NorthShore Slavery


Hannah, wid. John and d. Samuel and Elizabeth Towne, a. 89 y., "died at the almsmhouse," old age, Oct. 27, 1822.


Sarah, w. Moses D., of Newburyport, and d. David and Sarah Lake, a. 30 y. 9 m., consumption, Nov. 24, 1841.

William, s. Moses D., of Newburyport, a. 2 y. 2 m., dysentery, Aug. 24, 1842.

RAY (Rea)

_____, s. William and Louisa, a. 11 d., Sept. 14, 1848. [9 d. CR]

Horace, s. William and Louisa, a. 11 y. 1 m. 4 d., July 9, 1844.

Louisa Cleaveland d. William and Louisa, tumor, a. 10 y., May 30, 1846.

REA (Ray)

Uzziel, Nov. 20, 1754. CR

Caleb, inf. s. Archelaus, Sept. 10, 1757. CR

Mary, wid., "an aged woman," bet Apr. 14 and Sept. 7, 1775. CR

John, a. 67 y., dropsy, June 14, 1797. CR

_____, ch. Israel, a. 2 y., Jan. 28, 1799. CR

Mary, d. John, a. 21 y., Apr. 8, 1803. [Polly, Apr. 7. CR and. PR1]

_____, wid. John, a. 73 y., June 18, 1803. CR

Joshua, of Boxford, "killed by a wagon running over him in Topsfield," Oct. 12, 1803. PR1

Ruth, unm., d. John, Oct. 29, 1812.

John, s. 79 y., consumption, May 26, 1821.

John, Capt., s. John, "he threw himself into a well, having previously attempted to cut his throat. Delirium Tremens," a. 41 y., suicide, Jan. 28, 1832.

_____, ch. Capt. John, deceased, and Lydia, a. 7 m., Feb. 11, 1832.

John, s. Capt. John and Mercy, "fell from a wagon and was killed by the wheels passing over his head," a. 10 y. 6 m., nearly, Apr. 20, 1833.

Mercy Ann, d. John and Mercy, a. 8 y. 6 m. 24 d., consumption, May 7, 1834.

Mercy, w. John, youngest d. Josiah and Mercy Lamson, a. 42 y. 4 1/2 m., consumption, May 1, 1835.

Lois, w. Israel, d. John and Anna Lamson, a. 66 y. 10 m., internal tumor, June 12, 1835.

Alanson Augustus Whitcomb, s. Israel and Eliza Ann M., a. 14 m., Dec. 20, 1838.

Israel, s. John, a. 76 y., Apr. 23, 1839.

Anna, wid. John (who d. in 1821), a. 91 y., dropsy, July 6, 1844.


Sally, a. 62 y., consumption, Aug. 25, 1840. [54 y. CR]

REDDINGTON (Redington)

Dorcas, d. Jacob and Elisabeth, Dec. 1, 1729. CR

Daniel, Dea., Sept. 28, 1732. [ Sept. 27. CR]

Elizabeth, wid., Oct. 8, 1732. CR

Phineas, s. Phineas, May 2, 1735.

Sarah, d. Phinehas, Sept. 9, 1736.

Sarah, d. Daniel, Oct. 5, 1736. CR

Dorcas, d. Daniel, Oct. 23, 1736. CR

Margarett, d. Daniel, Oct. 25, 1736. CR

Thomas, s. Daniel, Oct. 25, 1736. CR

Phinehas, s. Phinehas, May 16, 1739.

_____, w. Daniel, Oct. 23, 1743. CR

Daniel, June 29, 1750.

Jonathan, "died in ye war," --- --, 1755. CR

Elizabeth, wid., "an aged Woman," Jan. 31, 1772. CR

REDINGTON (Reddington)

John, Nov. 15, 1690. CTR

John, s. John, Mar. [8?], 1659.

Issack, s. Abraham, May 4, 1659.


Edward R., of Danvers, a. 19 y. 8 m., typhus fever, Nov. 5, 1838. [Read. CR]


Joseph, "supposed to be in his 97th year," Oct. 23, 1739. CR

_____, Mr., "a native of Marblehead, found Dead in ye field," a. 52 y., Dec. 20, 1795. CR

Elisabeth, wid. John, "late of Marblehead," Jan. 27, 1814.


Dorothy, wid., "and aged woman," Feb. 16, 1764. CR


Joseph, s. Joseph and Martha, May 30, 1729. CR

Jacob, Nov. 30, 1730. CR

_____, ch. Joseph, Jan. 17, 1731-2. CR

Joseph, Sept. 26, 1734. CR

_____, inf., youngest ch. Jacob, July 18, 1745. CR

Jacob, jr., "who was drowned," Dec. 7, 1752. CR

Ebenezer, s. Jacob, May 15, 1753. CR

Jacob, jr., "a young man drowned at ye Eastward," Aug. 7, 1753. CR

Zacheus, "a youth," Nov. 16, 1760. CR


Deborah, d. William, Nov. 12, 1736.

Deborah, w. William, July 22, 1744. CR

Deborah, inf. d. Wiliam, Aug. 4, 1744. CR


Sally, wid. Frederick, and eldest d. Silas and Mehitable Bickford, a. 39 y. 7 1/2 m., consumption and fever, Sept. 25, 1833.

Timothy, "a Revolutionary soldier," s. Jabesh [Jabez. CR], b. "in Ipswich near the Topsfield line," a. 92 y. 6 m., old age, Jan. 13, 1844.


_____, wid., a. 90 y., May 13, 1795. CR