and John Deering, of Lynn, a. 30 y., currier, s. _____ of Ireland, Apr. 13, 1845.

DONALD (McDonald)

Mary [McDonald. int.], and John Walker, Nov. 7, 1784.*

DONALDSON (Donelson)

John, and Sarah Hecleton, certif. July 19, 1780.*

Adam, and Rebecca Rue [Rebecca White. int.], certif. Aug. 29, 1781.*

Elizabeth, and Peter Hogan, Jan. 1, 1797.*

Alexander, and Elizabeth Peele, Dec. 14, 1800.*

Peggy, and Jonathan Haraden, certif. July 19, 1802.*

Lucy, and Simeon Farnham, June 28, 1807.*

William, and Hannah Rapp, Nov. 28, 1816.*

Isabella, and William Webb, jr., Mar. 29, 1825.*

Alexander, and Lydia Kinsley, May 23, 1833.*

Amelia, and George Goss, int. Apr. 7, 1839.

Ann G., d. Alexander and Elizabeth, and Gardner Barton, June 23, 1840.*

DONAVAN (Denovan, Donevan, Donnoven, Dunevan, Duneven)

Hannah, and Henry Gavett, Apr. 16, 1848.*


Mary, see Doherty, Mary.

DONELSON (Donaldson)

Elizabeth, and Barnard Lovely, Sept. 17, 1837.*

DONEVAN (Donavan)

Luke, and Lydia Robenson, July 20, 1769.

Michael, and Mary M. Cowskin [Cowkin. int.; Cowghin. CR14], Jan. 16, 1838.*

Jeremiah, a. 25 y., laborer, s. Charles and Mary, and Johana Murphey, a. 23 y., d. Lawrence and Mary, Aug. 26, 1846.*

John, and Ellen Sullivan, both b. Ireland, June 8, 1847.*

Ellen, and Patrick Quinn, both b. Ireland, Aug. 4, 1849.*


Benjamin, see Dunham, Benjamin.

DONNEL (O'Donnell)

Lydia, and Jonathan Horton, May 26, 1772.*

Cornelius O., and Mary Murphy, Nov. 4, 1827.*

DONNOVEN (Donavan)

Hugh, and Mary Mason, int. Aug. 8, 1755.

DONOHUE (Donahoe)

Margaret, and Thomas Mackey, b. Ireland, Jan. 15, 1848.

DONOVAN (Donavan)


John, and Mary Relihan, both b. Ireland, July 16, 1848.

DOOLAN (Dolan)

Maurice [Daelan. int.], and Ann Devany, both b. Ireland, Aug. 10, 1849.*


Richard, and Catharine Nelson, at Danvers, May 28, 1818.*

DORCY (Dorsey)

Dennis, and Judith Campbell, both b. Ireland, Sept. 3, 1848.*

DORET (Dorett)

Stephen, and Esther G. Bartlett, Feb. 5, 1832.*

DORETT (Doret)

Stephen, and Hannah W. Bartlett, int. Mar. 23, 1845.


Judeth, of Topsfield, and Samuel Porter, at Topsfield, Jan. 14, 1695-6.

Ellenor, of Topsfield, and Nathaniel Porter, at Topsfield, Dec. 16, 1701.

Jessee, and Ruth Porter, at Topsfield, Nov. 26, 1707-8.

Susanna, of Topsfield, and Joseph Fuller, int. Aug. 8, 1713.

Thomas, of Topsfield, and Elizabeth Flinte, June 17, 1735.*

Mary [of Topsfield. int.], and Joseph Porter, at Topsfield, May 25, 1738.*


Benjamin, and Margaret Battoon [Batton. int.], Oct. 26, 1779.*

Margaret [wid. int.], and [Capt. int.], Joseph Strout, Dec. 15, 1784.*


Peter, and, wid. Mary Poland, int. Mar. 7, 1823.

