NorthShore Slavery


Mary, and Ephriam Smith [both of Boxford. CR], Sept. 6, 1694. CTR

John, of Danvers, and Hannah Towne, Feb. 12, 1754.*

Elizabeth, Mrs., and Adam Ross of Ipswich. int. June 10, 1781.

John, and Ruth Ross, both of Ipswich, Feb. 20, 1792.


Bickford L., and Eunice Carter of Manchester. int. Sept. 1, 1822.


Moses D., of Newburyport, and Sarah Lake, Nov. 27, 1834.*


Mary Porter, of Wenham, and Israel Dodge Elliott. int. Apr. 30, 1820.


Nathaniel, of Beverly, and Sarah Lake. int. June 27, 1773.


Mary, and John Batchelder, 3d, of Salem. int. Apr. 28, 1745.

Archelaus, and May Batchelder of Salem, at Beverly, Nov. 6, 1750.*

Anna, and John Rea, jr. of Danvers, Apr. 6, 1773. CR*

John, jr., of Danvers, and Anna Rea, Apr. 6, 1773. CR*

Elizabeth, and John Lamson, jr. int. Nov. 21, 1779.

Caleb, Dr., and Mrs. Sarah White of Salem. int. June 17, 1781.

Israel, and Lois Lamson [Lampson. int.], Dec. 27, 1791.*

Daniel, and Hannah Gilbert of Danvers. int. Mar. 16, 1800.

John, Capt., s. Israel and Lois, and Mercy Lamson, d. Josiah, Esq., Dec. 26, 1820.*

Sally, and Maj. John Bradstreet of Danvers, Apr. 23, 1826.*

John, Capt., and Lydia Perkins [d. Elijah], Nov. 11, 1827.*

Rosamond, and Daniel Perkins, Nov. 15, 1827.*

Lois, and Sylvester Carter of Danvers, Nov. 29, 1831.*

William, and Louisa Coburn of Boston. int. Apr. 15, 1832.

Israel, jr., and Mrs. Eliza Ann M. Whitcomb of Sullivan, NH, int. Oct. 11, 1834.

Ruth [Ray. int.], and George W. Hubbard, Dec. 1, 1836.*

John, Capt., s. Israel and Lois, and Angeline Sawyer, both of Topsfield, at Ipswich, Sept. 5, 1837.*

Lydia, Mrs., and William B. Perkins of Wenham, Apr. 11, 1838.*

READ (Reed)

Sarah, of Cambridge, and William Fessenden. int. Dec. 16, 1770.


Jean, and Joseph Cree. int. Aug. 25, 1776.


Betsey, and Ezra Perkins, jr., Apr. 4, 1802.


Benjamin, of Marblehead, and Elizabeth Cree. int. Dec. 30, 1778.

REDDINGTON (Redington)

Mary, and John Herrick [of Beverly?], at Beverly, May 25, 1674.

Phinehas, and Dorothy Davison, both of Topsfield, at Ipswich, Nov. 8, 1726.

Martha, and Dan Clark, June 17, 1731.

Rebecca, and Zecheriah Emmery of Chelmsford, at Ipswich, May 20, 1733.

Abraham, and Mary Bayley, Aug. 29, 1733.

Daniel, and Mrs. Elizabeth Stevens of Andover, at Andover, July 3, 1746.*

Olive, and Israel Clarke, Mar. 10, 1796.

REDINGTON (Reddington)

Mary, and John Herreck, May 25, 1674. CTR

Daniell, and Elizabeth Davison, Mar. 23, 1680[-1]. CTR

Sarah, and Christopher Osgood, Dec. 21, 1687. CTR

Mary, and Nathaniel Perkins, Apr. 14, [1715. CR].

Margaritt, and Jonathan Lummus of Ipswich, July 19, 1716.

Jacob, and Elezabeth Hubbard, Nov. 12, 1719.

Daniel, and Philadephia Peabody, Feb. 27, 1721-2.

Mary, and Samuel Howlet, jr., Nov. 22, 1744.*

Elisabeth, and John Hood, Sept. 16, 1746.*

Mary, and Elnathan Hubbard, June 30, 1763.*

REED (Read)

George, of Charlestown, and Melinda Perry, Jan. 28, 1824.*

Elizabeth H., of Danvers, and Richard Phillips, jr. int. Aug. 28, 1831.

Mathew W., and Hannah H. Miller. int. Apr. 5, 1845.

Tobias D., and Mary Ann O. Townsend. int. June 9, 1849.


George W., and Mary P. Russell, both of Middleton, Mar. 11, 1849.