DORSEY (Dorcy)

Hammond, of Baltimore, and Elizabeth Pickering of Wenham, Aug. 12, 1816.

DORTON (Doten)

Edward, and Sarah Moses, certif. Nov. 4, 1778.*


Henry, and Jenny Epes [of Danvers. int.], Mar. 14, 1781.*

DOTEN (Dorton)

Sarah Matilda, of Pomfret, and Henry L. Page, int. Feb. 27, 1830. (Certificate Mar. 14.)

DOTY (Doughty, Doutee, Dowtey)

John F., of Manchester, and Betsey M. Herrick, Sept. 26, 1847.*

DOUCE (Dowst)

Richard, and Mary Marston, Oct. 16, 1724.

DOUGAN (Dugan)

John, and Charlotte Brown, certif. Feb. 10, 1805.*


Mary, and William Twiss, June 6, 1728.*

Joseph, jr., and Elizabeth Twiss, July 28, 1747.*

DOUGLAS (Douglass)

William, and Keturah Rea, Mar. [3. TC], 1723-4.

Elizabeth, and Samuel Cook [3d. int.], July 28, 1735.*

Sarah, and Stephen Osborn, Dec. 12, 1735.*

Sussanna, of Plainfield, CT, and Rev. Joshua Spalding, int. Feb. 19, 1788.

Abiah, of Plainfield, CT, and Benjamin Smith, int. Aug. 25, 1797.

DOUGLASS (Douglas, Duglas)

Hannah, of Lowell, and Jonathan Smothers, Oct. 19, 1830.

William, and Mrs. Elizabeth Odell, May 5, 1831.*

DOUST (Dowst)

John, and Damaris Tuttle of Chelsea, int. July 20, 1751.

Samuel, and Nabby Very, Oct. 2, 1788.*

John, and Patty Neal [wid. int.], Nov. 26, 1789.*

Sally, and John Clefton, Mar. 8, 1791.*

Richard, and Polly Snow, July 13, 1793.*

Jane, and James Sanders of Marblehead, June 5, 1796.*

Joseph, and Nancy Standley, Sept. 23, 1798.*


Patience, and Benjamin Follit, Mar. 13, 1706-7.

Joseph, andf Elizabeth Nurse, Dec. 4, 1707.


Hana, and Richard Harris, Mar. 10, 1670. CTR

Elizabeth, and Samuel Wakefeild, June 2, 1675.

William, of Boston, and Dorcas Wakefield, June 30, 1715.*

Samuel, and Mrs. Sarah Creesy of Beverly, at Beverly, Aug. 8, 1758.*

Sarah, and Benjamin Warring, Jan. 13, 1759.

John, and Mercy Beadle, Dec. 8, 1768.

John, and Elizabeth Meek [of Marblehead. int.], certif. July 26, 1781.*

Mary, of Marblehead, and John Stevens, at Marblehead, Apr. 7, 1784.

Hannah, and John Deland, Jan. 27, 1788.*

Hannah, and Thomas Whitney, int. Aug. 6, 1803.

Hannah, and Joseph B. Winn, July 29, 1804.*

Eliza [Elizabeth. PR241], and Philip S[now. PR241] Hamlet, July 14, 1807.*


Zerviah, and John Straw, Dec. 24, 1740.*

William, and Elizabeth Blany, Sept. 9, 1748. PR78*

Enoch, and Mary Brooks, Oct. 6, 1805.*

Israel, of Newburyport, and Jane Davis, int. Dec. 7, 1805.

Josiah, and Rebecca Maria Phippen, Jan. 5, 1806. [Jan. 15. CR1]*

Lois, and Charles Stickney, Dec. 2, 1814.*

Benjamin, of Boston, and Mary Proctor, Dec. 28, 1815.*

Margaret, and Charles Stickney, Nov. 20, 1821.*

Aaron, of Boston, and Susan Reeves, int. Aug. 18, 1827.

Harriet, and James Simpson of New Hampton, NH, int. Oct. 1, 1837.

Abigail, of Seabrook, NH, and George A. Farnum, int. Nov. 27, 1845.


Andrew, see Drowbridge, Andrew.

Lucy A., and Charles C. Briggs, Oct. 28, 1844.*


John [of Danvers. int.], and Eliza Conrey, both b. Ireland, July 3, 1849.*


Mary [Downie. int.], and Henry Russell, June 5, 1817.*


William, and Elizabeth Ann Trippet, int. Nov. 14, 1835.


Michael, and Margaret Daley, both b. Ireland, Aug. 6, 1848.

DOWN (Downs)

Melissa, and Benjamin P. Stevens, int. Oct. 15, 1848.

DOWNES (Downs)

Juda, formerly of Kittery, late of Portsmouth, and Tomothy Atkinson, May 4, 1768.

Isaac Weston, and Sukey Hooper of Marblehead, int. Jan. 30, 1796.


Mary, see Dowen, Mary.

John, and Mary Yell [Hill. CR4], Apr. 7, 1805.*

Elizabeth H., and Richard H. Farrington, July [25. in pencil], 1830.*

John A., and Elizabeth Albree, Apr. 12, 1838.*


Priscilla, and Nathaniell Carrill, --- --, 1683.

Margerett, and Joseph Collings, June 9, 1686. CTR

Margerett, and Henry Newman, Dec. 16, 1686. CTR

Thomas, and Mary Chadwell, Apr. 15, 1698. CTR

Richard, and Anstis Palfrey, Jan. 1, 1712-13.*

Caleb, of Lynn, and Mary Goold, Mar. 2, 1726-7.

Richard, and Temperence Darby, Aug. 24, 1738.*

Thomas, and Martha Tiler, Aug. 30, 1744.*

Palfry, and Elizabeth Ingolls, Aug. 17, 1749.*

Thomas, of Lynn, and Mary Silsby, Dec. 6, 1753.*

Elizabeth [wid. int.], and Nathaniel Symonds, Aug. 20, 1761.*

Thomas, and Martha Cutler, Aug. 3, 1766.

Hannah, and Ebenezer Cook, Dec. 10, 1767.

Elizabeth, and Ephraim Symonds, Mar. 20, 1770.*

Thomas, and Abigail Brown, Mar. 29, 1770.*

Lucy, and Benjamin Webb, certif. Jan. 3, 1774.*

Experience, and William Boden, certif. July 18, 1774.*

Benjamin, and Sally Hale, certif. Oct. 31, 1797.*

Thomas [s. Thomas and Abagail Brown. PR228], and Katy [Catherine. dup.] Williams, [d. Henry and Abagail Russell. PR228], Sept. 12, 1799.*

Betsy, and Samuel Nutting, int. June 17, 1805.

Margaret, of Danvers, and John Burnham, certif. Aug. 25, 1805.*

Sally, Mrs., and Charles Anderson, Oct. 7, 1807.*

Richard [of Danvers. int.; and CR12]. and Ruth Harrington, certif. Oct. 14, 1809.*

Sarah, and William A. Homans of Beverly, Jan. 30, 1820.*

Thomas [jr. int.; s. Thomas and Katy Williams. PR228], and Nancy Brown [d. Nathanael and Mary Pickering. PR228], Oct. 30, 1823.*

Charles M., and Mary Ann Arnold of Bevery, July 2, 1829.*

Caleb, and Mrs. Eunice D. Conoly, int. Feb. 19, 1831. (Certificate Mar. 10.)

Hannah, and David Bates, int. Oct. 5, 1833.

Hannah, Mrs., and Enoch Bryant, May 18, 1834.*

Catherine, and James B. Ferguson, Apr. 24, 1835.*

John W., and Sarah R. Pomroy, Jan. 25, 1836.*

Mary [of Danvers. int.], and Joseph Hale, at Danvers, Apr. --, 1836.*

Eunice D., and Frederic A. Byron, Nov. 19, 1837.