RHODES (Roads)

Sarah [Elizabeth. CR], and Elisha Towne, Feb. 16, 1737-8.

Sarah, and Othniel Thomas, May 13, 1760.*

Anna [Susannah Roades. int.], and Elijah Clarke, Feb. 5, 1761.*

Betsey, and William Thompson, Aug. 17, 1816.*


Esther and John Dwinel, Feb. 5, 1771.*

Joseph, of Newburyport, and Dolly Hobbs, Feb. 23, 1809.*

Louisa, and John Dwinell, jr., s. John and Esther, at Danvers, Mar. 11, 1818.*


David, of Salem, and Rebecca Bailey, at Salem, Apr. 16, 1723.


Wentworth, and Anna Foster. int. Mar. 1, 1812.


John, of Glocester, and Dorothy Robinson [wid. CR], Sept. 2, 1733.

ROADS (Rhodes)

John, of Marblehead, and Elizabeth Grant, at Marblehead, Mar. 15, 1787.*


John, and Margaret Woodwell [both of Salem. CR], June 18, 1694. CTR

Thomas, and Hannah Dorman, Nov. 20, 1695.

Daniell, and Elisabeth Symonds of Boxford, at Boxford, Jan. 15, 17––[pub. July 1, 1728].

Dorathee, and Amos Dorman, Oct. 7, 1702.

Joseph, and Dorcas Dorman, Sept. 25, 1706.

Jacob, and Elisabeth Cummings, May 9, 1709.

Hannah, and Robert Knolton of Ipswich, Nov. 21, 1717.

Joseph, and Martha Perkins, Dec. 16, 1718.

Jacob, and Dorathee Perkins, July 8, 1719.

Samuel, and Anne Andrews of Boxford, at Rowley, Apr. 20, 1727.

Mercy, and Joseph Perkins, at Salem, Nov. 30, 1727.

Jacob, and Mary Gould, Sept. 23, 1731.

John, and Rebeckah Smith of Ipswich, Aug. 28, 1733.

Dorothy [wid. CR], and John Rigg, of Glocester, Sept. 2, 1733.

Amos, of Lunenburgh, and Priscilla Lake, Sept. 3, 1733.

Elizabeth, and Solomon Gould, Dec. 19, 1734.

Martha, wid., and John Perkins, Jr., June 18, 1736.

Martha, and Cornelus Balch of Boxford, Jan. 24, 1739-40.

Amos, of Lunenburgh, and Lydia Wentworth, Nov. 24, 1743.*

Daniel, of Middleton, and Mary Gould, Apr. 27, 1756.*

Dorothy, and Moses Kimball of Andover, Dec. 2, 1761.*


Samuel, od Dunstable, and Martha Marshel, June 9, 1747.*


Susannah, of Boxford, and Jacob Peabody, at Boxford, Feb. 18, 1734-5.

Sarah, and John Wildes, jr., Sept. 29, 1742.


Abigail, of Newbury, and Nathaniel Boarman, at Newbury, June 28, 1710.

Betsey, and Daniel Kneeland s. Aaron and Hannah, May 3, 1798.*


Neland of Ipswich, and Anna Porter. int. Feb. 9, 1777.

Adam, of Ipswich, and Mrs. Elizabeth Ramsdell. int. June 10, 1781.

Hannah, of Ipswich, and Dr. Joseph Bradstreet. int. Nov. 16, 1783.

Ruth, and John Ramsdell, both of Ipswich, Feb. 20, 1792.

Betsey, and Israel Gallop, Oct. 17, 1803.*

Martha, of Ipswich, and William Odell. int. Nov. 18, 1804.

Lydia, and Hezekiah B. [Balch. int.] Perkins, Apr. 7, 1812.*

Frederick, of Ipswich, and Sally Bickford. int. Nov. 20, 1814.

Sally, Mrs., and Joseph Deland. int. Nov. 6, 1831.


Benjamin, of Beverly, and Sarah Peabody. int. Dec. 15, 1754.


Rachel, and David Perkins, 3d, Apr. 15, 1784.*


Silas, and [Mrs. int.] Lucy J. Davis, Mar. 5, 1848.*

Mary P., and Geroge W. Rennord, both of Middleton, Mar. 11, 1849.


Moses, and Sophronia Berry of Middleton. int. Oct. 16, 1825.

Joseph W., and Elizabeth H. Wilds, both of Ipswich, Oct. 6, 1840.

Lucy B., and Daniel P. Clough, both of Danvers, Apr. 21, 1842.