Maryann A., and Enoch Bryant, jr., int. July 24, 1842.

Elijah H., and Mary A. Converse, Dec. 21, 1842. PR392

Edward, and Bridget Gallan, both of Ireland, Sept. 18, 1849.*

Bridget, and John Burns, both b. Ireland, Oct. 14, 1849.*


Richard [Dowsley. int.], and [Mrs. int.] Sally Curwen, Oct. 2, 1825.*


Nancy, of Gloucester, and Joshua Patfield, int. May 21, 1808.


Richard, see Downsley, Richard.


Elizabeth, and Jonathan Southwick, Sept. 17, 1729.*


Polly, and James Brace, Dec. 11, 1791.*

Sally, and Jonathan Nick, July 10, 1796.

Lucy, of Sedgewick, and Robert Upton, int. Aug. 22, 1811.

Thomas, and Mary Upton, Aug. 6, 1822.*

Patrick, and Eliza Newhall, Apr. 7, 1825.*

Judith, of Boston, and Edward Martin, int. Apr. 28, 1826. (Discontinued after 2 publishments.)

Mary B., and Ephraim S. Price, June 10, 1828.*

Elizabeth [Mrs. int.], and Joseph Silver, Aug. 31, 1828.*

Mary Anna, d. Thomas, and Edward Wyman of Boston, Oct. 10, 1844.*

William, and Mary Eliza Monies, int. Jan. 18, 1846.


William, and Nabby Fuller, int. Dec. 15, 1804.

Urcilla M., and Oliver K. Wellman, Nov. 6, 1808.*

Julia E., and Samuel T. Brown of Lynn, Nov. 10, 1836.*

Simon W., and Nancy Haley, both of Boston, Aug. 27, 1843.

Mary Irene, and Silas C. Allen of Danvers, Dec. 13, 1846.*

John L., of New York, and Caroline A. Sprague, Oct. 17, 1849.*

DRESDALL (Drisdell)

Michael [Drisdall. int.], and Elizabeth Frye [wid. int.], Jan. 29, 1765.*


Mary, and Daniel Mead of Deerfield, NH, July 6, 1813.*

Irena, and Porter Holland, int. July 22, 1849.


Thomas, and Betsey Wallace of Danvers, int. Aug. 22, 1819.

John, a. 34 y., laborer, s. _____, of Ireland, and Bridget Welsh, wid., a. 40 y., Aug. 22, 1844.*

Catherine, a. 27 y., and James Monaghan of Georgetown, a. 32 y., laborer, s. _____ of Ireland, Sept. 23, 1844.

Nancy [of Lynn. int.], and Edward Hardford [Hartford. int.], b. Ireland, Aug. 22, 1847.*


Michael, see Dresdall, Michael.

DRISDELL (Dresdall)

Elizabeth, and Daniel Jacobs [of Danvers. int.], Apr. 10, 1776.*


Mary, and Daniel Grant, Mar. 6, 1692-3. CTR

Thomas, and Mary Ingolls, Jan. 1, 1712-13. [Jan. 4. dup.]*

Michael, and Sarah Gray, Nov. 4, 1714.*

Sarah, and Paul Mansfield, jr., int. July 24, 1731.

Stephen, and Susanna Pope [of Boston. int.], at Boston, Feb. 21, 1736.*

Mary, and William Murrey, May 3, 1737.*

Sarah, and Benjamin Bray, jr., July 11, 1746.*

Margaret, and Thomas Phippen, Nov. 2, 1749.*

Elizabeth, and John Bray, Apr. 8, 1750.*

Michal, and Sarah Bray, Jan. 17, 1754. PR78*

Stephen, and Elizabeth Lawrence of Marblehead, at Marblehead, Nov. 16, 1770.

Benjamin, and Hannah Welman, int. Jan. 28, 1786.

Thomas, and Rebecca Wellman, June 26, 1791. [certif. CR12]*

Stephen, jr., and Ruth Metcalf, certif. June 27, 1795.*

Sally, and George Smith, certif. June 10, 1796.*

Hannah, and Stephen Grover of Malden, Dec. 16, 1798.*

Betsy, and John Bell, certif. Feb. 27, 1802.*

Thomas, and [wid. int.] Mary Archer, Feb. 19, 1804.*

Hannah, and Israel Dodge of Wenham, int. Mar. 20, 1809.

Rebecca, and Joseph Dalton, July 7, 1811.*

Sally, and John Preston, Sept. 26, 1811.*

Ruth, and Charles Millet, Aug. 24, 1817. [Apr. PR526]*

Stephen, 3d, and Mary Beckford, Jan. 14, 1821.*

Thomas, and Mehitable Luscomb, May 20, 1821.*

Catherine M., and Eben Buswell, Apr. 16, 1826.*

Joseph M. Rev., of Reading, and Maria M. Saunders, Nov. 24, 1828.*

George, and Mary Pitman, Apr. 28, 1829.*

William, and Martha Babbage, Sept. 19, 1830.*

Stephen, jr., and Susannah P. Smith, int. Aug. 8, 1835.

George, and Sophia D. Field, Aug. 12, 1835.*

Eliza, and Nathaniel Alley of Lynn, int. Dec. 30, 1838.

Harriet, and William Waters of Andover, Oct. 24, 1839.*

Mary B., and William P. Fuller, int. June 8, 1845.


Andrew [Dowbridge. int.], and Mary A. [N. int.] Martin, Sept. --, 1825.*

DROWN (Drowne)

Peter, of Boston, and Mary Ann Saunders, Aug. 23, 1835.*

DROWNE (Drown)

Dorothy, Mrs., and Samuel Flagg, merchant, at Dunstable, NH, Aug. 30, 1772.


John, and Lydia Reeves, Apr. 3, 1828.*


Thomas, and Mary Hall [late of Portsmouth. int.], certif. Jan. 22, 1774.*


Esther, and James Moore, July 2, 1844.*


Hannah, see Duewell, Hannah.


Hannah [Ducwell. int.], and Joseph Pensho, Oct. 11, 1818.*


Mary, and Mathew Moran, Nov. 25, 1836. [Nov. 27. int.]*

Catherine, of Manchester, a. 19 y., d. Thomas and Mary, and Edward Gallagar of Manchester, a. 23 y., laborer, s. Owen and Peggy, Aug. 19, 1846.

Elenor [Sarah E. int.], and Benjamin P. Bennett, Sept. 7, 1846.*

John, and Priscilla Hersey, d. Benjamin, Dec. 30, 1849.*

DUGAN (Dogan, Dougan)

Charlotte, and Joseph Castel, Feb. 22, 1808.*


John, and Phebe Holt, July 23, 1812.*


John, and Elizabeth Smith, int. Oct. 19, 1728.

Shubial, and Deborah Moody of Newbury, int. Feb. 4, 1808.


Asa, Rev. [late of Weston. int.], and Mary Jones of Weston, at Weston, Oct. 22, 1772.*

George W., and Sarah D. Dix of Hubbardston, int. June 4, 1848.

DUNBEVEN (Dunbiben)

Elizabeth [Mrs. int.], and John Ostrom, July 13, 1806.*

DUNBIBEN (Dunbeven)

John, and Elizabeth Knight, Dec. 21, 1800.*


William, and Sarah Fowler, at Danvers, Dec. 30, 1806.

Harriet Jane, and James Balch, June 27, 1833.*

Sarah A., and John F. Putnam, May 13, 1834.*

Catherine E., and George B. Foster of Boston, Oct. 18, 1841.*

DUNCKLEA (Dunklee)

Betsey, of Danvers, and Ebenezer Twist, int. June 28, 1800.

DUNCKLEE (Dunklee)

Silence, and Caleb Putnam, Dec. 7, 1720.


James, of Scotland, and Elenor Shaddock of Marblehead, Nov. 13, 1762.

DUNEVAN (Donavan)

Michael, and Julia Spann, int. Dec. 28, 1845.

DUNEVEN (Donavan)

Ellen, and John McCarty, int. Jan. 25, 1846.


Benjamin [Donham, of Martha's Vineyard. int.] and Hannah Daland, July 25, 1779.*

Hannah, and Stephen Burchmore, Apr. --, 1806.*

DUNKELLY (Dunklee)

Sarah, and John Oakman, int. May 30, 1784.


John, and Jane Jones, certif. July 17, 1786.*

DUNKLEE (Duncklea, Duncklee, Dunkelly, Dunkle, Dunkley, Dunkly)

Betsy, and Mitchell Duvall, May 1, 1825.*

Mary, and Joshua Foster, Sept. 28, 1826.*

Louisa A., and Abner H. Hardy [jr., of Westboro. int.] of Woburn, Aug. 29, 1847.*

DUNKLEY (Dunklee)

John, and Abigail Porter, July 15, 1794.*


Sarah, and John Shaw, June 28, 1787.*

DUNKLY (Dunklee)

Elizabeth [Deliverance. int. and CR12], and Samuel Moses, June 22, 1788. [certif. CR12]*


James, and Sally Stone, Sept. 18, 1793. [certif. CR12]*

Abigail, and George Runnals, int. June 27, 1807.

Anstiss S., and Benjamin Barstow, June 10, 1822. [June 18. dup.]*

James, and Elizabeth C. Tate of Newburyport, int. Dec. 27, 1846.

DUNNEL (Dunnell)

Jonathan, of Lynn, and Mehitabel Kenney, Aug. 21, 1727.*

Michael, and Lucey Town, both of Topsfield, Sept. 27, 1727.

DUNNELL (Dunnel)

John, of Topsfield, and Mary Read, Feb. 25, 1701-2.


Eleanor, of Danvers, and Michael McClinton of Derryfield, Oct. 8, 1787.

DUNSACK (Dunzack)

Hannah B., and John Hovey [jr. int.], Oct. 30, 1828.*

Bersheba N., and John W. Stocker, Aug. 4, 1838.*


Ebenezer [of Boston. int.], and Margaret Gould [jr. int.], Nov. 7, 1743.*

DUPAR (Depah)

Elias Mullet, of Marblehead, and Polly McElroy, Sept. 24, 1797.*

DURGEN (Durgin)

Mark H., and Mrs. Ann Gracia, int. Aug. 5, 1838. (Forbid by the Overseers of the Poor.)

Abby E., of Boston, and Nathaniel Andrew, May 23, 1839.*

Charles, and Esther Ann Troffater, May 24, 1843.*

DURGIN (Dergin, Durgen)

Sophronia R., and George W. Wilkins, both of Providence, RI, Nov. 20, 1848.

DURICK (Derich)

John, and, wid. Hannah Davis, certif. Aug. 26, 1786.*

Mary, and Samuel Dana, Dec. 10, 1809.*

Mary, Mrs., and Thomas Hamblin, Dec. 18, 1811.*


Jane, and John Elwell, Oct. 1, 166[7. TC] CTR

Susana, and John Best, 10: 8m: 1670. CTR


John, and Catherine McDonald, both b. Ireland, May 2, 1847.

William, and Catherine Conry, int. May 2, 1847.


Mary, and Thomas Perkins, Dec. 1, 1823.*

Jonathan, and Elizabeth Emery of Saco, ME, int. Dec. 25, 1836.


Martha, and John Legroe, Apr. 13, 1699. CTR

John, and Fanny Jones of Danvers, at Danvers, Apr. 19, 1770.*

Fanny, and William Lang, jr., Sept. 4, 1796.*

John [jr. int.], and Hananh Batchelder of Beverly, at Beverly, Apr. 29, 1798.*

Mary, and William Hathorne [jr. int.], Apr. 3, 1800.*

Sally, and William Nichols, Sept. 13, 1801.*

Sophia, and Nathaniel Fowle, Mar. 25, 1810.*

George, and Rosamond Rea, certif. Sept. 23, 1812.*

Nathaniel D., and Mehitable Moneys, int. June 3, 1815. (Banns forbidden by Mehitable Moneys.)

Sarah, and Luther Parks of Boston, Feb. 11, 1816.*

Eliza, and Jacob Jones, June 15, 1817.*

Alfred [of Boston. int.], and Susan B. Felt, Sept. 24, 1829.*

Priscilla, and Eben [Ebenezer. int.] Putnam of Danvers, May 7, 1844.*


Francis, and Harriet Stanley, Dec. 31, 1840.*

Joseph M., and Mary Elliot, Feb. 22, 1846.*


James W. [of Lowell. int.], and Havilah Whitney Whitney, Dec. 13, 1848.*

DUVALL (Duville)

Mitchell, and Betsy Dunklee, May 1, 1825.*

DUVILLE (Duvall)

Francis, and Hanna Felton [of Marblehead. int.], July 16, 1812.*

DWANIEL (Dwinell)

Maudlin, of Topsfield, and James Holgate, at Topsfield, Mar. 3, 1722-3.

DWENELL (Dwinell)

Daniel B., and Lucinda Sargent, int. July 2, 1843.


William [of Springfield. int.], and Eliza A. White, Sept. 16, 1830.*

DWINALD (Dwinell)

Sally, of Danvers, and Isaac Blanchard, int. Feb. 23, 1805.

DWINEL (Dwinell)

Mary, of Topsfield, and John Homes of Marblehead, Nov. 23, 1726.

DWINELL (Dwaniel, Dwenell, Dwinald, Dwinel, Dwinnel, Dwinnell)

Michael, of Topsfield, and Charity Cotta, July 6, 1737.*

John, and Elizabeth Kitredge of Andover, int. May 13, 1775.

Hannah [K. int.], and John Melvil, Oct. 4, 1807.*

Stephen P., and Sarah A. Bruce of Salem, NY, Oct. 12, 1837.*

Daniel B., s. John, deceased, and Lucinda Sargeant, May 19, 1844.

David L.M., and Mary A. Estes, int. Sept. 29, 1844.

Sarah Ann, Mrs., and George F. Thomas, int. Sept. 24, 1848.

DWINNEL (Dwinell)

Sarah B., and George F. Thomas, Aug. 25, 1841.*

Maria B., and John N. Martin, June 9, 1842.*

DWINNELL (Dwinell)

Patty C. [G. int.], and Joseph Haines, Sept. 11, 1806.*

Martha H., and Amos F. Smith, int. Oct. 10, 1829. (Certificate Nov. 2.)

DWIRE (Dwyer)

Edmund [Dwyer. int.], and Anna Grant, Oct. 31, 1774.*

Patric, and Hannah Woodbury, Aug. 22, 1802.*

William, and Lydia Currier, Apr. 16, 1809.*

DYER (Dier)

Rachel, and Henry Cook, Apr. 11, 1722.

John, and Mary Burroughs, Feb. 7, 1796.*

Polly [wid. CR11], and Philip Lewis, Oct. 29, 1797.

Susanna, and Job Porter of Marblehead, int. Aug. 15, 1805.

Eleanor, and John Black, int. Dec. 22, 1810.

Ellen, and John Francis, int. July 30, 1825.

Desire C., and John H. Davis, Apr. 22, 1846.*

DYKE (Dike)

Jonathan, of Ipswich, and Bethiah Baker, Dec. 8, 1698.

John [Dike, of Beverly. int.], and Anna Chipman [wid. int.], July 10, 1798.*

DYMAN (Dimon)

Rebecca, and David Browne, int. July 10, 1779.